* $Log$
+ * Revision 1.37 2004/04/27 23:47:39 dblasby
+ * minor 3d geometrycollection bug fix
+ *
* Revision 1.36 2004/01/13 22:14:25 pramsey
* Changed getint and getdouble used by WKB so that it plays nice with
* memory alignment (solaris issue).
result = palloc( total_size +9); // need geometrycollection header
+ if (geom->is3d)
+ coll_type += WKB3DOFFSET;
if (flip_endian)
flip_endian_int32((char *) &coll_type);
//could use a memcpy, but...
result[0] = byte_order;
result[1] = c_type[0]; //type
result[2] = c_type[1];
return result;