objects[otmp->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_SHIRT)
#define is_suit(otmp) (otmp->oclass == ARMOR_CLASS && \
objects[otmp->otyp].oc_armcat == ARM_SUIT)
+#define is_elven_armor(otmp) ((otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_LEATHER_HELM\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_MITHRIL_COAT\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_CLOAK\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SHIELD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BOOTS)
+#define is_orcish_armor(otmp) ((otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_HELM\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_CHAIN_MAIL\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_RING_MAIL\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_CLOAK\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == URUK_HAI_SHIELD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SHIELD)
+#define is_dwarvish_armor(otmp) ((otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_IRON_HELM\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_MITHRIL_COAT\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_CLOAK\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_ROUNDSHIELD)
+#define is_gnomish_armor(otmp) (FALSE)
/* Eggs and other food */
#define MAX_EGG_HATCH_TIME 200 /* longest an egg can remain unhatched */
#define stale_egg(egg) ((monstermoves - (egg)->age) > (2*MAX_EGG_HATCH_TIME))
#define Dragon_to_scales(pm) (GRAY_DRAGON_SCALES + (pm - mons))
+/* Elven gear */
+#define is_elven_obj(otmp) (is_elven_armor(otmp)\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_ARROW\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SPEAR\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_DAGGER\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_SHORT_SWORD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BROADSWORD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ELVEN_BOW)
+/* Orcish gear */
+#define is_orcish_obj(otmp) (is_orcish_armor(otmp)\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_ARROW\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SPEAR\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_DAGGER\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_SHORT_SWORD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == ORCISH_BOW)
+/* Dwarvish gear */
+#define is_dwarvish_obj(otmp) (is_dwarvish_armor(otmp)\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_SPEAR\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_SHORT_SWORD\
+ || (otmp)->otyp == DWARVISH_MATTOCK)
+/* Gnomish gear */
+#define is_gnomish_obj(otmp) (is_gnomish_armor(otmp))
/* Light sources */
#define Is_candle(otmp) (otmp->otyp == TALLOW_CANDLE || \
otmp->otyp == WAX_CANDLE)
#include "hack.h"
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(m_lose_armor, (struct monst *,struct obj *));
-STATIC_DCL void FDECL(m_dowear_type, (struct monst *,long,BOOLEAN_P));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(m_dowear_type, (struct monst *,long, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(extra_pref, (struct monst *, struct obj *));
const struct worn {
register struct monst *mon;
boolean creation;
/* Note the restrictions here are the same as in dowear in do_wear.c
* except for the additional restriction on intelligence. (Players
* are always intelligent, even if polymorphed).
(mon->data->mlet != S_MUMMY && mon->data != &mons[PM_SKELETON])))
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_AMUL, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_AMUL, creation, FALSE);
#ifdef TOURIST
/* can't put on shirt if already wearing suit */
if (!cantweararm(mon->data) || (mon->misc_worn_check & W_ARM))
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMU, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMU, creation, FALSE);
/* treating small as a special case allows
hobbits, gnomes, and kobolds to wear cloaks */
if (!cantweararm(mon->data) || mon->data->msize == MZ_SMALL)
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMC, creation);
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMH, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMC, creation, FALSE);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMH, creation, FALSE);
if (!MON_WEP(mon) || !bimanual(MON_WEP(mon)))
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMS, creation);
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMG, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMS, creation, FALSE);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMG, creation, FALSE);
if (!slithy(mon->data) && mon->data->mlet != S_CENTAUR)
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMF, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARMF, creation, FALSE);
if (!cantweararm(mon->data))
- m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARM, creation);
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARM, creation, FALSE);
+ else
+ m_dowear_type(mon, W_ARM, creation, RACE_EXCEPTION);
-m_dowear_type(mon, flag, creation)
+m_dowear_type(mon, flag, creation, racialexception)
struct monst *mon;
long flag;
boolean creation;
+boolean racialexception;
struct obj *old, *best, *obj;
int m_delay = 0;
case W_ARM:
if (!is_suit(obj)) continue;
+ if (racialexception && (racial_exception(mon, obj) < 1)) continue;
if (obj->owornmask) continue;
best->owornmask |= flag;
update_mon_intrinsics(mon, best, TRUE, creation);
struct obj *
which_armor(mon, flag)
return 0;
+ * Exceptions to things based on race. Correctly checks polymorphed player race.
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 No exception, normal rules apply.
+ * 1 If the race/object combination is acceptable.
+ * -1 If the race/object combination is unacceptable.
+ */
+racial_exception(mon, obj)
+struct monst *mon;
+struct obj *obj;
+ struct permonst *ptr;
+ if (mon == &youmonst && !Upolyd) ptr = &mons[urace.malenum];
+ else ptr = mon->data;
+ /* Acceptable Exceptions: */
+ /* Allow hobbits to wear elven armor - LoTR */
+ if (ptr == &mons[PM_HOBBIT] && is_elven_armor(obj))
+ return 1;
+ /* Unacceptable Exceptions: */
+ /* Checks for object that certain races should never use go here */
+ /* return -1; */
+ return 0;