--- /dev/null
+posix_getcwd(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_getcwd')) die('skip posix_getcwd() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_getcwd function\n";
+Basic test of POSIX posix_getcwd function
+string(%d) "%s"
+Warning: posix_getcwd() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getgrgid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getgid and getgrid fucntions\n";
+ $gid = posix_getgid();
+ $groupinfo = posix_getgrgid($gid);
+ print_r($groupinfo);
+Basic test of POSIX getgid and getgrid fucntions
+ [name] => %s
+ [passwd] => %s
+ [members] => Array
+ [gid] => %d
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+posix_getgrnam(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_getgrnam')) die('skip posix_getgrnam() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_getgrnam function\n";
+Basic test of POSIX posix_getgrnam function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getgroups() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getgroups\n";
+ $groups = posix_getgroups();
+ if (!is_array($groups)) {
+ echo "TEST FAILED - array result expected\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "TEST PASSED\n";
+ }
+Basic test of POSIX getgroups
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getpgid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of posix_getpgid function\n";
+ $pid = posix_getpid();
+ $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid);
+ var_dump($pgid);
+Basic test of posix_getpgid function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getpgrp() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getpgrp function\n";
+ $pgrp = posix_getpgrp();
+ var_dump($pgrp);
+Basic test of POSIX getpgrp function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getpid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getpid function\n";
+ $pid = posix_getpid();
+ var_dump($pid);
+Basic test of POSIX getpid function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getppid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getppid function\n";
+ $ppid = posix_getppid();
+ var_dump($ppid);
+Basic test of POSIX getppid function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+posix_getpwnam(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_getpwnam')) die('skip posix_getpwnam() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_getpwnam function\n";
+Basic test of POSIX posix_getpwnam function
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getpwuid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getpwuid\n";
+ $pwuid = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
+ print_r($pwuid);
+Basic test of POSIX getpwuid
+ \[name\] => [^\r\n]+
+ \[passwd\] => [^\r\n]+
+ \[uid\] => [0-9]+
+ \[gid\] => [0-9]+
+ \[gecos\] => [^\r\n]*
+ \[dir\] => [^\r\n]+
+ \[shell\] => [^\r\n]+
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+posix_getrlimit(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_getrlimit')) die('skip posix_getrlimit() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_getrlimit function\n";
+Basic test of POSIX posix_getrlimit function
+array(%d) {
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_getsid() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of posix_getsid function\n";
+ $pid = posix_getpid();
+ $sid = posix_getsid($pid);
+ var_dump($sid);
+Basic test of posix_getsid function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+posix_initgroups(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_initgroups')) die('skip posix_initgroups() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_initgroups function\n";
+var_dump(posix_initgroups('foo', 'bar'));
+var_dump(posix_initgroups(NULL, NULL));
+Basic test of POSIX posix_initgroups function
+Warning: posix_initgroups() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_kill(), posix_get_last_error and posix_strerror() functions : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX getpgid(), kill(), get_last_error() and strerror() functions\n";
+ // Don't rely on PCNTL extension being around
+ $SIGKILL = 9;
+ // TODO Once we have PS open working beef up this test to create a process and kill it
+ // for now start at a low pid and find first pid which does not exist.
+ $pid = 999;
+ do {
+ $pid += 1;
+ $result = shell_exec("ps -p " . $pid);
+ } while (stripos($result, (string)$pid) != FALSE);
+ echo "Kill pid=" . $pid . "\n";
+ var_dump(posix_kill($pid,$SIGKILL));
+ $errno = posix_get_last_error();
+ var_dump($errno);
+ var_dump(posix_strerror($errno));
+Basic test of POSIX getpgid(), kill(), get_last_error() and strerror() functions
+Kill pid=%d
+string(%d) %sNo such process%s
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+posix_mknod(): Basic tests
+if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+if (!function_exists('posix_mknod')) die('skip posix_mknod() not found');
+echo "Basic test of POSIX posix_mknod function\n";
+var_dump(posix_mknod(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+Basic test of POSIX posix_mknod function
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_strerror() function : error conditions
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+/* Prototype : proto string posix_strerror(int errno)
+ * Description: Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno.
+ * Source code: ext/posix/posix.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+echo "*** Testing posix_strerror() : error conditions ***\n";
+echo "\n-- Testing posix_strerror() function with Zero arguments --\n";
+var_dump( posix_strerror() );
+echo "\n-- Testing posix_strerror() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
+$errno = posix_get_last_error();
+$extra_arg = 10;
+var_dump( posix_strerror($errno, $extra_arg) );
+echo "\n-- Testing posix_strerror() function with invalid error number --\n";
+$errno = -999;
+var_dump( posix_strerror($errno) );
+*** Testing posix_strerror() : error conditions ***
+-- Testing posix_strerror() function with Zero arguments --
+Warning: posix_strerror() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
+-- Testing posix_strerror() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
+Warning: posix_strerror() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d
+-- Testing posix_strerror() function with invalid error number --
+string(%d) "Unknown error%s"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_times() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX times function\n";
+ $times = posix_times();
+ var_dump($times);
+ if ($times == FALSE) {
+ $errno= posix_get_last_error();
+ var_dump(posix_strerror($errno));
+ }
+Basic test of POSIX times function
+array(5) {
+ ["ticks"]=>
+ int(%d)
+ ["utime"]=>
+ int(%d)
+ ["stime"]=>
+ int(%d)
+ ["cutime"]=>
+ int(%d)
+ ["cstime"]=>
+ int(%d)
--- /dev/null
+Test posix_uname() function : basic functionality
+ if (!extension_loaded('posix')) die('skip - POSIX extension not loaded');
+ echo "Basic test of POSIX uname function\n";
+ $uname = posix_uname();
+ print_r($uname);
+Basic test of POSIX uname function
+ [sysname] => %s
+ [nodename] => %s
+ [release] => %s
+ [version] => %s
+ [machine] => %s
\ No newline at end of file