<code>none</code>. <em>In Apache httpd 2.0 and 2.2,
<directive>Win32DisableAcceptEx</directive> was used for this purpose.</em></p>
+ <p>The WinNT MPM differs from the Unix MPMs such as worker and event
+ in several areas:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>When a child process is exiting due to shutdown, restart, or
+ <directive module="mpm_common">MaxConnectionsPerChild</directive>,
+ active requests in the exiting process have
+ <directive module="core">TimeOut</directive> seconds to finish before
+ processing is aborted. Alternate types of restart and shutdown are not
+ implemented.</li>
+ <li>New child processes read the configuration files instead of
+ inheriting the configuration from the parent. The behavior will
+ be the same as on Unix if the child process is created at startup
+ or restart, but if a child process is created because the prior
+ one crashed or reached
+ <directive module="mpm_common">MaxConnectionsPerChild</directive>,
+ any pending changes to the configuration will become active in the
+ child at that point, and the parent and child will be using a
+ different configuration. If planned configuration changes have been
+ partially implemented and the current configuration cannot be
+ parsed, the replacement child process cannot start up and the server
+ will halt. Because of this behavior, configuration files should not
+ be changed until the time of a server restart.</li>
+ <li>The <code>monitor</code> and <code>fatal_exception</code> hooks
+ are not currently implemented.</li>
+ <li><directive>AcceptFilter</directive> is implemented in the MPM
+ and has a different type of control over handling of new connections.
+ (Refer to the <directive module="core">AcceptFilter</directive>
+ documentation for details.)</li>
+ </ul>
<seealso><a href="../platform/windows.html">Using Apache HTTP Server on Microsoft Windows</a></seealso>