\RequirePackage[Bjarne]{fncychap}\typeout{Using fancy chapter headings.}
% for PDF output, use maximal compression
+ %
+ % This definition allows the entries in the page-view of the ToC to be
+ % active links. Some work, some don't.
+ %
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
+ %
+ % This is supposed to build the "outline" view of the document; it seems
+ % quite fragile. The breakages are the same as in the ToC.
+ %
+ \AtEndDocument{
+ \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.bkm}{\pdfcatalog pagemode{/UseOutlines}}{}
+ }
\unvbox \@begindvibox
- \global\let \@begindvi \@hyperfixhead
- \def\hyperpageanchor{%
- \hyper@anchorstart{page.\thepage}\hyper@anchorend
- }
+ \def\hyperpageanchor{\pdfdest name{page.\thepage}}
% \begin{seealso}
% \seemodule{rand}{Uniform random number generator}; % Module xref
% \seetext{\emph{Encyclopedia Britannica}}. % Ref to a book
+% % A funky case: module name contains '_'; have to supply an optional key
+% \seemodule[copyreg]{copy_reg}{pickle interface constructor registration}
% \end{seealso}
+ \newcommand{\seemodule}[3][\@modulebadkey]{%
+ \ifx\@modulebadkey#1\def\@modulekey{#2}\else\def\@modulekey{#1}\fi%
+ \ref{module-\@modulekey}:\quad %
+ Module \module{#2}%
+ \quad (#3)%
+ }
+ \ifx\@modulebadkey#1\def\@modulekey{#2}\else\def\@modulekey{#1}\fi%
+ \ref{module-\@modulekey}:\quad %
+ {\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto name{label.module-\@modulekey}%
+ \LinkColor Module \module{#2} \NormalColor%
+ \pdfendlink%
+ }%
+ \quad (#3)%
+ }
\strong{See Also:}\par
% These should only be defined within the {seealso} environment:
- \def\seemodule##1##2{\ref{module-##1}:\quad Module \module{##1}\quad (##2)}
+ %\def\see@module##1##2{\ref{module-##1}:\quad Module \module{##1}\quad (##2)}
+% \def\@seemodule[##1]##2##3{%
+% \ref{module-##2}:\quad %
+% \@ifundefined{pdfannotlink}{%
+% Module \module{##2}%
+% }{\if@keyedmodule\@keyedmodulefalse\fi%
+% {\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto name{module.##1}%
+% \LinkColor Module \module{##2}\NormalColor\pdfendlink}%
+% }%
+% \quad (##3)%
+% }
+% \def\seemodule{%
+% \@ifnextchar [\@seemodule{\@keyedmoduletrue \@seemodule[]}%
+% }
\RequirePackage[Bjarne]{fncychap}\typeout{Using fancy chapter headings.}
% for PDF output, use maximal compression
+ %
+ % This definition allows the entries in the page-view of the ToC to be
+ % active links. Some work, some don't.
+ %
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
+ %
+ % This is supposed to build the "outline" view of the document; it seems
+ % quite fragile. The breakages are the same as in the ToC.
+ %
+ \AtEndDocument{
+ \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.bkm}{\pdfcatalog pagemode{/UseOutlines}}{}
+ }
\unvbox \@begindvibox
- \global\let \@begindvi \@hyperfixhead
- \def\hyperpageanchor{%
- \hyper@anchorstart{page.\thepage}\hyper@anchorend
- }
+ \def\hyperpageanchor{\pdfdest name{page.\thepage}}
% \begin{seealso}
% \seemodule{rand}{Uniform random number generator}; % Module xref
% \seetext{\emph{Encyclopedia Britannica}}. % Ref to a book
+% % A funky case: module name contains '_'; have to supply an optional key
+% \seemodule[copyreg]{copy_reg}{pickle interface constructor registration}
% \end{seealso}
+ \newcommand{\seemodule}[3][\@modulebadkey]{%
+ \ifx\@modulebadkey#1\def\@modulekey{#2}\else\def\@modulekey{#1}\fi%
+ \ref{module-\@modulekey}:\quad %
+ Module \module{#2}%
+ \quad (#3)%
+ }
+ \ifx\@modulebadkey#1\def\@modulekey{#2}\else\def\@modulekey{#1}\fi%
+ \ref{module-\@modulekey}:\quad %
+ {\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto name{label.module-\@modulekey}%
+ \LinkColor Module \module{#2} \NormalColor%
+ \pdfendlink%
+ }%
+ \quad (#3)%
+ }
\strong{See Also:}\par
% These should only be defined within the {seealso} environment:
- \def\seemodule##1##2{\ref{module-##1}:\quad Module \module{##1}\quad (##2)}
+ %\def\see@module##1##2{\ref{module-##1}:\quad Module \module{##1}\quad (##2)}
+% \def\@seemodule[##1]##2##3{%
+% \ref{module-##2}:\quad %
+% \@ifundefined{pdfannotlink}{%
+% Module \module{##2}%
+% }{\if@keyedmodule\@keyedmodulefalse\fi%
+% {\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto name{module.##1}%
+% \LinkColor Module \module{##2}\NormalColor\pdfendlink}%
+% }%
+% \quad (##3)%
+% }
+% \def\seemodule{%
+% \@ifnextchar [\@seemodule{\@keyedmoduletrue \@seemodule[]}%
+% }