There are some additional global options that can be specified in the ejabberd configuration file (outside \term{listen}):
- \titem{\{s2s\_use\_starttls, true|false\}}
- \ind{options!s2s\_use\_starttls}\ind{STARTTLS}This option defines whether to
- use STARTTLS for s2s connections.
+ \titem{\{s2s\_use\_starttls, false|optional|required\}}
+ \ind{options!s2s\_use\_starttls}\ind{STARTTLS}This option defines if
+ s2s connections can optionally use STARTTLS encryption, or if it must be required.
+ The default value is to not use STARTTLS: \term{false}.
\titem{\{s2s\_certfile, Path\}} \ind{options!s2s\_certificate}Full path to a
file containing a SSL certificate.
\titem{\{domain\_certfile, Domain, Path\}} \ind{options!domain\_certfile}
-{s2s_use_starttls, true}.
+{s2s_use_starttls, optional}.
{s2s_certfile, "/etc/ejabberd/server.pem"}.
{domain_certfile, "", "/etc/ejabberd/example_com.pem"}.
{outgoing_s2s_options, [ipv4, ipv6], 10000}.
on port 5223 (SSL, IP and fdca:8ab6:a243:75ef::1) and denied
for the user called `\term{bad}'.
\item s2s connections are listened for on port 5269 (all IPv4 addresses)
- with STARTTLS for secured traffic enabled.
+ with STARTTLS for secured traffic required.
Incoming and outgoing connections of remote XMPP servers are denied,
only two servers can connect: "" and "".
\item Port 5280 is serving the Web Admin and the HTTP Polling service
{service_check_from, false}]}
-{s2s_use_starttls, true}.
+{s2s_use_starttls, required}.
{s2s_certfile, "/path/to/ssl.pem"}.
{s2s_default_policy, deny}.
{{s2s_host,""}, allow}.
%% s2s_use_starttls: Enable STARTTLS + Dialback for S2S connections.
-%% Allowed values are: true or false.
+%% Allowed values are: false optional required
%% You must specify a certificate file.
-%%{s2s_use_starttls, true}.
+%%{s2s_use_starttls, optional}.
%% s2s_certfile: Specify a certificate file.
init([From, Server, Type]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
?DEBUG("started: ~p", [{From, Server, Type}]),
- TLS = case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(s2s_use_starttls) of
- undefined ->
- false;
- UseStartTLS ->
- UseStartTLS
+ {TLS, TLSRequired} = case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(s2s_use_starttls) of
+ UseTls when (UseTls==undefined) or (UseTls==false) ->
+ {false, false};
+ UseTls when (UseTls==true) or (UseTls==optional) ->
+ {true, false};
+ required ->
+ {true, true}
UseV10 = TLS,
TLSOpts = case ejabberd_config:get_local_option(s2s_certfile) of
Timer = erlang:start_timer(?S2STIMEOUT, self(), []),
{ok, open_socket, #state{use_v10 = UseV10,
tls = TLS,
+ tls_required = TLSRequired,
tls_options = TLSOpts,
queue = queue:new(),
myname = From,
case is_verify_res(El) of
{result, To, From, Id, Type} ->
?DEBUG("recv result: ~p", [{From, To, Id, Type}]),
- case Type of
- "valid" ->
+ case {Type, StateData#state.tls_enabled, StateData#state.tls_required} of
+ {"valid", Enabled, Required} when (Enabled==true) or (Required==false) ->
send_queue(StateData, StateData#state.queue),
?INFO_MSG("Connection established: ~s -> ~s with TLS=~p",
[StateData#state.myname, StateData#state.server, StateData#state.tls_enabled]),
{next_state, stream_established,
StateData#state{queue = queue:new()}};
+ {"valid", Enabled, Required} when (Enabled==false) and (Required==true) ->
+ %% TODO: bounce packets
+ ?INFO_MSG("Closing s2s connection: ~s -> ~s (TLS is required but unavailable)",
+ [StateData#state.myname, StateData#state.server]),
+ {stop, normal, StateData};
_ ->
%% TODO: bounce packets
?INFO_MSG("Closing s2s connection: ~s -> ~s (invalid dialback key)",