**Warning**: The SOA serial will only change on inception day, so changes to the
zone will get visible on slaves only on the following inception day.
+**Note**: Will be removed in PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.1.0
#### INCEPTION-WEEK (not recommended)
Sets the SOA serial to the number of weeks since the epoch, which is the last
inception time in weeks.
**Warning**: Same problem as INCEPTION.
+**Note**: Will be removed in PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.1.0
#### EPOCH
Sets the SOA serial to the number of seconds since the epoch.
the time. If you need fast updates, sync the backend databases directly with
incremental updates (or use the same database server on the slaves)
+**Note**: Will be removed in PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.1.0
#### NONE
Ignore [`default-soa-edit`](settings.md#default-soa-edit) and/or
[`default-soa-edit-signed`](settings.md#default-soa-edit-signed) setings.
- `insert-record-order-query` has been dropped, `insert-record-query` now sets the ordername (or NULL)
- `insert-slave-query` has been dropped, `insert-zone-query` now sets the type of zone
- Crypto++ and mbedTLS support is dropped, these are replaced by OpenSSL
+- The INCEPTION, INCEPTION-WEEK and EPOCH SOA-EDIT metadata values are marked as deprecated and will be removed in 4.1
There are several **known issues** that will be fixed before the final 4.0.0 release:
uint32_t calculateEditSOA(SOAData sd, const string& kind) {
if(pdns_iequals(kind,"INCEPTION")) {
+ L<<Logger::Warning<<"Deprecation warning: The 'INCEPTION' soa-edit value will be removed in PowerDNS 4.1"<<endl;
time_t inception = getStartOfWeek();
return localtime_format_YYYYMMDDSS(inception, 1);
else if(pdns_iequals(kind,"INCEPTION-WEEK")) {
+ L<<Logger::Warning<<"Deprecation warning: The 'INCEPTION-WEEK' soa-edit value will be removed in PowerDNS 4.1"<<endl;
time_t inception = getStartOfWeek();
return ( inception / (7*86400) );
return (sd.serial + (inception / (7*86400)));
else if(pdns_iequals(kind,"EPOCH")) {
+ L<<Logger::Warning<<"Deprecation warning: The 'EPOCH' soa-edit value will be removed in PowerDNS 4.1"<<endl;
return time(0);
else if(pdns_iequals(kind,"INCEPTION-EPOCH")) {