% %
-% HoughLineImage() identifies lines in the image.
+% Use HoughLineImage() in conjunction with any binary edge extracted image (we
+% recommand Canny) to identify lines in the image. The algorithm accumulates
+% counts for every white pixel for every possible orientation (for angles from
+% 0 to 179 in 1 degree increments) and distance from the center of the image to
+% the corner (in 1 px increments) and stores the counts in an accumulator matrix
+% of angle vs distance. The size of the accumulator is 180x(diagonal/2). Next
+% it searches this space for peaks in counts and converts the locations of the
+% peaks to slope and intercept in the normal x,y input image space. Use the
+% slope/intercepts to find the endpoints clipped to the bounds of the image. The
+% lines are then drawn. The counts are a measure of the length of the lines
% The format of the HoughLineImage method is: