- <section id="timeoutsettings">
- <title>Mitigate the risk of DoS attacks</title>
- <p>DoS attacks on systems that assign one thread / process to a client
- connection for the duration of the connection are a general problem and well
- known for a long time. Not only httpd is affected by this problem, but also
- several other servers of different vendors, e.g. smtp servers, pop3 servers,
- application servers.</p>
- <p>Usual approaches to mitigate this risk are</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Set a timeout value for the network operations, such that the
- connection gets canceled if no data is transmitted on this connection
- within the timeout period.</li>
- <li>Limit the number of simultaneous connections that can be made from
- one IP. Of course this is no help against DDoS.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Mapping this back to the Apache httpd server 1. can be reached by
- lowering the value of the parameters
- <directive module="core">Timeout</directive> and
- <directive module="core">KeepAliveTimeout</directive>. A value that should
- work for most sites not using long running CGI scripts is between 5 and 10.
- Some sites even turn off the keepalives completely, which has of course other
- drawbacks on performance.</p>
- <p>2. can be reached by either limiting this on firewall / OS level or by
- using 3rd party httpd modules that limit the number of simultaneous
- connections from one IP.</p>
- <p>Since httpd 2.2.0 the risk of tying httpd processes / threads in request
- reads can be further limited by the use of accept filters via the directive
- <directive module="core">AcceptFilter</directive>. These are currently only
- available on Linux and FreeBSD systems. The protection by the FreeBSD accept
- filters is better than by Linux's more primitive TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT. For more
- details see the link above.</p>
- <p>Another approach to mitigate this risk is to decouple the fixed one
- thread / process to one client connection assignment and change it to an
- event driven modell, that assigns threads / processes to the connection
- only when there is data available to process. During the time where there
- is no data available the client connections do not block a thread / process
- but are only watched by one common event thread for new data to arrive via
- system calls like poll. This is currently work in progress on the trunk
- (development branch of httpd). It might be part of the next stable major
- release (2.4 or 3.0). Parts of this are already available as the
- experimental event MPM in httpd 2.2.x (see <module>event</module>).</p>
- </section>