* Function fnCreateAnchorList() *
+* Uses either docofanchorrec or reldestrec to create a list of anchors *
+* depending on anchormode *
* *
* Returns a list of Anchors converted from an object record *
* Parameter: int objectID: the object for which the list is created *
* char **anchors: object records of anchors *
-* char **dest: object records of destinations *
+* char **docofanchorrec: Name of destination absolut *
+* char **reldestrec: Name of destination relativ to current *
+* object *
* int ancount: number of anchors *
+* int anchormode: 0 = use absolut dest, else rel. dest *
* Return: List of Anchors, NULL if error *
#ifdef newlist
DLIST *pAnchorList;
+ /* Get dest as relative and absolut path */
send_getdestforanchorsobj(sockfd, anchors, &destrec, ancount);
send_getreldestforanchorsobj(sockfd, anchors, &reldestrec, ancount, rootid, objectID);
pAnchorList = fnCreateAnchorList(objectID, anchors, destrec, reldestrec, ancount, mode);
/* Now get for each anchor the object record of its destination */
for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
/* if you retrieve the anchors you sometimes get more than actually accessible.
- This happens for the object 0x29a9c. */
+ */
if((NULL != anchorrec[i]) && (NULL != (str = fnAttributeValue(anchorrec[i], "Dest")))) {
sscanf(str, "0x%x", &objectID);
+ /* Using send_docbyanchorobj() makes sense because the Destination can
+ be both, an anchor or a document. If it is a document you get the
+ objectrecord of that document. If it is an anchor the function
+ graps the document which belongs to the anchor
+ and you get also the objectrecord of that document.
+ */
if(0 > send_docbyanchorobj(sockfd, objectID, &objptr)) {
return -1;
sscanf(str, "0x%x", &destobjectID);
+ /* See note in send_getdestforanchorsobj() at same position in source code */
if(0 > send_docbyanchorobj(sockfd, destobjectID, &docofanchorptr)) {
return -1;
/* passively open the data connection. The HG server is probably
- already waiting for us.
- */
+ already waiting for us.
+ */
len = sizeof(serv_addr);
if((newfd = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, &len)) < 0) {
/* php_printf("client: can't open data connection to server\n"); */
DLIST *pAnchorList = NULL;
+ /* Get dest as relative and absolut path */
send_getdestforanchorsobj(sockfd, anchors, &destrec, ancount);
send_getreldestforanchorsobj(sockfd, anchors, &reldestrec, ancount, rootid, objectID);
pAnchorList = fnCreateAnchorList(objectID, anchors, destrec, reldestrec, ancount, mode);
PHP_FE(hw_insertobject, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_insdoc, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_getsrcbydestobj, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(hw_insertanchors, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_getrellink, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_who, NULL)
PHP_FE(hw_stat, NULL)
return objids;
+static char **make_strs_from_array(HashTable *arrht) {
+ char **carr = NULL;
+ zval *data, **dataptr;
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(arrht);
+ if(NULL == (carr = emalloc(zend_hash_num_elements(arrht) * sizeof(char *))))
+ return(NULL);
+ /* Iterate through hash */
+ while(zend_hash_get_current_data(arrht, (void **) &dataptr) == SUCCESS) {
+ data = *dataptr;
+ switch(data->type) {
+ case IS_STRING:
+ *carr++ = estrdup(data->value.str.val);
+ break;
+ }
+ zend_hash_move_forward(arrht);
+ }
+ return(carr);
#define BUFFERLEN 30
static void php_hw_do_connect(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int persistent)
/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto string hw_insertanchors(int hwdoc, array anchorecs, array dest)
+ Inserts only anchors into text */
+PHP_FUNCTION(hw_insertanchors) {
+ pval **arg1, **arg2, **arg3, **arg4;
+ hw_document *hwdoc;
+ int type, docid, error;
+ char *anchorstr;
+ char **anchorrecs;
+ char **dest;
+ HashTable *arrht;
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 3 || zend_get_parameters_ex(3, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_long_ex(arg1);
+ convert_to_array_ex(arg2);
+ convert_to_array_ex(arg3);
+ docid=(*arg1)->value.lval;
+ hwdoc = zend_list_find(docid, &type);
+ if(!hwdoc || (type!=HwSG(le_document))) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING,"Unable to find file identifier %d",link);
+ }
+ if(zend_hash_num_elements((*arg2)->value.ht) != zend_hash_num_elements((*arg3)->value.ht)) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING,"Unequal number of elments in arrays");
+ }
+ /* Turn PHP-Array of strings into C-Array of strings */
+ arrht = (*arg2)->value.ht;
+ anchorrecs = make_strs_from_array(arrht);
+ arrht = (*arg3)->value.ht;
+ dest = make_strs_from_array(arrht);
+ if (0 != (error = insertanchors(hwdoc->data, anchorrecs, dest, zend_hash_num_elements(arrht)))) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING, "command (insertanchors) returned %d\n", error);
+ }
+ RETURN_STRING(anchorstr, 0);
+/* }}} */