-/* SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c 3.4 2004/08/23 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c 3.4 2004/09/10 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
* Perhaps x, y is not needed if we can use get_obj_location() to find
* the statue's location... ???
+ *
+ * Sequencing matters:
+ * create monster; if it fails, give up with statue intact;
+ * give "statue comes to life" message;
+ * if statue belongs to shop, have shk give "you owe" message;
+ * transfer statue contents to monster (after stolen_value());
+ * delete statue.
+ * [This ordering means that if the statue ends up wearing a cloak of
+ * invisibility or a mummy wrapping, the visibility checks might be
+ * wrong, but to avoid that we'd have to clone the statue contents
+ * first in order to give them to the monster before checking their
+ * shop status--it's not worth the hassle.]
struct monst *
animate_statue(statue, x, y, cause, fail_reason)
int mnum = statue->corpsenm;
struct permonst *mptr = &mons[mnum];
- struct monst *mon = 0;
+ struct monst *mon = 0, *shkp;
struct obj *item;
coord cc;
- boolean historic = (Role_if(PM_ARCHEOLOGIST) && !context.mon_moving &&
- (statue->spe & STATUE_HISTORIC)),
+ boolean historic = (Role_if(PM_ARCHEOLOGIST) &&
+ (statue->spe & STATUE_HISTORIC) != 0),
- char statuename[BUFSZ];
- Strcpy(statuename,the(xname(statue)));
+ const char *comes_to_life;
+ char statuename[BUFSZ], tmpbuf[BUFSZ];
+ static const char historic_statue_is_gone[] =
+ "that the historic statue is now gone";
if (cant_revive(&mnum, TRUE, statue)) {
/* mnum has changed; we won't be animating this statue as itself */
return (struct monst *)0;
- /* in case statue is wielded and hero zaps stone-to-flesh at self */
- if (statue->owornmask) remove_worn_item(statue, TRUE);
- /* allow statues to be of a specific gender */
+ /* a non-montraits() statue might specify gender */
if (statue->spe & STATUE_MALE)
mon->female = FALSE;
else if (statue->spe & STATUE_FEMALE)
/* if statue has been named, give same name to the monster */
if (statue->onamelth)
mon = christen_monst(mon, ONAME(statue));
- /* transfer any statue contents to monster's inventory */
- while ((item = statue->cobj) != 0) {
- obj_extract_self(item);
- (void) add_to_minv(mon, item);
- }
- m_dowear(mon, TRUE);
- delobj(statue);
/* mimic statue becomes seen mimic; other hiders won't be hidden */
if (mon->m_ap_type) seemimic(mon);
else mon->mundetected = FALSE;
+ comes_to_life = !canspotmon(mon) ? "disappears" :
+ (nonliving(mon->data) || is_vampshifter(mon)) ?
+ "moves" : "comes to life";
if ((x == u.ux && y == u.uy) || cause == ANIMATE_SPELL) {
- const char *comes_to_life = (nonliving(mon->data) ||
- is_vampshifter(mon)) ?
- "moves" : "comes to life";
- if (cause == ANIMATE_SPELL)
- pline("%s %s!", upstart(statuename),
- canspotmon(mon) ? comes_to_life : "disappears");
+ /* "the|your|Manlobbi's statue [of a wombat]" */
+ Sprintf(statuename, "%s%s", shk_your(tmpbuf, statue),
+ (cause == ANIMATE_SPELL) ? xname(statue) : "statue");
+ pline("%s %s!", upstart(statuename), comes_to_life);
+ } else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER) {
+ if (cansee(x, y))
+ Sprintf(statuename, "%s%s", shk_your(tmpbuf, statue),
+ xname(statue));
- pline_The("statue %s!",
- canspotmon(mon) ? comes_to_life : "disappears");
- if (historic) {
- You_feel("guilty that the historic statue is now gone.");
- adjalign(-1);
- }
- } else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER)
- pline("Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly %s!",
- canspotmon(mon) ? "comes to life" : "disappears");
- else { /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */
+ Strcpy(statuename, "a statue");
+ pline("Instead of shattering, %s suddenly %s!",
+ statuename, comes_to_life);
+ } else { /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */
You("find %s posing as a statue.",
canspotmon(mon) ? a_monnam(mon) : something);
+ /* if this isn't caused by a monster using a wand of striking,
+ there might be consequences for the hero */
+ if (!context.mon_moving) {
+ /* if statue is owned by a shop, hero will have to pay for it;
+ stolen_value gives a message (about debt or use of credit)
+ which refers to "it" so needs to follow a message describing
+ the object ("the statue comes to life" one above) */
+ if (cause != ANIMATE_NORMAL && costly_spot(x, y) &&
+ (shkp = shop_keeper(*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE))) != 0)
+ (void) stolen_value(statue, x, y,
+ (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, FALSE);
+ if (historic) {
+ You_feel("guilty %s.", historic_statue_is_gone);
+ adjalign(-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (historic && cansee(x, y))
+ You_feel("regret %s.", historic_statue_is_gone);
+ /* no alignment penalty */
+ }
+ /* transfer any statue contents to monster's inventory */
+ while ((item = statue->cobj) != 0) {
+ obj_extract_self(item);
+ (void) add_to_minv(mon, item);
+ }
+ m_dowear(mon, TRUE);
+ /* in case statue is wielded and hero zaps stone-to-flesh at self */
+ if (statue->owornmask) remove_worn_item(statue, TRUE);
+ /* statue no longer exists */
+ delobj(statue);
/* avoid hiding under nothing */
if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy &&
Upolyd && hides_under(youmonst.data) && !OBJ_AT(x, y))
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)zap.c 3.4 2004/08/02 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)zap.c 3.4 2004/09/10 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
* successful. Note: this does NOT use up the corpse if it fails.
struct monst *
-register struct obj *obj;
+revive(corpse, by_hero)
+struct obj *corpse;
+boolean by_hero;
- register struct monst *mtmp = (struct monst *)0;
- struct permonst *mptr;
- struct obj *container = (struct obj *)0;
- int container_nesting = 0;
- schar savetame = 0;
- boolean recorporealization = FALSE;
- boolean in_container = FALSE;
- if(obj->otyp == CORPSE) {
- int montype = obj->corpsenm;
- xchar x, y;
- if (obj->where == OBJ_CONTAINED) {
- /* deal with corpses in [possibly nested] containers */
- struct monst *carrier;
- int holder = 0;
- container = obj->ocontainer;
- carrier = get_container_location(container, &holder,
- &container_nesting);
- switch(holder) {
- x = carrier->mx; y = carrier->my;
- in_container = TRUE;
- break;
- case OBJ_INVENT:
- x = u.ux; y = u.uy;
- in_container = TRUE;
- break;
- case OBJ_FLOOR:
- if (!get_obj_location(obj, &x, &y, CONTAINED_TOO))
- return (struct monst *) 0;
- in_container = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- return (struct monst *)0;
- }
- } else {
- /* only for invent, minvent, or floor */
- if (!get_obj_location(obj, &x, &y, 0))
- return (struct monst *) 0;
- }
- if (in_container) {
- /* Rules for revival from containers:
- - the container cannot be locked
- - the container cannot be heavily nested (>2 is arbitrary)
- - the container cannot be a statue or bag of holding
- (except in very rare cases for the latter)
- */
- if (!x || !y || container->olocked || container_nesting > 2 ||
- container->otyp == STATUE ||
- (container->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING && rn2(40)))
- return (struct monst *)0;
- }
+ struct monst *mtmp = 0;
+ struct permonst *mptr;
+ struct obj *container;
+ coord xy;
+ xchar x, y;
+ int montype, container_nesting = 0;
+ if (corpse->otyp != CORPSE) {
+ impossible("Attempting to revive %s?", xname(corpse));
+ return (struct monst *)0;
+ }
- if (MON_AT(x,y)) {
- coord new_xy;
+ x = y = 0;
+ if (corpse->where != OBJ_CONTAINED) {
+ /* only for invent, minvent, or floor */
+ container = 0;
+ (void) get_obj_location(corpse, &x, &y, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* deal with corpses in [possibly nested] containers */
+ struct monst *carrier;
+ int holder = OBJ_FREE;
+ container = corpse->ocontainer;
+ carrier = get_container_location(container, &holder,
+ &container_nesting);
+ switch (holder) {
+ x = carrier->mx, y = carrier->my;
+ break;
+ case OBJ_INVENT:
+ x = u.ux, y = u.uy;
+ break;
+ case OBJ_FLOOR:
+ (void) get_obj_location(corpse, &x, &y, CONTAINED_TOO);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; /* x,y are 0 */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!x || !y ||
+ /* Rules for revival from containers:
+ - the container cannot be locked
+ - the container cannot be heavily nested (>2 is arbitrary)
+ - the container cannot be a statue or bag of holding
+ (except in very rare cases for the latter)
+ */
+ (container &&
+ (container->olocked || container_nesting > 2 ||
+ container->otyp == STATUE ||
+ (container->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING && rn2(40)))))
+ return (struct monst *)0;
- if (enexto(&new_xy, x, y, &mons[montype]))
- x = new_xy.x, y = new_xy.y;
- }
+ /* record the object's location now that we're sure where it is */
+ corpse->ox = x, corpse->oy = y;
+ /* prepare for the monster */
+ montype = corpse->corpsenm;
+ mptr = &mons[montype];
+ /* [should probably handle recorporealization first; if corpse and
+ ghost are at same location, revived creature shouldn't be bumped
+ to an adjacent spot by ghost which joins with it] */
+ if (MON_AT(x,y)) {
+ if (enexto(&xy, x, y, mptr))
+ x = xy.x, y = xy.y;
+ }
- mptr = &mons[montype];
- if (cant_revive(&montype, TRUE, obj)) {
- /* make a zombie or doppelganger instead */
- mtmp = makemon(&mons[montype], x, y,
- if (mtmp) {
- if (mtmp->cham == PM_DOPPELGANGER) {
- /* change shape to match the corpse */
- (void) newcham(mtmp, mptr, FALSE, FALSE);
- } else if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_ZOMBIE) {
- mtmp->mhp = mtmp->mhpmax = 100;
- mon_adjust_speed(mtmp, 2, (struct obj *)0); /* MFAST */
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (obj->oxlth && (obj->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST)) {
- coord xy;
+ if (cant_revive(&montype, TRUE, corpse)) {
+ /* make a zombie or doppelganger instead */
+ /* note: montype has changed; mptr keeps old value for newcham() */
+ mtmp = makemon(&mons[montype], x, y, NO_MINVENT|MM_NOWAIT);
+ if (mtmp) {
+ corpse->oattached = OATTACHED_NOTHING; /* skip ghost handling */
+ if (mtmp->cham == PM_DOPPELGANGER) {
+ /* change shape to match the corpse */
+ (void) newcham(mtmp, mptr, FALSE, FALSE);
+ } else if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_ZOMBIE) {
+ mtmp->mhp = mtmp->mhpmax = 100;
+ mon_adjust_speed(mtmp, 2, (struct obj *)0); /* MFAST */
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (corpse->oxlth && corpse->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST) {
+ /* use saved traits */
+ xy.x = x, xy.y = y;
+ mtmp = montraits(corpse, &xy);
+ if (mtmp && mtmp->mtame && !mtmp->isminion)
+ wary_dog(mtmp, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ /* make a new monster */
+ mtmp = makemon(mptr, x, y, NO_MINVENT|MM_NOWAIT|MM_NOCOUNTBIRTH);
+ }
+ if (!mtmp) return (struct monst *)0;
- xy.x = x; xy.y = y;
- mtmp = montraits(obj, &xy);
- if (mtmp && mtmp->mtame && !mtmp->isminion)
- wary_dog(mtmp, TRUE);
- } else
- mtmp = makemon(&mons[montype], x, y,
- if (mtmp) {
- if (obj->oxlth && (obj->oattached == OATTACHED_M_ID)) {
- unsigned m_id;
- struct monst *ghost;
- (void) memcpy((genericptr_t)&m_id,
- (genericptr_t)obj->oextra, sizeof(m_id));
- ghost = find_mid(m_id, FM_FMON);
- if (ghost && ghost->data == &mons[PM_GHOST]) {
- int x2, y2;
- x2 = ghost->mx; y2 = ghost->my;
- if (ghost->mtame)
- savetame = ghost->mtame;
- if (canseemon(ghost))
- pline("%s is suddenly drawn into its former body!",
- Monnam(ghost));
- mondead(ghost);
- recorporealization = TRUE;
- newsym(x2, y2);
- }
- /* don't mess with obj->oxlth here */
- obj->oattached = OATTACHED_NOTHING;
- }
- /* Monster retains its name */
- if (obj->onamelth)
- mtmp = christen_monst(mtmp, ONAME(obj));
- }
- }
- if (mtmp) {
- if (obj->oeaten)
- mtmp->mhp = eaten_stat(mtmp->mhp, obj);
- /* track that this monster was revived at least once */
- mtmp->mrevived = 1;
- if (recorporealization) {
- /* If mtmp is revivification of former tame ghost*/
- if (savetame) {
- struct monst *mtmp2 = tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *)0);
- if (mtmp2) {
- mtmp2->mtame = savetame;
- mtmp = mtmp2;
- }
- }
- /* was ghost, now alive, it's all very confusing */
- mtmp->mconf = 1;
- }
+ /* if this is caused by the hero there might be a shop charge */
+ if (by_hero) {
+ struct monst *shkp = 0;
- switch (obj->where) {
- case OBJ_INVENT:
- useup(obj);
- break;
- case OBJ_FLOOR:
- /* in case MON_AT+enexto for invisible mon */
- x = obj->ox, y = obj->oy;
- /* not useupf(), which charges */
- if (obj->quan > 1L)
- obj = splitobj(obj, 1L);
- delobj(obj);
- newsym(x, y);
- break;
- m_useup(obj->ocarry, obj);
- break;
- obj_extract_self(obj);
- obfree(obj, (struct obj *) 0);
- break;
- default:
- panic("revive");
- }
+ x = corpse->ox, y = corpse->oy;
+ if (costly_spot(x, y))
+ shkp = shop_keeper(*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE));
+ if (cansee(x, y))
+ pline_The("%s glows iridescently.", cxname(corpse));
+ else if (shkp)
+ /* need some prior description of the corpse since
+ stolen_value() will refer to the object as "it" */
+ pline("A corpse is resuscitated.");
+ if (shkp)
+ (void) stolen_value(corpse, x, y, (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, FALSE);
+ /* [we don't give any comparable message about the corpse for
+ the !by_hero case because caller might have already done so] */
+ }
+ /* handle recorporealization of an active ghost */
+ if (corpse->oxlth && corpse->oattached == OATTACHED_M_ID) {
+ unsigned m_id;
+ struct monst *ghost, *mtmp2;
+ struct obj *otmp;
+ (void) memcpy((genericptr_t)&m_id,
+ (genericptr_t)corpse->oextra, sizeof m_id);
+ ghost = find_mid(m_id, FM_FMON);
+ if (ghost && ghost->data == &mons[PM_GHOST]) {
+ if (canseemon(ghost))
+ pline("%s is suddenly drawn into its former body!",
+ Monnam(ghost));
+ /* transfer the ghost's inventory along with it */
+ while ((otmp = ghost->minvent) != 0) {
+ obj_extract_self(otmp);
+ add_to_minv(mtmp, otmp);
+ }
+ /* tame the revived monster if its ghost was tame */
+ if (ghost->mtame && !mtmp->mtame) {
+ mtmp2 = tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *)0);
+ if (mtmp2) {
+ /* ghost's edog data is ignored */
+ mtmp2->mtame = ghost->mtame;
+ mtmp = mtmp2;
+ }
+ /* was ghost, now alive, it's all very confusing */
+ mtmp->mconf = 1;
+ /* separate ghost monster no longer exists */
+ mongone(ghost);
- return mtmp;
+ corpse->oattached = OATTACHED_NOTHING;
+ }
+ /* monster retains its name */
+ if (corpse->onamelth)
+ mtmp = christen_monst(mtmp, ONAME(corpse));
+ /* partially eaten corpse yields wounded monster */
+ if (corpse->oeaten)
+ mtmp->mhp = eaten_stat(mtmp->mhp, corpse);
+ /* track that this monster was revived at least once */
+ mtmp->mrevived = 1;
+ /* finally, get rid of the corpse--it's gone now */
+ switch (corpse->where) {
+ case OBJ_INVENT:
+ useup(corpse);
+ break;
+ case OBJ_FLOOR:
+ /* in case MON_AT+enexto for invisible mon */
+ x = corpse->ox, y = corpse->oy;
+ /* not useupf(), which charges */
+ if (corpse->quan > 1L)
+ corpse = splitobj(corpse, 1L);
+ delobj(corpse);
+ newsym(x, y);
+ break;
+ m_useup(corpse->ocarry, corpse);
+ break;
+ obj_extract_self(corpse);
+ obfree(corpse, (struct obj *)0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("revive");
+ }
+ return mtmp;
if (youseeit) Strcpy(corpse, corpse_xname(otmp, TRUE));
/* for a merged group, only one is revived; should this be fixed? */
- if ((mtmp2 = revive(otmp)) != 0) {
+ if ((mtmp2 = revive(otmp, !context.mon_moving)) != 0) {
if (youseeit) {
if (!once++) Strcpy(owner,
- if (obj->otyp == EGG)
- revive_egg(obj);
- else {
- int corpsenm = (obj->otyp == CORPSE) ?
- corpse_revive_type(obj) : 0;
- res = !!revive(obj);
- if (res && corpsenm && Role_if(PM_HEALER)) {
- boolean u_noticed = FALSE;
- if (Hallucination && !Deaf) {
- You_hear("the sound of a defibrillator.");
- u_noticed = TRUE;
- } else if (!Blind) {
- You("observe %s %s change dramatically.",
- s_suffix(an(mons[corpsenm].mname)),
- nonliving(&mons[corpsenm]) ?
+ if (obj->otyp == EGG) {
+ revive_egg(obj);
+ } else if (obj->otyp == CORPSE) {
+ int corpsenm = corpse_revive_type(obj);
+ res = !!revive(obj, TRUE);
+ if (res && Role_if(PM_HEALER)) {
+ boolean u_noticed = FALSE;
+ if (Hallucination && !Deaf) {
+ You_hear("the sound of a defibrillator.");
+ u_noticed = TRUE;
+ } else if (!Blind) {
+ You("observe %s %s change dramatically.",
+ s_suffix(an(mons[corpsenm].mname)),
+ nonliving(&mons[corpsenm]) ?
"motility" : "health");
- u_noticed = TRUE;
- }
- if (u_noticed) {
- makeknown(otmp->otyp);
- exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
- }
+ u_noticed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (u_noticed) {
+ makeknown(otmp->otyp);
+ exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
+ }