no messages were printed when dowaterdemon or dowaternymph failed to create
a monster doe to the G_GONE check
knights should be able to avenge attacks from covetous monsters
+eating various rotten food items would not break vegan/vegetarian conduct
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
+ * called on "first bite" of (non-corpse) food.
+ * used for non-rotten non-tin non-corpse food
+ */
-fprefx(otmp) /* called on "first bite" of (non-corpse) food */
struct obj *otmp;
switch(otmp->otyp) {
Hallucination ? "gnarly!" : "delicious!");
- /* KMH, conduct */
- switch (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material) {
- case WAX: /* let's assume bees' wax */
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
- break;
- case FLESH:
- if (otmp->otyp == EGG) {
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
- break;
- }
- case LEATHER:
- case BONE:
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
- violated_vegetarian();
- break;
- default:
- if (otmp->otyp == PANCAKE ||
- otmp->otyp == FORTUNE_COOKIE || /* eggs */
- otmp->otyp == CREAM_PIE || otmp->otyp == CANDY_BAR || /* milk */
- otmp->otyp == LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY)
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
- break;
- }
victual.eating = TRUE; /* needed for lesshungry() */
material = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material;
- if (material == LEATHER || material == BONE || material == DRAGON_HIDE) {
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
- violated_vegetarian();
+ if (material == LEATHER ||
+ material == BONE || material == DRAGON_HIDE) {
+ u.uconduct.unvegan++;
+ violated_vegetarian();
} else if (material == WAX)
- u.uconduct.unvegan++;
+ u.uconduct.unvegan++;;
if (otmp->cursed)
/* if not used up, eatcorpse sets up reqtime and may modify
* oeaten */
} else {
+ /* No checks for WAX, LEATHER, BONE, DRAGON_HIDE. These are
+ * all handled in the != FOOD_CLASS case, above */
+ switch (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material) {
+ case FLESH:
+ if (otmp->otyp == EGG) {
+ u.uconduct.unvegan++;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (otmp->otyp == PANCAKE ||
+ otmp->otyp == FORTUNE_COOKIE || /* eggs */
+ otmp->otyp == CREAM_PIE ||
+ otmp->otyp == CANDY_BAR || /* milk */
+ otmp->otyp == LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY)
+ u.uconduct.unvegan++;
+ break;
+ }
victual.reqtime = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
if (otmp->otyp != FORTUNE_COOKIE &&
(otmp->cursed ||