<p>If the client requests <code>http://example.com/service/foo.txt</code>,
it will be told to access
- instead. Only complete path segments are matched, so the above
+ instead. This includes requests with <code>GET</code> parameters, such as
+ <code>http://example.com/service/foo.pl?q=23&a=42</code>,
+ it will be redirected to
+ <code>http://foo2.example.com/service/foo.pl?q=23&a=42</code>.
+ Note that <code>POST</code>s will be discarded.<br />
+ Only complete path segments are matched, so the above
example would not match a request for
<code>http://example.com/servicefoo.txt</code>. For more complex matching
using regular expressions, see the <code class="directive"><a href="#redirectmatch">RedirectMatch</a></code> directive.</p>
<p>If the client requests <code>http://example.com/service/foo.txt</code>,
it will be told to access
- instead. Only complete path segments are matched, so the above
+ instead. This includes requests with <code>GET</code> parameters, such as
+ <code>http://example.com/service/foo.pl?q=23&a=42</code>,
+ it will be redirected to
+ <code>http://foo2.example.com/service/foo.pl?q=23&a=42</code>.
+ Note that <code>POST</code>s will be discarded.<br />
+ Only complete path segments are matched, so the above
example would not match a request for
<code>http://example.com/servicefoo.txt</code>. For more complex matching
using regular expressions, see the <directive