--- /dev/null
+defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Asn1 do
+ use Mix.Task
+ alias Mix.Compilers.Erlang
+ @recursive true
+ @manifest ".compile.asn1"
+ @moduledoc """
+ Compile ASN.1 source files.
+ When this task runs, it will check the modification time of every file, and
+ if it has changed, the file will be compiled. Files will be
+ compiled in the source directory with a .erl extension and generate a .hrl file.
+ You can force compilation regardless of modification times by passing
+ the `--force` option.
+ ## Command line options
+ * `--force` - forces compilation regardless of modification times
+ ## Configuration
+ * `:asn1_paths` - directories to find asn1 files. Defaults to `["asn1"]`.
+ """
+ @doc """
+ Runs this task.
+ """
+ @spec run(OptionParser.argv) :: :ok | :noop
+ def run(args) do
+ {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [force: :boolean])
+ project = Mix.Project.config
+ source_paths = project[:asn1_paths] || ["asn1"]
+ dest_paths = project[:erlc_paths]
+ mappings = Enum.zip(source_paths, dest_paths)
+ options = project[:asn1_options] || []
+ Erlang.compile(manifest(), mappings, :asn1, :erl, opts[:force], fn
+ input, output ->
+ options = options ++ [:noobj, outdir: Erlang.to_erl_file(Path.dirname(output))]
+ :asn1ct.compile(Erlang.to_erl_file(input), options)
+ end)
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Returns ASN.1 manifests.
+ """
+ def manifests, do: [manifest]
+ defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path, @manifest)
+ @doc """
+ Cleans up compilation artifacts.
+ """
+ def clean do
+ Erlang.clean(manifest())
+ end
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Ejabberd.Mixfile do
+ use Mix.Project
+ def project do
+ [app: :ejabberd,
+ version: "15.03.0",
+ elixir: "~> 1.0",
+ elixirc_paths: ["lib"],
+ compile_path: ".",
+ compilers: Mix.compilers,
+ erlc_options: erlc_options,
+ deps: deps]
+ end
+ def application do
+ [mod: {:ejabberd_app, []},
+ applications: [:kernel, :stdlib]]
+ end
+ defp erlc_options do
+ includes = Path.wildcard(Path.join("..", "/*/include"))
+ [:debug_info, {:d, :NO_EXT_LIB}] ++ Enum.map(includes, fn(path) -> {:i, path} end)
+ end
+ defp deps do
+ [
+ {:p1_xml, github: "processone/xml"},
+ {:p1_logger, github: "processone/p1_logger"},
+ {:p1_yaml, github: "processone/p1_yaml"},
+ {:p1_tls, github: "processone/tls"},
+ {:p1_stringprep, github: "processone/stringprep"},
+ {:p1_zlib, github: "processone/zlib"},
+ {:p1_cache_tab, github: "processone/cache_tab"},
+ {:p1_utils, github: "processone/p1_utils"},
+ {:p1_iconv, github: "processone/eiconv"},
+ {:esip, github: "processone/p1_sip"},
+ {:p1_stun, github: "processone/stun"},
+ {:ehyperloglog, github: "vaxelfel/eHyperLogLog"},
+ {:p1_mysql, github: "processone/mysql"},
+ {:p1_pgsql, github: "processone/pgsql"},
+ {:eredis, github: "wooga/eredis"}
+ ]
+ end
%% If not specified, the default value 'ejabberd.yml' is assumed.
%% @spec () -> string()
get_ejabberd_config_path() ->
- case application:get_env(config) of
+ case get_env_config() of
{ok, Path} -> Path;
undefined ->
case os:getenv("EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH") of
+-spec get_env_config() -> {ok, string()} | undefined.
+get_env_config() ->
+ %% First case: the filename can be specified with: erl -config "/path/to/ejabberd.yml".
+ case application:get_env(config) of
+ R = {ok, _Path} -> R;
+ undefined ->
+ %% Second case for embbeding ejabberd in another app, for example for Elixir:
+ %% config :ejabberd,
+ %% file: "config/ejabberd.yml"
+ application:get_env(ejabberd, file)
+ end.
%% @doc Read the ejabberd configuration file.
%% It also includes additional configuration files and replaces macros.
%% This function will crash if finds some error in the configuration file.
get_version() ->
- list_to_binary(element(2, application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn))).
+ case application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn) of
+ undefined -> "";
+ {ok, Vsn} -> list_to_binary(Vsn)
+ end.
-spec get_myhosts() -> [binary()].