-.. _Recognizing integer literals:
+.. _Recognizing integers: the sentinel method:
-Recognizing integer literals
+Recognizing integers: the sentinel method
This program simply loops over its commad-line arguments
and tries to match each argument against one of the four patterns:
* Default case (when none of the patterns matched) is handled properly (line 17).
* Check for the end of input is disabled (line 9).
- In this case it is safe, because all arguments are ``NULL``-terminated
- and none of the rules matches ``NULL`` in the middle:
- when lexer reaches end of input, it will see ``NULL`` and stop.
+ In this case we can use ``NULL`` character as a sentinel:
+ all arguments are ``NULL``-terminated and none of the rules matches ``NULL`` in the middle.
+ Lexer will inevitably stop when it sees ``NULL``.
It's a common practice to use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;``
in cases when input character set is restricted and one special
- character can be chosen to indicate end of input.
- **But do make sure that the terminating character is not allowed in the middle of a rule!**
+ character can be chosen to indicate the end of input.
+ **But do make sure that the sentinel character is not allowed in the middle of a rule!**
* ``YYMARKER`` (line 6) is needed because rules overlap:
it backups input position of the longest successful match.
Say, we have overlapping rules ``"a"`` and ``"abc"`` and input string ``"abd"``:
- by the time ``"a"`` matches there's still a chance to match ``"abc"``.
- But when lexer sees ``'d'`` it must rollback.
- (You might wonder why the programmer has to bother with ``YYMARKER`` at all: couldn't re2c generate a local variable ``YYMARKER``?
- The thing is, all input pointers must be updated syncronously by ``YYFILL``).
+ by the time ``"a"`` matches there's still a chance to match ``"abc"``,
+ but when lexer sees ``'d'`` it must rollback.
+ (You might wonder why ``YYMARKER`` is exposed at all: why not make it a local variable like ``yych``?
+ The reason is, all input pointers must be updated by ``YYFILL``
+ as explained in example `Arbitrary large input and YYFILL`_.)
Generate, compile and run:
This example is about recognizing strings.
-Strings may contain *any* characters in the range [0 - 0xFF] except quotes (quotes should be escaped).
-It means that (unlike the previous example, `Recognizing integer literals`_)
-we cannot use ``NULL`` or any other character as a terminator.
-We must explicitely check for end of input.
+Strings may contain *any* characters in the range ``[0 - 0xFF]`` except quotes ``"`` and escape ``\`` (they must be escaped).
+It means that (unlike the previous example, `Recognizing integers: the sentinel method`_)
+we cannot use ``NULL`` or any other character as a sentinel:
+strings like ``"aha\0ha"\0`` are perfectly valid, but ``"aha\0`` is also possible and shouldn't crash lexer.
-So how does it work?
-The simplest possible way is to check on each character (right before advancing input position).
-But this is very slow.
-Instead, re2c estimates maximal lexeme length ``YYMAXFILL`` (disregarding loops)
-and generates check if there's at least ``YYMAXFILL`` characters left:
+By default re2c-generated lexers contain explicit checks for the end of input
+(these checks can be suppressed with ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;`` configuration).
+A naive approach is to check on each character (before advancing input position), but it's very slow.
+Instead, re2c inserts checks only at certain points in the generated program.
+Each check ensures that there is enough input to proceed until the next checkpoint.
+If the check fails, lexer calls ``YYFILL``:
-.. code-block:: cpp
+ ``if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n) YYFILL(n);``
``YYLIMIT`` must point at the end of input (so that ``YYLIMIT[-1]`` is the last input character).
-These checks are inserted at start and before loops.
-If there's not enough input characters, the generated lexer calls ``YYFILL(YYMAXFILL)``
-so that the programmer can supply more input or stop.
-The common practice is to pad input with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
-**The padding should not form a valid lexeme suffix!**
+``YYFILL(n)`` can either supply at least ``n`` more input characters or stop
+(see example `Arbitrary large input and YYFILL`_ for details about ``YYFILL`` implementation).
+For those interested in the internal re2c algorithm used to determine checkpoints,
+here is a quote from the original paper
+`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`_
+by Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, 1994, ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS):
+ *A set of key states can be determined by discovering the strongly-connected components (SCCs) of the
+ DFA. An SCC is a maximal subset of states such that there exists a path from any state in the subset to any
+ other. The set of key states consists of all of the states in non-trivial SCCs, together with the start state.
+ Note that for each SCC S, we actually only have to include a subset of states of S such that when the subset
+ is removed, S becomes acyclic.*
+This approach reduces the number of checks significantly, but it has a downside.
+Since the lexer checks for multiple characters at once, the last few input characters may become unreachable.
+Common hack is to pad input with a few fake characters that **do not form a valid lexeme or lexeme suffix**.
+The length of padding depends on the maximal argument to ``YYFILL``
+(this value is called ``YYMAXFILL`` and can be generated using ``/*!max:re2c*/`` directive).
.. include:: examples/02_recognizing_strings.re
:code: cpp
-* ``/*!max:re2c*/`` (line 4) tells re2c to generate ``#define YYMAXFILL <n>``.
-* Input string is padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` zeroes (line 15).
- Zeroes do not form a valid lexeme suffix (but padding with quotes would confuse the lexer ``;)``).
+* ``/*!max:re2c*/`` (line 4) tells re2c to generate ``#define YYMAXFILL n``.
+* Input string is padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` characters ``'a'`` (line 15).
+ Sequence of ``'a'`` does not form a valid lexeme suffix (but padding like ``"\0`` would cause false match on incorrect input like ``"aha``).
+* ``YYLIMIT`` points to the end of padding (line 26).
* ``YYFILL`` simply stops: there's nothing more to lex (line 30).
* We have to use ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` (line 31)
in order to suppress passing parameter to ``YYFILL``.
(It was an unfortunate idea to make ``YYFILL`` a call expression by default:
``YYFILL`` has to stop the lexer eventually, that's why it has to be a macro and not a function.
- One should either set ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;``, or define ``YYFILL(n)`` as a macro.)
+ One should either set ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` or define ``YYFILL(n)`` as a macro.)
Generate, compile and run:
$ re2c -o example.cc example.re
$ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example \"a\ momentary\" \"\" \"lap\"se\" \"of \"rea\\\"son\"
+ $ ./example \"a\ momentary\" \"\" \"lap\"se\" \"of \"rea\\\"son\" ""
str: "a momentary"
str: ""
err: "lap"se"
err: "of
str: "rea\"son"
+ err:
.. _Arbitrary large input and YYFILL:
Arbitrary large input and YYFILL
-Suppose the input cannot be mapped in memory at once.
-The usual thing to do is to allocate a reasonably sized buffer and to read
-input chunk by chunk.
+Suppose that for some reason the whole input cannot be mapped in memory:
+either it is very big or its size cannot be determined in advance.
+The usual thing to do in such case is to allocate a buffer
+and process input in chunks that fit into buffer.
+For that we will need ``YYFILL``.
+See the previous example (`Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL`_)
+for details about program points and conditions that trigger ``YYFILL`` invocation.
+The idea of ``YYFILL`` is fairly simple: lexer is stuck upon the fact that
+``(YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n`` and ``YYFILL`` must either invert this condition or stop lexing.
+Disaster will happen if ``YYFILL`` fails to provide at least ``n`` characters, yet resumes lexing.
+Technically ``YYFILL`` must somehow "extend" input for at least ``n`` characters:
+after ``YYFILL`` all input pointers must point to exact same characters,
+except ``YYLIMIT``: it must be advanced at least ``n`` positions.
+Since we want to use a fixed amount of memory, we have to shift buffer contents:
+discard characters that are already lexed,
+move the remaining characters at the beginning of the buffer
+and fill the vacant space with new characters.
+All the pointers must be decreased by the length of discarded input,
+except ``YYLIMIT`` (it must point at the end of buffer):
+.. code-block:: bash
+ <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
+ oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o--------o.....o..........o... (more input)
+ | * * * | * *
+ | * * * *| *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * |*
+ o-----------o-----------------o--------------o----------o
+ lexeme
+End of input is a special case: as explained in the previous example (`Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL`_),
+the input must be padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
+In this case ``YYLIMIT`` must point at the end of padding:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
+ oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * *|
+ | * * * <-- YYMAXFILL -->* |
+ o-----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o |
+ lexeme
+Which part of input can be discarded?
+The answer is, all input up to the leftmost meaningful pointer.
+Intuitively it seems that it must be ``YYMARKER``: it backups input position of the latest match,
+so it's always less than or equal to ``YYCURSOR``.
+However, ``YYMARKER`` usage depends on the input:
+not all control flow paths in lexer ever initialize it.
+Thus for some inputs ``YYMARKER`` is meaningless
+and should be used with care.
+In practice input rarely consists of one giant lexeme: it is usually a sequence of small lexemes.
+In that case lexer runs in a loop and it is convenient to have a special "lexeme start" pointer.
+It can be used as boundary in ``YYFILL``.
+Our example program will lex a file with strings (probably separated by whitespaces)
+and count the total number of strings:
+.. include:: examples/03_arbitrary_large_input.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* ``YYMAXFILL`` bytes at the end of buffer are reserved for padding (line 9).
+ This memory is unused most of the time, but ``YYMAXFILL`` is usually negligably small compared to buffer size.
+* There is only one successsful way out (line 71):
+ lexer must recognize a standalone end of input lexeme ``'a'`` right at the beginning of padding.
+ Unlike the sentinel method, ``'a'`` in the middle of a rule is not recognized as end of input.
+ Standalone ``'a'`` in input (not in padding) is a lexing error.
+ ``YYFILL`` failure is also a lexing error: if the input was correct,
+ lexer should have stopped at the beginning of padding.
+* ``YYFILL`` may fail for two reasons:
+ either there is no more input (line 30),
+ or lexeme is too big: it occupies the whole buffer and nothing can be discarded (line 35).
+ We treat both cases as error, but a real-world program might handle them differently
+ (e.g. resize buffer in the second case).
+* ``@@`` in ``YYFILL`` definition (line 63) is a formal parameter: re2c substitutes it with the actual argument to ``YYFILL``.
+* There is a special ``tok`` pointer: it points at the beginning of lexeme (line 57)
+ and serves as a boundary in ``YYFILL`` (line 33).
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc example.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ cat > input.txt
+ "a""momentary"
+ "lap\"se" "o\\f"
+ "rea""son"
+ ""
+ $ ./example input.txt
+ glorious 7 strings!