parser.attributes.invalid_attribute_type={0} - <attribute> (line {1}) has unsupported type.\r
parser.figures.invalid_parameter_value={0} - <figure> "{1}" (line {2}) has unsupported parameter "{3}".\r
parser.figures.invalid_class={0} - <figure> "{1}" (line {2}) has reference to unsupported class {3}.\r
-parser.xml_definition_file.invalid_directory=Path to the directory containing XML specifications of FO parameters is not properly set. Please set the directory in "Options/Editor options.../FO parameter XML specification" and relaunch the FO editor. \r
+parser.xml_definition_file.invalid_directory=Path to the directory containing XML specifications of FO parameters is not properly set. Please set the directory with XML specifications in "Options/Editor options.../FO parameter XML specification" and relaunch the FO editor again. \r
parser.xml_definition_file.missing_file=Missing file "{0}.xml" in "{1}" directory.\r
parser.parameters.invalid_type={0} - <parameter> "{1}" (line {2}) has unsupported "data-type" ({1}.xml).\r
parser.parameters.invalid_value={0} - <parameter> "{1}" (line {2}) has unsupported value <xsl:param> ({1}.xml).\r