} pack_info;
point* putGraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*);
-int shiftGraphs (int, Agraph_t**, point*, Agraph_t*, int);
int packGraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*);
int packSubgraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*);
the \fIpos\fP, \fIxsize\fP and \fIysize\fP fields in \fInodehinfo_t\fP and
the \fIspl\fP field in \fIAedgeinfo_t\fP.
-.SS " int shiftGraphs (int ng, Agraph_t** gs, point* ps, Agraph_t* root, int doSplines)"
-The function \fIshiftGraphs\fP takes \fIng\fP graphs \fIgs\fP and a similar
-number of points \fIps\fP and translates each graph so
-that the lower left corner of the bounding box of graph \fIgs[i]\fP is at
-point \fIps[i]\fP. To do this, it assumes the \fIbb\fP field in
-\fIAgraphinfo_t\fP accurately reflects the current graph layout.
-The graph is repositioned by translating the \fIpos\fP field of each node
-If \fIdoSplines\fP is non-zero, the function
-also translates the \fIcoord\fP field of each node and the splines coordinates
-of each edge, if they have been calculated. In addition, edge labels are
-repositioned. If \fIroot\fP is non-NULL, it is taken as the root graph of
-the graphs in \fIgs\fP and is used to find the edges. Otherwise, the function
-uses the edges found in each graph \fIgs[i]\fP.
-It returns 0 on success. Note also that the bounding boxes of all graphs
-are left unmodified.
-This function uses the \fIbb\fP field in \fIAgraphinfo_t\fP,
-the \fIpos\fP and \fIcoord\fP fields in \fInodehinfo_t\fP and
-the \fIspl\fP field in \fIAedgeinfo_t\fP.
.SS " int packGraphs (int ng, Agraph_t** gs, Agraph_t* root, pack_info* ip)"
This function takes \fIng\fP subgraphs \fIgs\fP of a root graph \fIroot\fP
and calls \fIputGraphs\fP with the given arguments to generate