kicking thrones no longer loosens rocks
wall symbol not replaced when digging while blind and levitating
print regular death message when leashed, mounted steed dies of starvation
+fix more funny messages, new and old
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
register struct obj *otmp;
int xfl = 0;
boolean leftfall, rightfall;
+ const char *otherwep = 0;
leftfall = (uleft && !uleft->cursed &&
(!uwep || !welded(uwep) || !bimanual(uwep)));
otmp = uswapwep;
if (u.twoweap && otmp) {
+ otherwep = is_sword(otmp) ? c_sword :
+ makesingular(oclass_names[(int)otmp->oclass]);
Your("%s %sslips from your %s.",
- is_sword(otmp) ? c_sword :
- makesingular(oclass_names[(int)otmp->oclass]),
+ otherwep,
xfl ? "also " : "",
setuswapwep((struct obj *)0);
otmp = uwep;
if (otmp && !welded(otmp)) {
+ const char *thiswep;
+ /* nice wording if both weapons are the same type */
+ thiswep = is_sword(otmp) ? c_sword :
+ makesingular(oclass_names[(int)otmp->oclass]);
+ if (otherwep && strcmp(thiswep, otherwep)) otherwep = 0;
/* changed so cursed weapons don't fall, GAN 10/30/86 */
- Your("%s %sslips from your %s.",
- is_sword(otmp) ? c_sword :
- makesingular(oclass_names[(int)otmp->oclass]),
+ Your("%s%s %sslips from your %s.",
+ otherwep ? "other " : "", thiswep,
xfl ? "also " : "",
setuwep((struct obj *)0);