// builtin.
llvm::CallInst *CoroId = nullptr;
+ // Stores the llvm.coro.begin emitted in the function so that we can replace
+ // all coro.frame intrinsics with direct SSA value of coro.begin that returns
+ // the address of the coroutine frame of the current coroutine.
+ llvm::CallInst *CoroBegin = nullptr;
// If coro.id came from the builtin, remember the expression to give better
// diagnostic. If CoroIdExpr is nullptr, the coro.id was created by
// EmitCoroutineBody.
auto *Phi = Builder.CreatePHI(VoidPtrTy, 2);
Phi->addIncoming(NullPtr, EntryBB);
Phi->addIncoming(AllocateCall, AllocOrInvokeContBB);
- Builder.CreateCall(
+ auto *CoroBegin = Builder.CreateCall(
CGM.getIntrinsic(llvm::Intrinsic::coro_begin), {CoroId, Phi});
+ CurCoro.Data->CoroBegin = CoroBegin;
CurCoro.Data->CleanupJD = getJumpDestInCurrentScope(RetBB);
switch (IID) {
+ // The coro.frame builtin is replaced with an SSA value of the coro.begin
+ // intrinsic.
+ case llvm::Intrinsic::coro_frame: {
+ if (CurCoro.Data && CurCoro.Data->CoroBegin) {
+ return RValue::get(CurCoro.Data->CoroBegin);
+ }
+ CGM.Error(E->getLocStart(), "this builtin expect that __builtin_coro_begin "
+ "has been used earlier in this function");
+ auto NullPtr = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(Builder.getInt8PtrTy());
+ return RValue::get(NullPtr);
+ }
// The following three intrinsics take a token parameter referring to a token
// returned by earlier call to @llvm.coro.id. Since we cannot represent it in
// builtins, we patch it up here.
llvm::Value *F = CGM.getIntrinsic(IID);
llvm::CallInst *Call = Builder.CreateCall(F, Args);
+ // Note: The following code is to enable to emit coroutine intrinsics by
+ // hand to experiment with coroutines in C.
// If we see @llvm.coro.id remember it in the CoroData. We will update
// coro.alloc, coro.begin and coro.free intrinsics to refer to it.
if (IID == llvm::Intrinsic::coro_id) {
createCoroData(*this, CurCoro, Call, E);
+ else if (IID == llvm::Intrinsic::coro_begin) {
+ if (CurCoro.Data)
+ CurCoro.Data->CoroBegin = Call;
+ }
return RValue::get(Call);
// CHECK: [[InitBB]]:
// CHECK: %[[PHI:.+]] = phi i8* [ null, %{{.+}} ], [ %call, %[[AllocBB]] ]
- // CHECK: call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[PHI]])
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[PHI]])
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
// CHECK: %[[MEM:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[FRAME]])
// CHECK: call void @_ZdlPv(i8* %[[MEM]])
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.+]] = call i64 @llvm.coro.size.i64()
// CHECK: call i8* @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_traitsIJv15promise_new_tagEE12promise_typenwEm(i64 %[[SIZE]])
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(
// CHECK: %[[MEM:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[FRAME]])
// CHECK: call void @_ZdlPv(i8* %[[MEM]])
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.+]] = call i64 @llvm.coro.size.i64()
// CHECK: call i8* @_Znwm(i64 %[[SIZE]])
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(
// CHECK: %[[MEM:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[FRAME]])
// CHECK: call void @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_traitsIJv18promise_delete_tagEE12promise_typedlEPv(i8* %[[MEM]])
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.+]] = call i64 @llvm.coro.size.i64()
// CHECK: call i8* @_Znwm(i64 %[[SIZE]])
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(
// CHECK: %[[MEM:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[ID]], i8* %[[FRAME]])
// CHECK: %[[SIZE2:.+]] = call i64 @llvm.coro.size.i64()
// CHECK: call void @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_traitsIJv24promise_sized_delete_tagEE12promise_typedlEPvm(i8* %[[MEM]], i64 %[[SIZE2]])
extern "C" void f0() {
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(
co_await suspend_always{};
// See if we need to suspend:
// ---------------------------
// Build the coroutine handle and pass it to await_suspend
// ---------------------------
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
// CHECK: call i8* @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_handleINS_16coroutine_traitsIJvEE12promise_typeEE12from_addressEPv(i8* %[[FRAME]])
// ... many lines of code to coerce coroutine_handle into an i8* scalar
// CHECK: %[[CH:.+]] = load i8*, i8** %{{.+}}
extern "C" void f1(int) {
- co_yield 42;
// CHECK: %[[PROMISE:.+]] = alloca %"struct.std::experimental::coroutine_traits<void, int>::promise_type"
+ // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(
+ co_yield 42;
// CHECK: call void @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_traitsIJviEE12promise_type11yield_valueEi(%struct.suspend_maybe* sret %[[AWAITER:.+]], %"struct.std::experimental::coroutine_traits<void, int>::promise_type"* %[[PROMISE]], i32 42)
// See if we need to suspend:
// ---------------------------
// Build the coroutine handle and pass it to await_suspend
// ---------------------------
- // CHECK: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
// CHECK: call i8* @_ZNSt12experimental16coroutine_handleINS_16coroutine_traitsIJviEE12promise_typeEE12from_addressEPv(i8* %[[FRAME]])
// ... many lines of code to coerce coroutine_handle into an i8* scalar
// CHECK: %[[CH:.+]] = load i8*, i8** %{{.+}}
void *myAlloc(long long);
void f(int n) {
// CHECK: %n.addr = alloca i32
// CHECK: %n_copy = alloca i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[SIZE:.+]] = call i64 @llvm.coro.size.i64()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MEM:.+]] = call i8* @myAlloc(i64 %[[SIZE]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[BEG:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token %[[COROID]], i8* %[[MEM]])
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token %[[COROID]], i8* %[[MEM]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME1:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.coro.resume(i8* %[[FRAME1]])
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.coro.resume(i8* %[[FRAME]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME2:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.coro.destroy(i8* %[[FRAME2]])
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.coro.destroy(i8* %[[FRAME]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME3:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call i1 @llvm.coro.done(i8* %[[FRAME3]])
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call i1 @llvm.coro.done(i8* %[[FRAME]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME4:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @llvm.coro.promise(i8* %[[FRAME4]], i32 48, i1 false)
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @llvm.coro.promise(i8* %[[FRAME]], i32 48, i1 false)
__builtin_coro_promise(__builtin_coro_frame(), 48, 0);
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME5:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[COROID]], i8* %[[FRAME5]])
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @llvm.coro.free(token %[[COROID]], i8* %[[FRAME]])
- // CHECK-NEXT: %[[FRAME6:.+]] = call i8* @llvm.coro.frame()
- // CHECK-NEXT: call i1 @llvm.coro.end(i8* %[[FRAME6]], i1 false)
+ // CHECK-NEXT: call i1 @llvm.coro.end(i8* %[[FRAME]], i1 false)
__builtin_coro_end(__builtin_coro_frame(), 0);
// CHECK-NEXT: call i8 @llvm.coro.suspend(token none, i1 true)