--- /dev/null
+# $Id$ $Revision$
+## Process this file with cmake to produce Makefile
+########### next target ###############
+ diffimg.c
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(diffimg ${diffimg_SRCS})
+########### install files ###############
+#original Makefile.am contents follow:
+## $Id$ $Revision$
+### Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+#noinst_PROGRAMS = diffimg
+#diffimg_SOURCES = diffimg.c
+#diffimg_LDADD = @GD_LIBS@
+#GRAPH = "digraph G { hello -> world }"
+#test: diffimg
+# echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Tpng:cg >hello1.png
+# echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Tpng:cg >hello2.png
+# if `./diffimg hello1.png hello2.png >test1.png`;then echo same;else echo different;fi
+# echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Grankdir=LR -Tpng:cg >hello2.png
+# if `./diffimg hello1.png hello2.png >test2.png`;then echo same;else echo different;fi
+#CLEANFILES = *.png