. Fixed bug #60665 (call to empty() on NULL result using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
returns false). (cmb)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Implemented FR #72633 (Postgres PDO lastInsertId() should work without
+ specifying a sequence). (Pablo Santiago Sánchez, Matteo)
+ . Fixed bug #72759 (Regression in pgo_pgsql). (Anatol)
- Session:
. Fixed bug #72724 (PHP7: session-uploadprogress kills httpd). (Nikita)
- PDO_pgsql:
. Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo)
- . Implemented FR #72633 (Postgres PDO lastInsertId() should work without
- specifying a sequence). (Pablo Santiago Sánchez, Matteo)
- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants).