... in case the handshake completes before entering
Bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/
o INSTALL: converted to markdown => INSTALL.md
o curl_multi_remove_handle: fix a double-free [25]
o multi: fix inifinte loop in curl_multi_cleanup() [26]
+ o nss: fix tight loop in non-blocking TLS handhsake over proxy [27]
This release includes the following known bugs:
[24] = https://curl.haxx.se/bug/?i=1069
[25] = https://curl.haxx.se/bug/?i=1083
[26] = https://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2016-10/0011.html
+ [27] = https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1388162
const bool blocking = (done == NULL);
CURLcode result;
- if(connssl->state == ssl_connection_complete)
+ if(connssl->state == ssl_connection_complete) {
+ if(!blocking)
+ *done = TRUE;
return CURLE_OK;
+ }
if(connssl->connecting_state == ssl_connect_1) {
result = nss_setup_connect(conn, sockindex);