NOTICE: pg_extension contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
NOTICE: pg_rewrite contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
NOTICE: pg_tablespace contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
+-- **************** pg_class ****************
+-- Look for system tables with varlena columns but no toast table. At
+-- the moment, the result just records the status quo so that changes
+-- are deliberate. Which system tables have toast tables is a bit
+-- arbitrary at the moment.
+SELECT relname, attname, atttypid::regtype
+FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = attrelid
+WHERE c.oid < 16384 AND
+ reltoastrelid = 0 AND
+ relkind = 'r' AND
+ attstorage != 'p'
+ORDER BY 1, 2;
+ relname | attname | atttypid
+ pg_aggregate | agginitval | text
+ pg_aggregate | aggminitval | text
+ pg_attribute | attacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_attribute | attfdwoptions | text[]
+ pg_attribute | attmissingval | anyarray
+ pg_attribute | attoptions | text[]
+ pg_authid | rolpassword | text
+ pg_class | relacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_class | reloptions | text[]
+ pg_class | relpartbound | pg_node_tree
+ pg_collation | collversion | text
+ pg_database | datacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_default_acl | defaclacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_event_trigger | evttags | text[]
+ pg_extension | extcondition | text[]
+ pg_extension | extconfig | oid[]
+ pg_extension | extversion | text
+ pg_foreign_data_wrapper | fdwacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_foreign_data_wrapper | fdwoptions | text[]
+ pg_foreign_server | srvacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_foreign_server | srvoptions | text[]
+ pg_foreign_server | srvtype | text
+ pg_foreign_server | srvversion | text
+ pg_foreign_table | ftoptions | text[]
+ pg_index | indexprs | pg_node_tree
+ pg_index | indpred | pg_node_tree
+ pg_init_privs | initprivs | aclitem[]
+ pg_language | lanacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_largeobject | data | bytea
+ pg_largeobject_metadata | lomacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_namespace | nspacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_partitioned_table | partexprs | pg_node_tree
+ pg_pltemplate | tmplacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_pltemplate | tmplhandler | text
+ pg_pltemplate | tmplinline | text
+ pg_pltemplate | tmpllibrary | text
+ pg_pltemplate | tmplvalidator | text
+ pg_policy | polqual | pg_node_tree
+ pg_policy | polroles | oid[]
+ pg_policy | polwithcheck | pg_node_tree
+ pg_replication_origin | roname | text
+ pg_subscription | subconninfo | text
+ pg_subscription | subpublications | text[]
+ pg_subscription | subsynccommit | text
+ pg_tablespace | spcacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_tablespace | spcoptions | text[]
+ pg_ts_dict | dictinitoption | text
+ pg_type | typacl | aclitem[]
+ pg_type | typdefault | text
+ pg_type | typdefaultbin | pg_node_tree
+ pg_user_mapping | umoptions | text[]
+(51 rows)