]> granicus.if.org Git - ejabberd/commitdiff
New bosh module
authorPaweł Chmielowski <pchmielowski@process-one.net>
Tue, 22 Nov 2016 12:17:05 +0000 (13:17 +0100)
committerPaweł Chmielowski <pchmielowski@process-one.net>
Tue, 22 Nov 2016 14:26:15 +0000 (15:26 +0100)
src/ejabberd_bosh.erl [new file with mode: 0644]
src/mod_bosh.erl [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/ejabberd_bosh.erl b/src/ejabberd_bosh.erl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d4fc680
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+%%% File    : ejabberd_bosh.erl
+%%% Author  : Evgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% Purpose : Manage BOSH sockets
+%%% Created : 20 Jul 2011 by Evgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2016   ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+-protocol({xep, 124, '1.11'}).
+-protocol({xep, 206, '1.4'}).
+-define(GEN_FSM, p1_fsm).
+%% API
+-export([start/2, start/3, start_link/3]).
+-export([send_xml/2, setopts/2, controlling_process/2,
+        migrate/3, custom_receiver/1, become_controller/2,
+        reset_stream/1, change_shaper/2, monitor/1, close/1,
+        sockname/1, peername/1, process_request/3, send/2,
+        change_controller/2]).
+%% gen_fsm callbacks
+-export([init/1, wait_for_session/2, wait_for_session/3,
+        active/2, active/3, handle_event/3, print_state/1,
+        handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3,
+        code_change/4]).
+%%-define(DBGFSM, true).
+-define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]).
+-define(FSMOPTS, []).
+-define(BOSH_VERSION, <<"1.11">>).
+-define(NS_BOSH, <<"urn:xmpp:xbosh">>).
+       <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind">>).
+-define(DEFAULT_MAXPAUSE, 120).
+-define(DEFAULT_WAIT, 300).
+-define(DEFAULT_HOLD, 1).
+-define(DEFAULT_POLLING, 2).
+-define(SEND_TIMEOUT, 15000).
+-type bosh_socket() :: {http_bind, pid(),
+                        {inet:ip_address(),
+                         inet:port_number()}}.
+       {host = <<"">>                            :: binary(),
+         sid = <<"">>                             :: binary(),
+         el_ibuf = buf_new()                      :: ?TQUEUE,
+         el_obuf = buf_new()                      :: ?TQUEUE,
+         shaper_state = none                      :: shaper:shaper(),
+         c2s_pid                                  :: pid(),
+        xmpp_ver = <<"">>                        :: binary(),
+         inactivity_timer                         :: reference(),
+         wait_timer                               :: reference(),
+        wait_timeout = ?DEFAULT_WAIT             :: timeout(),
+         inactivity_timeout = ?DEFAULT_INACTIVITY :: timeout(),
+        prev_rid = 0                             :: non_neg_integer(),
+         prev_key = <<"">>                        :: binary(),
+         prev_poll                                :: erlang:timestamp(),
+         max_concat = unlimited                   :: unlimited | non_neg_integer(),
+        responses = gb_trees:empty()             :: ?TGB_TREE,
+        receivers = gb_trees:empty()             :: ?TGB_TREE,
+        shaped_receivers = queue:new()           :: ?TQUEUE,
+         ip                                       :: inet:ip_address(),
+         max_requests = 1                         :: non_neg_integer()}).
+       {http_reason = <<"">> :: binary(),
+         attrs = []           :: [{any(), any()}],
+         els = []             :: [fxml_stream:xml_stream_el()],
+         size = 0             :: non_neg_integer()}).
+start(#body{attrs = Attrs} = Body, IP, SID) ->
+    XMPPDomain = get_attr(to, Attrs),
+    SupervisorProc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(XMPPDomain, ?PROCNAME),
+    case catch supervisor:start_child(SupervisorProc,
+                                     [Body, IP, SID])
+       of
+      {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid};
+      {'EXIT', {noproc, _}} ->
+         check_bosh_module(XMPPDomain),
+         {error, module_not_loaded};
+      Err ->
+         ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to start BOSH session: ~p", [Err]),
+         {error, Err}
+    end.
+start(StateName, State) ->
+    (?GEN_FSM):start_link(?MODULE, [StateName, State],
+                         ?FSMOPTS).
+start_link(Body, IP, SID) ->
+    (?GEN_FSM):start_link(?MODULE, [Body, IP, SID],
+                         ?FSMOPTS).
+send({http_bind, FsmRef, IP}, Packet) ->
+    send_xml({http_bind, FsmRef, IP}, Packet).
+send_xml({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, Packet) ->
+    case catch (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                                   {send_xml, Packet},
+                                                   ?SEND_TIMEOUT)
+       of
+      {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} -> {error, timeout};
+      {'EXIT', _} -> {error, einval};
+      Res -> Res
+    end.
+setopts({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, Opts) ->
+    case lists:member({active, once}, Opts) of
+      true ->
+         (?GEN_FSM):send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                         {activate, self()});
+      _ ->
+         case lists:member({active, false}, Opts) of
+           true ->
+               case catch (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                                               deactivate_socket)
+                   of
+                 {'EXIT', _} -> {error, einval};
+                 Res -> Res
+               end;
+           _ -> ok
+         end
+    end.
+controlling_process(_Socket, _Pid) -> ok.
+custom_receiver({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}) ->
+    {receiver, ?MODULE, FsmRef}.
+become_controller(FsmRef, C2SPid) ->
+    (?GEN_FSM):send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                   {become_controller, C2SPid}).
+change_controller({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, C2SPid) ->
+    become_controller(FsmRef, C2SPid).
+reset_stream({http_bind, _FsmRef, _IP}) -> ok.
+change_shaper({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}, Shaper) ->
+    (?GEN_FSM):send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                   {change_shaper, Shaper}).
+monitor({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}) ->
+    erlang:monitor(process, FsmRef).
+close({http_bind, FsmRef, _IP}) ->
+    catch (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_all_state_event(FsmRef,
+                                              close).
+sockname(_Socket) -> {ok, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}}.
+peername({http_bind, _FsmRef, IP}) -> {ok, IP}.
+migrate(FsmRef, Node, After) when node(FsmRef) == node() ->
+    catch erlang:send_after(After, FsmRef, {migrate, Node});
+migrate(_FsmRef, _Node, _After) ->
+    ok.
+process_request(Data, IP, Type) ->
+    Opts1 = ejabberd_c2s_config:get_c2s_limits(),
+    Opts = case Type of
+               xml ->
+                   [{xml_socket, true} | Opts1];
+               json ->
+                   Opts1
+           end,
+    MaxStanzaSize = case lists:keysearch(max_stanza_size, 1,
+                                        Opts)
+                       of
+                     {value, {_, Size}} -> Size;
+                     _ -> infinity
+                   end,
+    PayloadSize = iolist_size(Data),
+    if PayloadSize > MaxStanzaSize ->
+          http_error(403, <<"Request Too Large">>, Type);
+       true ->
+          case decode_body(Data, PayloadSize, Type) of
+            {ok, #body{attrs = Attrs} = Body} ->
+                SID = get_attr(sid, Attrs),
+                To = get_attr(to, Attrs),
+                if SID == <<"">>, To == <<"">> ->
+                       bosh_response_with_msg(#body{http_reason =
+                                               <<"Missing 'to' attribute">>,
+                                           attrs =
+                                               [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                                {condition,
+                                                 <<"improper-addressing">>}]},
+                                      Type, Body);
+                   SID == <<"">> ->
+                       case start(Body, IP, make_sid()) of
+                         {ok, Pid} -> process_request(Pid, Body, IP, Type);
+                         _Err ->
+                             bosh_response_with_msg(#body{http_reason =
+                                                     <<"Failed to start BOSH session">>,
+                                                 attrs =
+                                                     [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                                      {condition,
+                                                       <<"internal-server-error">>}]},
+                                            Type, Body)
+                       end;
+                   true ->
+                       case mod_bosh:find_session(SID) of
+                         {ok, Pid} -> process_request(Pid, Body, IP, Type);
+                         error ->
+                             bosh_response_with_msg(#body{http_reason =
+                                                     <<"Session ID mismatch">>,
+                                                 attrs =
+                                                     [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                                      {condition,
+                                                       <<"item-not-found">>}]},
+                                            Type, Body)
+                       end
+                end;
+            {error, Reason} -> http_error(400, Reason, Type)
+          end
+    end.
+process_request(Pid, Req, _IP, Type) ->
+    case catch (?GEN_FSM):sync_send_event(Pid, Req,
+                                         infinity)
+       of
+      #body{} = Resp -> bosh_response(Resp, Type);
+      {'EXIT', {Reason, _}}
+         when Reason == noproc; Reason == normal ->
+         bosh_response(#body{http_reason =
+                                 <<"BOSH session not found">>,
+                             attrs =
+                                 [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                  {condition, <<"item-not-found">>}]},
+                        Type);
+      {'EXIT', _} ->
+         bosh_response(#body{http_reason =
+                                 <<"Unexpected error">>,
+                             attrs =
+                                 [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                  {condition, <<"internal-server-error">>}]},
+                        Type)
+    end.
+init([#body{attrs = Attrs}, IP, SID]) ->
+    Opts1 = ejabberd_c2s_config:get_c2s_limits(),
+    Opts2 = [{xml_socket, true} | Opts1],
+    Shaper = none,
+    ShaperState = shaper:new(Shaper),
+    Socket = make_socket(self(), IP),
+    XMPPVer = get_attr('xmpp:version', Attrs),
+    XMPPDomain = get_attr(to, Attrs),
+    {InBuf, Opts} = case gen_mod:get_module_opt(
+                           XMPPDomain,
+                           mod_bosh, prebind,
+                           fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end,
+                           false) of
+                        true ->
+                            JID = make_random_jid(XMPPDomain),
+                            {buf_new(), [{jid, JID} | Opts2]};
+                        false ->
+                            {buf_in([make_xmlstreamstart(XMPPDomain, XMPPVer)],
+                                    buf_new()),
+                             Opts2}
+                   end,
+    ejabberd_socket:start(ejabberd_c2s, ?MODULE, Socket,
+                         Opts),
+    Inactivity = gen_mod:get_module_opt(XMPPDomain,
+                                       mod_bosh, max_inactivity,
+                                        fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
+                                       ?DEFAULT_INACTIVITY),
+    MaxConcat = gen_mod:get_module_opt(XMPPDomain, mod_bosh, max_concat,
+                                       fun(unlimited) -> unlimited;
+                                          (N) when is_integer(N), N>0 -> N
+                                       end, unlimited),
+    State = #state{host = XMPPDomain, sid = SID, ip = IP,
+                  xmpp_ver = XMPPVer, el_ibuf = InBuf,
+                  max_concat = MaxConcat, el_obuf = buf_new(),
+                  inactivity_timeout = Inactivity,
+                  shaper_state = ShaperState},
+    NewState = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+    mod_bosh:open_session(SID, self()),
+    {ok, wait_for_session, NewState};
+init([StateName, State]) ->
+    mod_bosh:open_session(State#state.sid, self()),
+    case State#state.c2s_pid of
+      C2SPid when is_pid(C2SPid) ->
+         NewSocket = make_socket(self(), State#state.ip),
+         C2SPid ! {change_socket, NewSocket},
+         NewState = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+         {ok, StateName, NewState};
+      _ -> {stop, normal}
+    end.
+wait_for_session(_Event, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected event in 'wait_for_session': ~p",
+              [_Event]),
+    {next_state, wait_for_session, State}.
+wait_for_session(#body{attrs = Attrs} = Req, From,
+                State) ->
+    RID = get_attr(rid, Attrs),
+    ?DEBUG("got request:~n** RequestID: ~p~n** Request: "
+          "~p~n** From: ~p~n** State: ~p",
+          [RID, Req, From, State]),
+    Wait = min(get_attr(wait, Attrs, undefined),
+              ?DEFAULT_WAIT),
+    Hold = min(get_attr(hold, Attrs, undefined),
+              ?DEFAULT_HOLD),
+    NewKey = get_attr(newkey, Attrs),
+    Type = get_attr(type, Attrs),
+    Requests = Hold + 1,
+    {PollTime, Polling} = if Wait == 0, Hold == 0 ->
+                                {p1_time_compat:timestamp(), [{polling, ?DEFAULT_POLLING}]};
+                            true -> {undefined, []}
+                         end,
+    MaxPause = gen_mod:get_module_opt(State#state.host,
+                                     mod_bosh, max_pause,
+                                      fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end,
+                                      ?DEFAULT_MAXPAUSE),
+    Resp = #body{attrs =
+                    [{sid, State#state.sid}, {wait, Wait},
+                     {ver, ?BOSH_VERSION}, {polling, ?DEFAULT_POLLING},
+                     {inactivity, State#state.inactivity_timeout},
+                     {hold, Hold}, {'xmpp:restartlogic', true},
+                     {requests, Requests}, {secure, true},
+                     {maxpause, MaxPause}, {'xmlns:xmpp', ?NS_BOSH},
+                     {'xmlns:stream', ?NS_STREAM}, {from, State#state.host}
+                     | Polling]},
+    {ShaperState, _} =
+       shaper:update(State#state.shaper_state, Req#body.size),
+    State1 = State#state{wait_timeout = Wait,
+                        prev_rid = RID, prev_key = NewKey,
+                        prev_poll = PollTime, shaper_state = ShaperState,
+                        max_requests = Requests},
+    Els = maybe_add_xmlstreamend(Req#body.els, Type),
+    State2 = route_els(State1, Els),
+    {State3, RespEls} = get_response_els(State2),
+    State4 = stop_inactivity_timer(State3),
+    case RespEls of
+      [] ->
+         State5 = restart_wait_timer(State4),
+         Receivers = gb_trees:insert(RID, {From, Resp},
+                                     State5#state.receivers),
+         {next_state, active,
+          State5#state{receivers = Receivers}};
+      _ ->
+         reply_next_state(State4, Resp#body{els = RespEls}, RID,
+                          From)
+    end;
+wait_for_session(_Event, _From, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected sync event in 'wait_for_session': ~p",
+              [_Event]),
+    {reply, {error, badarg}, wait_for_session, State}.
+active({#body{} = Body, From}, State) ->
+    active1(Body, From, State);
+active(_Event, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected event in 'active': ~p",
+              [_Event]),
+    {next_state, active, State}.
+active(#body{attrs = Attrs, size = Size} = Req, From,
+       State) ->
+    ?DEBUG("got request:~n** Request: ~p~n** From: "
+          "~p~n** State: ~p",
+          [Req, From, State]),
+    {ShaperState, Pause} =
+       shaper:update(State#state.shaper_state, Size),
+    State1 = State#state{shaper_state = ShaperState},
+    if Pause > 0 ->
+          QLen = queue:len(State1#state.shaped_receivers),
+          if QLen < (?MAX_SHAPED_REQUESTS_QUEUE_LEN) ->
+                 TRef = start_shaper_timer(Pause),
+                 Q = queue:in({TRef, From, Req},
+                              State1#state.shaped_receivers),
+                 State2 = stop_inactivity_timer(State1),
+                 {next_state, active,
+                  State2#state{shaped_receivers = Q}};
+             true ->
+                 RID = get_attr(rid, Attrs),
+                 reply_stop(State1,
+                            #body{http_reason = <<"Too many requests">>,
+                                  attrs =
+                                      [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                       {<<"condition">>,
+                                        <<"policy-violation">>}]},
+                            From, RID)
+          end;
+       true -> active1(Req, From, State1)
+    end;
+active(_Event, _From, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected sync event in 'active': ~p",
+              [_Event]),
+    {reply, {error, badarg}, active, State}.
+active1(#body{attrs = Attrs} = Req, From, State) ->
+    RID = get_attr(rid, Attrs),
+    Key = get_attr(key, Attrs),
+    IsValidKey = is_valid_key(State#state.prev_key, Key),
+    IsOveractivity = is_overactivity(State#state.prev_poll),
+    Type = get_attr(type, Attrs),
+    if RID >
+        State#state.prev_rid + State#state.max_requests ->
+          reply_stop(State,
+                     #body{http_reason = <<"Request ID is out of range">>,
+                           attrs =
+                               [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                {<<"condition">>, <<"item-not-found">>}]},
+                     From, RID);
+       RID > State#state.prev_rid + 1 ->
+          State1 = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+          Receivers = gb_trees:insert(RID, {From, Req},
+                                      State1#state.receivers),
+          {next_state, active,
+           State1#state{receivers = Receivers}};
+       RID =< State#state.prev_rid ->
+            %% TODO: do we need to check 'key' here? It seems so...
+            case gb_trees:lookup(RID, State#state.responses) of
+                {value, PrevBody} ->
+                    {next_state, active,
+                     do_reply(State, From, PrevBody, RID)};
+                none ->
+                    State1 = drop_holding_receiver(State),
+                    State2 = stop_inactivity_timer(State1),
+                    State3 = restart_wait_timer(State2),
+                    Receivers = gb_trees:insert(RID, {From, Req},
+                                                State3#state.receivers),
+                    {next_state, active, State3#state{receivers = Receivers}}
+            end;
+       not IsValidKey ->
+          reply_stop(State,
+                     #body{http_reason = <<"Session key mismatch">>,
+                           attrs =
+                               [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                {<<"condition">>, <<"item-not-found">>}]},
+                     From, RID);
+       IsOveractivity ->
+          reply_stop(State,
+                     #body{http_reason = <<"Too many requests">>,
+                           attrs =
+                               [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                {<<"condition">>, <<"policy-violation">>}]},
+                     From, RID);
+       true ->
+          State1 = stop_inactivity_timer(State),
+          State2 = stop_wait_timer(State1),
+          Els = case get_attr('xmpp:restart', Attrs, false) of
+                  true ->
+                      XMPPDomain = get_attr(to, Attrs, State#state.host),
+                      XMPPVer = get_attr('xmpp:version', Attrs,
+                                         State#state.xmpp_ver),
+                      [make_xmlstreamstart(XMPPDomain, XMPPVer)];
+                  false -> Req#body.els
+                end,
+          State3 = route_els(State2,
+                             maybe_add_xmlstreamend(Els, Type)),
+          {State4, RespEls} = get_response_els(State3),
+          NewKey = get_attr(newkey, Attrs, Key),
+          Pause = get_attr(pause, Attrs, undefined),
+          NewPoll = case State#state.prev_poll of
+                      undefined -> undefined;
+                      _ -> p1_time_compat:timestamp()
+                    end,
+          State5 = State4#state{prev_poll = NewPoll,
+                                prev_key = NewKey},
+          if Type == <<"terminate">> ->
+                 reply_stop(State5,
+                            #body{http_reason = <<"Session close">>,
+                                  attrs = [{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>}],
+                                  els = RespEls},
+                            From, RID);
+             Pause /= undefined ->
+                 State6 = drop_holding_receiver(State5),
+                 State7 = restart_inactivity_timer(State6, Pause),
+                 InBuf = buf_in(RespEls, State7#state.el_ibuf),
+                 {next_state, active,
+                  State7#state{prev_rid = RID, el_ibuf = InBuf}};
+             RespEls == [] ->
+                 State6 = drop_holding_receiver(State5),
+                 State7 = stop_inactivity_timer(State6),
+                 State8 = restart_wait_timer(State7),
+                 Receivers = gb_trees:insert(RID, {From, #body{}},
+                                             State8#state.receivers),
+                 {next_state, active,
+                  State8#state{prev_rid = RID, receivers = Receivers}};
+             true ->
+                 State6 = drop_holding_receiver(State5),
+                 reply_next_state(State6#state{prev_rid = RID},
+                                  #body{els = RespEls}, RID, From)
+          end
+    end.
+handle_event({become_controller, C2SPid}, StateName,
+            State) ->
+    State1 = route_els(State#state{c2s_pid = C2SPid}),
+    {next_state, StateName, State1};
+handle_event({change_shaper, Shaper}, StateName,
+            State) ->
+    NewShaperState = shaper:new(Shaper),
+    {next_state, StateName,
+     State#state{shaper_state = NewShaperState}};
+handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected event in '~s': ~p",
+              [StateName, _Event]),
+    {next_state, StateName, State}.
+                  {xmlstreamstart, _, _} = El},
+                 _From, StateName, State)
+    when State#state.xmpp_ver >= <<"1.0">> ->
+    OutBuf = buf_in([El], State#state.el_obuf),
+    {reply, ok, StateName, State#state{el_obuf = OutBuf}};
+handle_sync_event({send_xml, El}, _From, StateName,
+                 State) ->
+    OutBuf = buf_in([El], State#state.el_obuf),
+    State1 = State#state{el_obuf = OutBuf},
+    case gb_trees:lookup(State1#state.prev_rid,
+                        State1#state.receivers)
+       of
+      {value, {From, Body}} ->
+         {State2, Els} = get_response_els(State1),
+         {reply, ok, StateName,
+          reply(State2, Body#body{els = Els},
+                State2#state.prev_rid, From)};
+      none ->
+         State2 = case queue:out(State1#state.shaped_receivers)
+                      of
+                    {{value, {TRef, From, Body}}, Q} ->
+                        cancel_timer(TRef),
+                        (?GEN_FSM):send_event(self(), {Body, From}),
+                        State1#state{shaped_receivers = Q};
+                    _ -> State1
+                  end,
+         {reply, ok, StateName, State2}
+    end;
+handle_sync_event(close, _From, _StateName, State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_sync_event(deactivate_socket, _From, StateName,
+                 StateData) ->
+    {reply, ok, StateName,
+     StateData#state{c2s_pid = undefined}};
+handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected sync event in '~s': ~p",
+              [StateName, _Event]),
+    {reply, {error, badarg}, StateName, State}.
+handle_info({timeout, TRef, wait_timeout}, StateName,
+           #state{wait_timer = TRef} = State) ->
+    {next_state, StateName, drop_holding_receiver(State)};
+handle_info({timeout, TRef, inactive}, _StateName,
+           #state{inactivity_timer = TRef} = State) ->
+    {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({timeout, TRef, shaper_timeout}, StateName,
+           State) ->
+    case queue:out(State#state.shaped_receivers) of
+      {{value, {TRef, From, Req}}, Q} ->
+         (?GEN_FSM):send_event(self(), {Req, From}),
+         {next_state, StateName,
+          State#state{shaped_receivers = Q}};
+      {{value, _}, _} ->
+         ?ERROR_MSG("shaper_timeout mismatch:~n** TRef: ~p~n** "
+                    "State: ~p",
+                    [TRef, State]),
+         {stop, normal, State};
+      _ -> {next_state, StateName, State}
+    end;
+handle_info({migrate, Node}, StateName, State) ->
+    if Node /= node() ->
+          NewState = bounce_receivers(State, migrated),
+          {migrate, NewState,
+           {Node, ?MODULE, start, [StateName, NewState]}, 0};
+       true -> {next_state, StateName, State}
+    end;
+handle_info(_Info, StateName, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("unexpected info:~n** Msg: ~p~n** StateName: ~p",
+              [_Info, StateName]),
+    {next_state, StateName, State}.
+terminate({migrated, ClonePid}, _StateName, State) ->
+    ?INFO_MSG("Migrating session \"~s\" (c2s_pid = "
+             "~p) to ~p on node ~p",
+             [State#state.sid, State#state.c2s_pid, ClonePid,
+              node(ClonePid)]),
+    mod_bosh:close_session(State#state.sid);
+terminate(_Reason, _StateName, State) ->
+    mod_bosh:close_session(State#state.sid),
+    case State#state.c2s_pid of
+      C2SPid when is_pid(C2SPid) ->
+         (?GEN_FSM):send_event(C2SPid, closed);
+      _ -> ok
+    end,
+    bounce_receivers(State, closed),
+    bounce_els_from_obuf(State).
+code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, StateName, State}.
+print_state(State) -> State.
+route_els(#state{el_ibuf = Buf} = State) ->
+    route_els(State#state{el_ibuf = buf_new()},
+             buf_to_list(Buf)).
+route_els(State, Els) ->
+    case State#state.c2s_pid of
+      C2SPid when is_pid(C2SPid) ->
+         lists:foreach(fun (El) ->
+                               (?GEN_FSM):send_event(C2SPid, El)
+                       end,
+                       Els),
+         State;
+      _ ->
+         InBuf = buf_in(Els, State#state.el_ibuf),
+         State#state{el_ibuf = InBuf}
+    end.
+get_response_els(#state{el_obuf = OutBuf,
+                       max_concat = MaxConcat} =
+                    State) ->
+    {Els, NewOutBuf} = buf_out(OutBuf, MaxConcat),
+    {State#state{el_obuf = NewOutBuf}, Els}.
+reply(State, Body, RID, From) ->
+    State1 = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+    Receivers = gb_trees:delete_any(RID,
+                                   State1#state.receivers),
+    State2 = do_reply(State1, From, Body, RID),
+    case catch gb_trees:take_smallest(Receivers) of
+      {NextRID, {From1, Req}, Receivers1}
+         when NextRID == RID + 1 ->
+         (?GEN_FSM):send_event(self(), {Req, From1}),
+         State2#state{receivers = Receivers1};
+      _ -> State2#state{receivers = Receivers}
+    end.
+reply_next_state(State, Body, RID, From) ->
+    State1 = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+    Receivers = gb_trees:delete_any(RID,
+                                   State1#state.receivers),
+    State2 = do_reply(State1, From, Body, RID),
+    case catch gb_trees:take_smallest(Receivers) of
+      {NextRID, {From1, Req}, Receivers1}
+         when NextRID == RID + 1 ->
+         active(Req, From1,
+                State2#state{receivers = Receivers1});
+      _ ->
+         {next_state, active,
+          State2#state{receivers = Receivers}}
+    end.
+reply_stop(State, Body, From, RID) ->
+    {stop, normal, do_reply(State, From, Body, RID)}.
+drop_holding_receiver(State) ->
+    RID = State#state.prev_rid,
+    case gb_trees:lookup(RID, State#state.receivers) of
+      {value, {From, Body}} ->
+         State1 = restart_inactivity_timer(State),
+         Receivers = gb_trees:delete_any(RID,
+                                         State1#state.receivers),
+         State2 = State1#state{receivers = Receivers},
+         do_reply(State2, From, Body, RID);
+      none -> State
+    end.
+do_reply(State, From, Body, RID) ->
+    ?DEBUG("send reply:~n** RequestID: ~p~n** Reply: "
+          "~p~n** To: ~p~n** State: ~p",
+          [RID, Body, From, State]),
+    (?GEN_FSM):reply(From, Body),
+    Responses = gb_trees:delete_any(RID,
+                                   State#state.responses),
+    Responses1 = case gb_trees:size(Responses) of
+                  N when N < State#state.max_requests; N == 0 ->
+                      Responses;
+                  _ -> element(3, gb_trees:take_smallest(Responses))
+                end,
+    Responses2 = gb_trees:insert(RID, Body, Responses1),
+    State#state{responses = Responses2}.
+bounce_receivers(State, Reason) ->
+    Receivers = gb_trees:to_list(State#state.receivers),
+    ShapedReceivers = lists:map(fun ({_, From,
+                                     #body{attrs = Attrs} = Body}) ->
+                                       RID = get_attr(rid, Attrs),
+                                       {RID, {From, Body}}
+                               end,
+                               queue:to_list(State#state.shaped_receivers)),
+    lists:foldl(fun ({RID, {From, Body}}, AccState) ->
+                       NewBody = if Reason == closed ->
+                                        #body{http_reason =
+                                                  <<"Session closed">>,
+                                              attrs =
+                                                  [{type, <<"terminate">>},
+                                                   {condition,
+                                                    <<"other-request">>}]};
+                                    Reason == migrated ->
+                                        Body#body{http_reason =
+                                                      <<"Session migrated">>}
+                                 end,
+                       do_reply(AccState, From, NewBody, RID)
+               end,
+               State, Receivers ++ ShapedReceivers).
+bounce_els_from_obuf(State) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun ({xmlstreamelement, El}) ->
+                         case El of
+                           #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs}
+                               when Name == <<"presence">>;
+                                    Name == <<"message">>;
+                                    Name == <<"iq">> ->
+                               FromS = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"from">>, Attrs),
+                               ToS = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"to">>, Attrs),
+                               case {jid:from_string(FromS),
+                                     jid:from_string(ToS)}
+                                   of
+                                 {#jid{} = From, #jid{} = To} ->
+                                     ejabberd_router:route(From, To, El);
+                                 _ -> ok
+                               end;
+                           _ -> ok
+                         end;
+                     (_) -> ok
+                 end,
+                 buf_to_list(State#state.el_obuf)).
+is_valid_key(<<"">>, <<"">>) -> true;
+is_valid_key(PrevKey, Key) ->
+    p1_sha:sha(Key) == PrevKey.
+is_overactivity(undefined) -> false;
+is_overactivity(PrevPoll) ->
+    PollPeriod = timer:now_diff(p1_time_compat:timestamp(), PrevPoll) div
+                  1000000,
+    if PollPeriod < (?DEFAULT_POLLING) -> true;
+       true -> false
+    end.
+make_xmlstreamstart(XMPPDomain, Version) ->
+    VersionEl = case Version of
+                 <<"">> -> [];
+                 _ -> [{<<"version">>, Version}]
+               end,
+    {xmlstreamstart, <<"stream:stream">>,
+     [{<<"to">>, XMPPDomain}, {<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_CLIENT},
+      {<<"xmlns:xmpp">>, ?NS_BOSH},
+      {<<"xmlns:stream">>, ?NS_STREAM}
+      | VersionEl]}.
+maybe_add_xmlstreamend(Els, <<"terminate">>) ->
+    Els ++ [{xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>}];
+maybe_add_xmlstreamend(Els, _) -> Els.
+encode_body(#body{attrs = Attrs, els = Els}, Type) ->
+    Attrs1 = lists:map(fun ({K, V}) when is_atom(K) ->
+                              AmK = iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(K)),
+                              case V of
+                                true -> {AmK, <<"true">>};
+                                false -> {AmK, <<"false">>};
+                                I when is_integer(I), I >= 0 ->
+                                    {AmK, iolist_to_binary(integer_to_list(I))};
+                                _ -> {AmK, V}
+                              end;
+                          ({K, V}) -> {K, V}
+                      end,
+                      Attrs),
+    Attrs2 = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_HTTP_BIND} | Attrs1],
+    {Attrs3, XMLs} = lists:foldr(fun ({xmlstreamraw, XML},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        {AttrsAcc, [XML | XMLBuf]};
+                                    ({xmlstreamelement,
+                                      #xmlel{name = <<"stream:error">>} = El},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        {[{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                          {<<"condition">>,
+                                           <<"remote-stream-error">>},
+                                          {<<"xmlns:stream">>, ?NS_STREAM}
+                                          | AttrsAcc],
+                                         [encode_element(El, Type) | XMLBuf]};
+                                    ({xmlstreamelement,
+                                      #xmlel{name = <<"stream:features">>} =
+                                          El},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        {lists:keystore(<<"xmlns:stream">>, 1,
+                                                        AttrsAcc,
+                                                        {<<"xmlns:stream">>,
+                                                         ?NS_STREAM}),
+                                         [encode_element(El, Type) | XMLBuf]};
+                                     ({xmlstreamelement,
+                                       #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = EAttrs} = El},
+                                      {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf})
+                                       when Name == <<"message">>;
+                                            Name == <<"presence">>;
+                                            Name == <<"iq">> ->
+                                         NewAttrs = lists:keystore(
+                                                      <<"xmlns">>, 1, EAttrs,
+                                                      {<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_CLIENT}),
+                                         NewEl = El#xmlel{attrs = NewAttrs},
+                                         {AttrsAcc,
+                                          [encode_element(NewEl, Type) | XMLBuf]};
+                                    ({xmlstreamelement, El},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                         {AttrsAcc,
+                                          [encode_element(El, Type) | XMLBuf]};
+                                    ({xmlstreamend, _}, {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        {[{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                          {<<"condition">>,
+                                           <<"remote-stream-error">>}
+                                          | AttrsAcc],
+                                         XMLBuf};
+                                    ({xmlstreamstart, <<"stream:stream">>,
+                                      SAttrs},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        StreamID = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"id">>,
+                                                                  SAttrs),
+                                        NewAttrs = case
+                                                     fxml:get_attr_s(<<"version">>,
+                                                                    SAttrs)
+                                                       of
+                                                     <<"">> ->
+                                                         [{<<"authid">>,
+                                                           StreamID}
+                                                          | AttrsAcc];
+                                                     V ->
+                                                         lists:keystore(<<"xmlns:xmpp">>,
+                                                                        1,
+                                                                        [{<<"xmpp:version">>,
+                                                                          V},
+                                                                         {<<"authid">>,
+                                                                          StreamID}
+                                                                         | AttrsAcc],
+                                                                        {<<"xmlns:xmpp">>,
+                                                                         ?NS_BOSH})
+                                                   end,
+                                        {NewAttrs, XMLBuf};
+                                    ({xmlstreamerror, _},
+                                     {AttrsAcc, XMLBuf}) ->
+                                        {[{<<"type">>, <<"terminate">>},
+                                          {<<"condition">>,
+                                           <<"remote-stream-error">>}
+                                          | AttrsAcc],
+                                         XMLBuf};
+                                    (_, Acc) -> Acc
+                                end,
+                                {Attrs2, []}, Els),
+    case XMLs of
+      [] when Type == xml ->
+            [<<"<body">>, attrs_to_list(Attrs3), <<"/>">>];
+      _ when Type == xml ->
+            [<<"<body">>, attrs_to_list(Attrs3), $>, XMLs,
+            <<"</body>">>]
+    end.
+encode_element(El, xml) ->
+    fxml:element_to_binary(El);
+encode_element(El, json) ->
+    El.
+decode_body(Data, Size, Type) ->
+    case decode(Data, Type) of
+      #xmlel{name = <<"body">>, attrs = Attrs,
+            children = Els} ->
+         case attrs_to_body_attrs(Attrs) of
+           {error, _} = Err -> Err;
+           BodyAttrs ->
+               case get_attr(rid, BodyAttrs) of
+                 <<"">> -> {error, <<"Missing \"rid\" attribute">>};
+                 _ ->
+                     Els1 = lists:flatmap(fun (#xmlel{} = El) ->
+                                                  [{xmlstreamelement, El}];
+                                              (_) -> []
+                                          end,
+                                          Els),
+                     {ok, #body{attrs = BodyAttrs, size = Size, els = Els1}}
+               end
+         end;
+      #xmlel{} -> {error, <<"Unexpected payload">>};
+      _ when Type == xml ->
+            {error, <<"XML is not well-formed">>};
+      _ when Type == json ->
+            {error, <<"JSON is not well-formed">>}
+    end.
+decode(Data, xml) ->
+    fxml_stream:parse_element(Data).
+attrs_to_body_attrs(Attrs) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun (_, {error, Reason}) -> {error, Reason};
+                   ({Attr, Val}, Acc) ->
+                       try case Attr of
+                             <<"ver">> -> [{ver, Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"xmpp:version">> ->
+                                 [{'xmpp:version', Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"type">> -> [{type, Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"key">> -> [{key, Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"newkey">> -> [{newkey, Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"xmlns">> -> Val = (?NS_HTTP_BIND), Acc;
+                             <<"secure">> -> [{secure, to_bool(Val)} | Acc];
+                             <<"xmpp:restart">> ->
+                                 [{'xmpp:restart', to_bool(Val)} | Acc];
+                             <<"to">> ->
+                                 [{to, jid:nameprep(Val)} | Acc];
+                             <<"wait">> -> [{wait, to_int(Val, 0)} | Acc];
+                             <<"ack">> -> [{ack, to_int(Val, 0)} | Acc];
+                             <<"sid">> -> [{sid, Val} | Acc];
+                             <<"hold">> -> [{hold, to_int(Val, 0)} | Acc];
+                             <<"rid">> -> [{rid, to_int(Val, 0)} | Acc];
+                             <<"pause">> -> [{pause, to_int(Val, 0)} | Acc];
+                             _ -> [{Attr, Val} | Acc]
+                           end
+                       catch
+                         _:_ ->
+                             {error,
+                              <<"Invalid \"", Attr/binary, "\" attribute">>}
+                       end
+               end,
+               [], Attrs).
+to_int(S, Min) ->
+    case jlib:binary_to_integer(S) of
+      I when I >= Min -> I;
+      _ -> erlang:error(badarg)
+    end.
+to_bool(<<"true">>) -> true;
+to_bool(<<"1">>) -> true;
+to_bool(<<"false">>) -> false;
+to_bool(<<"0">>) -> false.
+attrs_to_list(Attrs) -> [attr_to_list(A) || A <- Attrs].
+attr_to_list({Name, Value}) ->
+    [$\s, Name, $=, $', fxml:crypt(Value), $'].
+bosh_response(Body, Type) ->
+    CType = case Type of
+                xml -> ?CT_XML;
+                json -> ?CT_JSON
+            end,
+    {200, Body#body.http_reason, ?HEADER(CType),
+     encode_body(Body, Type)}.
+bosh_response_with_msg(Body, Type, RcvBody) ->
+    ?DEBUG("send error reply:~p~n** Receiced body: ~p",
+          [Body, RcvBody]),
+    bosh_response(Body, Type).
+http_error(Status, Reason, Type) ->
+    CType = case Type of
+                xml -> ?CT_XML;
+                json -> ?CT_JSON
+            end,
+    {Status, Reason, ?HEADER(CType), <<"">>}.
+make_sid() -> p1_sha:sha(randoms:get_string()).
+-compile({no_auto_import, [{min, 2}]}).
+min(undefined, B) -> B;
+min(A, B) -> erlang:min(A, B).
+check_bosh_module(XmppDomain) ->
+    case gen_mod:is_loaded(XmppDomain, mod_bosh) of
+      true -> ok;
+      false ->
+         ?ERROR_MSG("You are trying to use BOSH (HTTP Bind) "
+                    "in host ~p, but the module mod_bosh "
+                    "is not started in that host. Configure "
+                    "your BOSH client to connect to the correct "
+                    "host, or add your desired host to the "
+                    "configuration, or check your 'modules' "
+                    "section in your ejabberd configuration "
+                    "file.",
+                    [XmppDomain])
+    end.
+get_attr(Attr, Attrs) -> get_attr(Attr, Attrs, <<"">>).
+get_attr(Attr, Attrs, Default) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(Attr, 1, Attrs) of
+      {value, {_, Val}} -> Val;
+      _ -> Default
+    end.
+buf_new() -> queue:new().
+buf_in(Xs, Buf) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun (X, Acc) -> queue:in(X, Acc) end, Buf,
+               Xs).
+buf_out(Buf, Num) when is_integer(Num), Num > 0 ->
+    buf_out(Buf, Num, []);
+buf_out(Buf, _) -> {queue:to_list(Buf), buf_new()}.
+buf_out(Buf, 0, Els) -> {lists:reverse(Els), Buf};
+buf_out(Buf, I, Els) ->
+    case queue:out(Buf) of
+      {{value, El}, NewBuf} ->
+         buf_out(NewBuf, I - 1, [El | Els]);
+      {empty, _} -> buf_out(Buf, 0, Els)
+    end.
+buf_to_list(Buf) -> queue:to_list(Buf).
+cancel_timer(TRef) when is_reference(TRef) ->
+    (?GEN_FSM):cancel_timer(TRef);
+cancel_timer(_) -> false.
+restart_timer(TRef, Timeout, Msg) ->
+    cancel_timer(TRef),
+    erlang:start_timer(timer:seconds(Timeout), self(), Msg).
+restart_inactivity_timer(#state{inactivity_timeout =
+                                   Timeout} =
+                            State) ->
+    restart_inactivity_timer(State, Timeout).
+restart_inactivity_timer(#state{inactivity_timer =
+                                   TRef} =
+                            State,
+                        Timeout) ->
+    NewTRef = restart_timer(TRef, Timeout, inactive),
+    State#state{inactivity_timer = NewTRef}.
+stop_inactivity_timer(#state{inactivity_timer = TRef} =
+                         State) ->
+    cancel_timer(TRef),
+    State#state{inactivity_timer = undefined}.
+restart_wait_timer(#state{wait_timer = TRef,
+                         wait_timeout = Timeout} =
+                      State) ->
+    NewTRef = restart_timer(TRef, Timeout, wait_timeout),
+    State#state{wait_timer = NewTRef}.
+stop_wait_timer(#state{wait_timer = TRef} = State) ->
+    cancel_timer(TRef), State#state{wait_timer = undefined}.
+start_shaper_timer(Timeout) ->
+    erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), shaper_timeout).
+make_random_jid(Host) ->
+    User = randoms:get_string(),
+    jid:make(User, Host, randoms:get_string()).
+make_socket(Pid, IP) -> {http_bind, Pid, IP}.
index b5fa52ded7344549428ce323129adfce9ef6a192..e26fc8652f3d0e363c3d948f26babf9f5ae0c996 100644 (file)
 -type sockmod() :: ejabberd_http_bind |
+                  ejabberd_bosh |
                    ejabberd_http_ws |
                    gen_tcp | fast_tls | ezlib.
 -type receiver() :: pid () | atom().
 -type socket() :: pid() | inet:socket() |
                   fast_tls:tls_socket() |
-                  ezlib:zlib_socket() |
+                 ezlib:zlib_socket() |
+                 ejabberd_bosh:bind_socket() |
 -record(socket_state, {sockmod = gen_tcp :: sockmod(),
@@ -228,6 +230,7 @@ get_transport(#socket_state{sockmod = SockMod,
                tcp -> tcp_zlib;
                tls -> tls_zlib
+       ejabberd_bosh -> http_bind;
        ejabberd_http_bind -> http_bind;
        ejabberd_http_ws -> websocket
@@ -254,4 +257,3 @@ peername(#socket_state{sockmod = SockMod,
       gen_tcp -> inet:peername(Socket);
       _ -> SockMod:peername(Socket)
diff --git a/src/mod_bosh.erl b/src/mod_bosh.erl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..13d85b3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+%%% File    : mod_bosh.erl
+%%% Author  : Evgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% Purpose : This module acts as a bridge to ejabberd_bosh which implements
+%%%           the real stuff, this is to handle the new pluggable architecture
+%%%           for extending ejabberd's http service.
+%%% Created : 20 Jul 2011 by Evgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2016   ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+%%-define(ejabberd_debug, true).
+-export([start/2, stop/1, process/2, open_session/2,
+        close_session/1, find_session/1]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
+        handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3,
+        depends/2, mod_opt_type/1]).
+-record(bosh, {sid = <<"">>      :: binary() | '_',
+               timestamp = p1_time_compat:timestamp() :: erlang:timestamp() | '_',
+               pid = self()      :: pid() | '$1'}).
+-record(state, {}).
+%%% API
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+process([], #request{method = 'POST', data = <<>>}) ->
+    ?DEBUG("Bad Request: no data", []),
+    {400, ?HEADER(?CT_XML),
+     #xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, attrs = [],
+           children = [{xmlcdata, <<"400 Bad Request">>}]}};
+       #request{method = 'POST', data = Data, ip = IP, headers = Hdrs}) ->
+    ?DEBUG("Incoming data: ~p", [Data]),
+    Type = get_type(Hdrs),
+    ejabberd_bosh:process_request(Data, IP, Type);
+process([], #request{method = 'GET', data = <<>>}) ->
+    {200, ?HEADER(?CT_XML), get_human_html_xmlel()};
+process([], #request{method = 'OPTIONS', data = <<>>}) ->
+    {200, ?OPTIONS_HEADER, []};
+process(_Path, _Request) ->
+    ?DEBUG("Bad Request: ~p", [_Request]),
+    {400, ?HEADER(?CT_XML),
+     #xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, attrs = [],
+           children = [{xmlcdata, <<"400 Bad Request">>}]}}.
+get_human_html_xmlel() ->
+    Heading = <<"ejabberd ", (jlib:atom_to_binary(?MODULE))/binary>>,
+    #xmlel{name = <<"html">>,
+          attrs =
+              [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>}],
+          children =
+              [#xmlel{name = <<"head">>, attrs = [],
+                      children =
+                          [#xmlel{name = <<"title">>, attrs = [],
+                                  children = [{xmlcdata, Heading}]}]},
+               #xmlel{name = <<"body">>, attrs = [],
+                      children =
+                          [#xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, attrs = [],
+                                  children = [{xmlcdata, Heading}]},
+                           #xmlel{name = <<"p">>, attrs = [],
+                                  children =
+                                      [{xmlcdata, <<"An implementation of ">>},
+                                       #xmlel{name = <<"a">>,
+                                              attrs =
+                                                  [{<<"href">>,
+                                                    <<"http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html">>}],
+                                              children =
+                                                  [{xmlcdata,
+                                                    <<"XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0206)">>}]}]},
+                           #xmlel{name = <<"p">>, attrs = [],
+                                  children =
+                                      [{xmlcdata,
+                                        <<"This web page is only informative. To "
+                                          "use HTTP-Bind you need a Jabber/XMPP "
+                                          "client that supports it.">>}]}]}]}.
+open_session(SID, Pid) ->
+    Session = #bosh{sid = SID, timestamp = p1_time_compat:timestamp(), pid = Pid},
+    lists:foreach(
+      fun(Node) when Node == node() ->
+             gen_server:call(?MODULE, {write, Session});
+        (Node) ->
+             cluster_send({?MODULE, Node}, {write, Session})
+      end, ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes()).
+close_session(SID) ->
+    case mnesia:dirty_read(bosh, SID) of
+       [Session] ->
+           lists:foreach(
+             fun(Node) when Node == node() ->
+                     gen_server:call(?MODULE, {delete, Session});
+                (Node) ->
+                     cluster_send({?MODULE, Node}, {delete, Session})
+             end, ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes());
+       [] ->
+           ok
+    end.
+write_session(#bosh{pid = Pid1, sid = SID, timestamp = T1} = S1) ->
+    case mnesia:dirty_read(bosh, SID) of
+       [#bosh{pid = Pid2, timestamp = T2} = S2] ->
+           if Pid1 == Pid2 ->
+                   mnesia:dirty_write(S1);
+              T1 < T2 ->
+                   cluster_send(Pid2, replaced),
+                   mnesia:dirty_write(S1);
+              true ->
+                   cluster_send(Pid1, replaced),
+                   mnesia:dirty_write(S2)
+           end;
+       [] ->
+           mnesia:dirty_write(S1)
+    end.
+delete_session(#bosh{sid = SID, pid = Pid1}) ->
+    case mnesia:dirty_read(bosh, SID) of
+       [#bosh{pid = Pid2}] ->
+           if Pid1 == Pid2 ->
+                   mnesia:dirty_delete(bosh, SID);
+              true ->
+                   ok
+           end;
+       [] ->
+           ok
+    end.
+find_session(SID) ->
+    case mnesia:dirty_read(bosh, SID) of
+        [#bosh{pid = Pid}] ->
+            {ok, Pid};
+        [] ->
+            error
+    end.
+start(Host, Opts) ->
+    setup_database(),
+    start_jiffy(Opts),
+    TmpSup = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
+    TmpSupSpec = {TmpSup,
+                 {ejabberd_tmp_sup, start_link, [TmpSup, ejabberd_bosh]},
+                 permanent, infinity, supervisor, [ejabberd_tmp_sup]},
+    ProcSpec = {?MODULE,
+               {?MODULE, start_link, []},
+               transient, 2000, worker, [?MODULE]},
+    case supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, ProcSpec) of
+       {ok, _} ->
+           supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, TmpSupSpec);
+       {error, {already_started, _}} ->
+           supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_sup, TmpSupSpec);
+       Err ->
+           Err
+    end.
+stop(Host) ->
+    TmpSup = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
+    supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_sup, TmpSup),
+    supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_sup, TmpSup).
+%%% gen_server callbacks
+init([]) ->
+    {ok, #state{}}.
+handle_call({write, Session}, _From, State) ->
+    Res = write_session(Session),
+    {reply, Res, State};
+handle_call({delete, Session}, _From, State) ->
+    Res = delete_session(Session),
+    {reply, Res, State};
+handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
+    Reply = ok,
+    {reply, Reply, State}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({write, Session}, State) ->
+    write_session(Session),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info({delete, Session}, State) ->
+    delete_session(Session),
+    {noreply, State};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    ?ERROR_MSG("got unexpected info: ~p", [_Info]),
+    {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+    ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+setup_database() ->
+    case catch mnesia:table_info(bosh, attributes) of
+        [sid, pid] ->
+            mnesia:delete_table(bosh);
+        _ ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    mnesia:create_table(bosh,
+                       [{ram_copies, [node()]}, {local_content, true},
+                        {attributes, record_info(fields, bosh)}]),
+    mnesia:add_table_copy(bosh, node(), ram_copies).
+start_jiffy(Opts) ->
+    case gen_mod:get_opt(json, Opts,
+                         fun(false) -> false;
+                            (true) -> true
+                         end, false) of
+        false ->
+            ok;
+        true ->
+            case catch ejabberd:start_app(jiffy) of
+                ok ->
+                    ok;
+                Err ->
+                    ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to start JSON codec (jiffy): ~p. "
+                                 "JSON support will be disabled", [Err])
+            end
+    end.
+get_type(Hdrs) ->
+    try
+        {_, S} = lists:keyfind('Content-Type', 1, Hdrs),
+        [T|_] = str:tokens(S, <<";">>),
+        [_, <<"json">>] = str:tokens(T, <<"/">>),
+        json
+    catch _:_ ->
+            xml
+    end.
+cluster_send(NodePid, Msg) ->
+    erlang:send(NodePid, Msg, [noconnect, nosuspend]).
+depends(_Host, _Opts) ->
+    [].
+mod_opt_type(json) ->
+    fun (false) -> false;
+       (true) -> true
+    end;
+mod_opt_type(max_concat) ->
+    fun (unlimited) -> unlimited;
+       (N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> N
+    end;
+mod_opt_type(max_inactivity) ->
+    fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end;
+mod_opt_type(max_pause) ->
+    fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end;
+mod_opt_type(prebind) ->
+    fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end;
+mod_opt_type(_) ->
+    [json, max_concat, max_inactivity, max_pause, prebind].