? ? ??? 2002, Version 4.3.0
+- Fixed bug #18022 (fopen does not work with php://stdin anymore on Solaris).
+ (Wez)
- Added mb_convert_case() function to the mbstring extension which can convert
strings between upper, lower and title case using Unicode mappings.
Fixed bug #19257 (strtolower & strtoupper does not work for UTF-8 strings).
- (Wez).
+ (Wez)
- Fixed bug #18521 (htmlentities did not warn about unsupported charsets).
- Fixed bug #11643 (Session related, fix SID redefinition). (Ilia)
- Changed y2k_compliance to default to 1 now. (Sascha)
- Added platform independent socket error constants for better error handling.
- Fixed include(), require() and GD functions to work with remote files under
- win32. (Wez)
+ win32.
+ Fixed bug #18609 (ImageCreateFromJPEG can't fetch from a URL. (Wez)
- Update output of phpinfo() to use more CSS to reduce the file size, do
proper HTML escaping, and make it XHTML compliant. (Colin)
- Added php.ini option "auto_detect_line_endings" which enables PHP to detect