--- /dev/null
+use XML::Simple;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Glob;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use strict;
+our ( $opt_m, $opt_x );
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+our %LANGS = (
+ 'fr' => 'French',
+ );
+HELP_MESSAGE() unless $opt_m;
+my $eng = $opt_m . '.xml';
+my @files = glob $opt_m . '.xml.*';
+my $xs = XML::Simple->new();
+my $eng_xml = $xs->XMLin( $eng );
+print "This document defines the following directives:\n";
+my @directives;
+foreach my $directive ( keys %{ $eng_xml->{directivesynopsis} } ) {
+ push @directives, $directive;
+ print $directive . "\n";
+print "\n";
+foreach my $file (@files) {
+ next if $file =~ m/\.meta$/;
+ my $lang = $file;
+ $lang =~ s/.*\.([^.]+)$/$1/;
+ print "Translation available in ". ($LANGS{$lang}?$LANGS{$lang}:$lang) ."\n";
+ my $lang_xml = $xs->XMLin( $file );
+ foreach my $d ( @directives ) {
+ print "Translation does not define $d\n" unless defined( $lang_xml->{directivesynopsis}->{$d} );
+ }
+ print "\n\n";
+ print STDERR qq~
+cd manual/mod
+../../review_translations.pl -m mod_rewrite
+Lists languages with available translations, and tells you what
+directives are missing from each translation.
+-m mod_foo - Run for mod_foo.
+-x - Generate XML for missing directives, to be pasted into the
+translation XML.