-Test uniqid() function : basic functionality\r
-/* Prototype : string uniqid ([ string $prefix= "" [, bool $more_entropy= false ]] )\r
- * Description: Gets a prefixed unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds. \r
- * Source code: ext/standard/uniqid.c\r
-echo "*** Testing uniqid() : basic functionality ***\n";\r
-echo "\nuniqid() without a prefix\n";\r
-var_dump(uniqid(null, true));\r
-var_dump(uniqid(null, false));\r
-echo "\n\n";\r
-echo "uniqid() with a prefix\n";\r
-// Use a fixed prefix so we can ensure length of o/p id is fixed \r
-$prefix = array (\r
- 99999,\r
- "99999",\r
- 10.5e2,\r
- null,\r
- true,\r
- false \r
- );\r
-for ($i = 0; $i < count($prefix); $i++) { \r
- var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i]));\r
- var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i], true));\r
- var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i], false));\r
- echo "\n";\r
-} \r
---EXPECTF-- \r
-*** Testing uniqid() : basic functionality ***\r
-uniqid() without a prefix\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
-string(23) "%s.%s"\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
-uniqid() with a prefix\r
-string(18) "99999%s"\r
-string(28) "99999%s.%s"\r
-string(18) "99999%s"\r
-string(18) "999994%s"\r
-string(28) "999994%s.%s"\r
-string(18) "999994%s"\r
-string(17) "1050%s"\r
-string(27) "1050%s.%s"\r
-string(17) "1050%s"\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
-string(23) "%s.%s"\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
-string(14) "1%s"\r
-string(24) "1%s.%s"\r
-string(14) "1%s"\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
-string(23) "%s.%s"\r
-string(13) "%s"\r
\ No newline at end of file
+Test uniqid() function : basic functionality
+/* Prototype : string uniqid ([ string $prefix= "" [, bool $more_entropy= false ]] )
+ * Description: Gets a prefixed unique identifier based on the current time in microseconds.
+ * Source code: ext/standard/uniqid.c
+echo "*** Testing uniqid() : basic functionality ***\n";
+echo "\nuniqid() without a prefix\n";
+var_dump(uniqid(null, true));
+var_dump(uniqid(null, false));
+echo "\n\n";
+echo "uniqid() with a prefix\n";
+// Use a fixed prefix so we can ensure length of o/p id is fixed
+$prefix = array (
+ 99999,
+ "99999",
+ 10.5e2,
+ null,
+ true,
+ false
+ );
+for ($i = 0; $i < count($prefix); $i++) {
+ var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i]));
+ var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i], true));
+ var_dump(uniqid($prefix[$i], false));
+ echo "\n";
+*** Testing uniqid() : basic functionality ***
+uniqid() without a prefix
+string(13) "%s"
+string(23) "%s.%s"
+string(13) "%s"
+uniqid() with a prefix
+string(18) "99999%s"
+string(28) "99999%s.%s"
+string(18) "99999%s"
+string(18) "99999%s"
+string(28) "99999%s.%s"
+string(18) "99999%s"
+string(17) "1050%s"
+string(27) "1050%s.%s"
+string(17) "1050%s"
+string(13) "%s"
+string(23) "%s.%s"
+string(13) "%s"
+string(14) "1%s"
+string(24) "1%s.%s"
+string(14) "1%s"
+string(13) "%s"
+string(23) "%s.%s"
+string(13) "%s"