^T Teleport around level
^V Teleport between levels (available in debug mode only)
^W Wish (available in debug mode only)
-^X Show your attributes (intrinsic ones included in debug or explore mode)
+^X Show your attributes (shows more in debug or explore mode)
^Z Suspend game (only if defined)
a Apply (use) a tool
A Remove all armor
M-? Display extended command help (if the platform allows this)
M-2 Toggle two-weapon combat (unless number_pad is enabled)
M-a Adjust inventory letters
+M-A Annotate: supply a name for the current dungeon level (if supported)
M-c Talk to someone
+M-C Conduct: list voluntary challenges you have maintained
M-d Dip an object into something
M-e Advance or check weapons skills
M-f Force a lock
M-m Use a monster's special ability
M-n Name a monster, an individual object, or a type of object
M-o Offer a sacrifice to the gods
+M-O Overview: show a summary of the explored dungeon (if supported)
M-p Pray to the gods for help
M-q Quit
M-r Rub a lamp
+M-R Ride: mount or dismount a saddled steed (if supported)
M-s Sit down
M-t Turn undead
+M-T Tip: empty a container
M-u Untrap something (trap, door, or chest)
M-v Print compile time options for this version of NetHack
M-w Wipe off your face
#twoweapon (unless the number_pad option is enabled)
.lp M-a
+.lp M-A
+#annotate (if supported)
.lp M-c
+.lp M-C
.lp M-d
.lp M-e
.lp M-o
+.lp M-O
+#overview (if supported)
.lp M-p
.lp M-q
.lp M-r
+.lp M-R
+#ride (if supported)
.lp M-s
.lp M-t
+.lp M-T
.lp M-u
.lp M-v
% input file: guidebook.mn
-% $Revision: 1.108 $ $Date: 2009/05/10 16:33:53 $
+% $Revision: 1.109 $ $Date: 2009/10/18 23:52:34 $
%.ds h0 "
%.ds h1 %.ds h2 \%
+{\tt\#annotate} (if supported)
+{\tt\#overview} (if supported)
+{\tt\#ride} (if supported)
General New Features
burying a punishment ball no longer ends your punishment
-#tip command--pay a modest gratuity
+#tip command (with M-T shortcut) to empty a container's contents onto floor
add clicklook option to allow looking at things on the display by clicking
right mouse button when floating mouse pointer over them
Izchak's lighting store is now able to stock oil for your lamp
make '[' command more precise when poly'd hero has embedded dragon scales/mail
fainting while wielding a cockatrice corpse will be fatal
Sunsword's light radius depends on its curse/bless state
+Add M-C and M-R meta-key shortcuts for #conduct and #ride, respectively
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific New Features
/* NetHack 3.5 cmd.c $Date$ $Revision$ */
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)cmd.c 3.5 2009/01/28 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
{'a', FALSE, doapply},
{'A', FALSE, doddoremarm},
{M('a'), TRUE, doorganize},
+ {M('A'), TRUE, donamelevel}, /* #annotate */
/* 'b', 'B' : go sw */
{'c', FALSE, doclose},
{'C', TRUE, docallcmd},
{M('c'), TRUE, dotalk},
+ {M('C'), TRUE, doconduct}, /* #conduct */
{'d', FALSE, dodrop},
{'D', FALSE, doddrop},
{M('d'), FALSE, dodip},
{'o', FALSE, doopen},
{'O', TRUE, doset},
{M('o'), FALSE, dosacrifice},
+ {M('O'), TRUE, dooverview}, /* #overview */
{'p', FALSE, dopay},
{'P', FALSE, doputon},
{M('p'), TRUE, dopray},
{'r', FALSE, doread},
{'R', FALSE, doremring},
{M('r'), FALSE, dorub},
+#ifdef STEED
+ {M('R'), FALSE, doride}, /* #ride */
{'s', TRUE, dosearch, "searching"},
{'S', TRUE, dosave},
{M('s'), FALSE, dosit},
{'t', FALSE, dothrow},
{'T', FALSE, dotakeoff},
{M('t'), TRUE, doturn},
+ {M('T'), FALSE, dotip}, /* #tip */
/* 'u', 'U' : go ne */
{'u', FALSE, dountrap}, /* if number_pad is on */
{M('u'), FALSE, dountrap},