Tests grouped by a :class:`TestSuite` are always accessed by iteration.
Subclasses can lazily provide tests by overriding :meth:`__iter__`. Note
- that this method maybe called several times on a single suite
- (for example when counting tests or comparing for equality)
- so the tests returned must be the same for repeated iterations.
+ that this method may be called several times on a single suite (for
+ example when counting tests or comparing for equality) so the tests
+ returned by repeated iterations before :meth:`TestSuite.run` must be the
+ same for each call iteration. After :meth:`TestSuite.run`, callers should
+ not rely on the tests returned by this method unless the caller uses a
+ subclass that overrides :meth:`TestSuite._removeTestAtIndex` to preserve
+ test references.
.. versionchanged:: 3.2
In earlier versions the :class:`TestSuite` accessed tests directly rather
than through iteration, so overriding :meth:`__iter__` wasn't sufficient
for providing tests.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.4
+ In earlier versions the :class:`TestSuite` held references to each
+ :class:`TestCase` after :meth:`TestSuite.run`. Subclasses can restore
+ that behavior by overriding :meth:`TestSuite._removeTestAtIndex`.
In the typical usage of a :class:`TestSuite` object, the :meth:`run` method
is invoked by a :class:`TestRunner` rather than by the end-user test harness.
def run(self, result):
- for test in self:
+ for index, test in enumerate(self):
if result.shouldStop:
+ self._removeTestAtIndex(index)
return result
+ def _removeTestAtIndex(self, index):
+ """Stop holding a reference to the TestCase at index."""
+ try:
+ self._tests[index] = None
+ except TypeError:
+ # support for suite implementations that have overriden self._test
+ pass
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
return self.run(*args, **kwds)
if getattr(result, '_testRunEntered', False) is False:
result._testRunEntered = topLevel = True
- for test in self:
+ for index, test in enumerate(self):
if result.shouldStop:
+ self._removeTestAtIndex(index)
if topLevel:
self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result)
Test.__module__ = 'Module'
sys.modules['Module'] = Module
- _suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- suite.addTest(_suite)
messages = ('setUpModule', 'tearDownModule', 'setUpClass', 'tearDownClass', 'test_something')
for phase, msg in enumerate(messages):
+ _suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite([_suite])
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, msg):
import unittest
+import gc
import sys
+import weakref
from .support import LoggingResult, TestEquality
# when the bug is fixed this line will not crash
+ def test_remove_test_at_index(self):
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite._tests = [1, 2, 3]
+ suite._removeTestAtIndex(1)
+ self.assertEqual([1, None, 3], suite._tests)
+ def test_remove_test_at_index_not_indexable(self):
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite._tests = None
+ # if _removeAtIndex raises for noniterables this next line will break
+ suite._removeTestAtIndex(2)
+ def assert_garbage_collect_test_after_run(self, TestSuiteClass):
+ class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_nothing(self):
+ pass
+ test = Foo('test_nothing')
+ wref = weakref.ref(test)
+ suite = TestSuiteClass([wref()])
+ suite.run(unittest.TestResult())
+ del test
+ # for the benefit of non-reference counting implementations
+ gc.collect()
+ self.assertEqual(suite._tests, [None])
+ self.assertIsNone(wref())
+ def test_garbage_collect_test_after_run_BaseTestSuite(self):
+ self.assert_garbage_collect_test_after_run(unittest.BaseTestSuite)
+ def test_garbage_collect_test_after_run_TestSuite(self):
+ self.assert_garbage_collect_test_after_run(unittest.TestSuite)
def test_basetestsuite(self):
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Madison May
Lucas Maystre
Arnaud Mazin
+Matt McClure
Rebecca McCreary
Kirk McDonald
Chris McDonough
Rodrigo Steinmuller Wanderley
Ke Wang
Greg Ward
+Tom Wardill
Zachary Ware
Jonas Wagner
Barry Warsaw
+- Issue #11798: TestSuite now drops references to own tests after execution.
- Issue #16611: http.cookie now correctly parses the 'secure' and 'httponly'
cookie flags.