#include "zend_API.h"
#include "zend_modules.h"
#include "zend_constants.h"
+#include "zend_exceptions.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
/* }}} */
-static char *zend_parse_arg_impl(int arg_num, zval **arg, va_list *va, char **spec TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+static char *zend_parse_arg_impl(int arg_num, zval **arg, va_list *va, char **spec, char **error, int *severity TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
char *spec_walk = *spec;
char c = *spec_walk++;
if (ce_base) {
if ((!*pce || !instanceof_function(*pce, ce_base TSRMLS_CC))) {
- char *space;
- char *class_name = get_active_class_name(&space TSRMLS_CC);
- zend_error(E_WARNING, "%s%s%s() expects parameter %d to be a class name derived from %s, '%s' given",
- class_name, space, get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C),
- arg_num, ce_base->name, Z_STRVAL_PP(arg));
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "to be a class name derived from %s, '%s' given",
+ ce_base->name, Z_STRVAL_PP(arg));
*pce = NULL;
return "";
if (!*pce) {
- char *space;
- char *class_name = get_active_class_name(&space TSRMLS_CC);
- zend_error(E_WARNING, "%s%s%s() expects parameter %d to be a valid class name, '%s' given",
- class_name, space, get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C),
- arg_num, Z_STRVAL_PP(arg));
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "to be a valid class name, '%s' given",
+ Z_STRVAL_PP(arg));
return "";
zend_fcall_info *fci = va_arg(*va, zend_fcall_info *);
zend_fcall_info_cache *fcc = va_arg(*va, zend_fcall_info_cache *);
+ char *is_callable_error = NULL;
if (return_null) {
fci->size = 0;
- if (zend_fcall_info_init(*arg, fci, fcc, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) {
+ /* TODO(helly): Change to IS_CALLABLE_STRICT in next version */
+ if (zend_fcall_info_init(*arg, 0, fci, fcc, NULL, &is_callable_error TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) {
+ if (is_callable_error) {
+ *severity = E_STRICT;
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "to be a valid callback, %s", is_callable_error);
+ efree(is_callable_error);
+ return "";
+ }
} else {
- return "valid callback";
+ if (is_callable_error) {
+ *severity = E_WARNING;
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "to be a valid callback, %s", is_callable_error);
+ efree(is_callable_error);
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return "valid callback";
+ }
static int zend_parse_arg(int arg_num, zval **arg, va_list *va, char **spec, int quiet TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
- char *expected_type = NULL;
+ char *expected_type = NULL, *error = NULL;
+ int severity = E_WARNING;
- expected_type = zend_parse_arg_impl(arg_num, arg, va, spec TSRMLS_CC);
+ expected_type = zend_parse_arg_impl(arg_num, arg, va, spec, &error, &severity TSRMLS_CC);
if (expected_type) {
- if (!quiet && *expected_type) {
+ if (!quiet && (*expected_type || error)) {
char *space;
char *class_name = get_active_class_name(&space TSRMLS_CC);
- zend_error(E_WARNING, "%s%s%s() expects parameter %d to be %s, %s given",
- class_name, space, get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C), arg_num, expected_type,
- zend_zval_type_name(*arg));
+ if (error) {
+ zend_error(severity, "%s%s%s() expects parameter %d %s",
+ class_name, space, get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C), arg_num, error);
+ efree(error);
+ } else {
+ zend_error(severity, "%s%s%s() expects parameter %d to be %s, %s given",
+ class_name, space, get_active_function_name(TSRMLS_C), arg_num, expected_type,
+ zend_zval_type_name(*arg));
+ }
+ }
+ if (severity != E_STRICT) {
+ return FAILURE;
- return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
/* }}} */
-static int zend_is_callable_check_func(int check_flags, zval ***zobj_ptr_ptr, zend_class_entry *ce_org, zval *callable, zend_class_entry **ce_ptr, zend_function **fptr_ptr TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+static int zend_is_callable_check_func(int check_flags, zval ***zobj_ptr_ptr, zend_class_entry *ce_org, zval *callable, zend_class_entry **ce_ptr, zend_function **fptr_ptr, char **error TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
int retval;
char *lmname, *colon;
lmname = colon + 2;
if (colon == Z_STRVAL_P(callable)) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "invalid function name");
return 0;
* Try to fetch class and then find static method. */
*ce_ptr = zend_fetch_class(Z_STRVAL_P(callable), clen, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO | ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_SILENT TSRMLS_CC);
if (!*ce_ptr) {
+ char *cname = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_P(callable), clen);
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "class '%s' not found", cname);
+ efree(cname);
return 0;
ftable = &(*ce_ptr)->function_table;
if (ce_org && !instanceof_function(ce_org, *ce_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "class '%s' is not a subclass of '%s'", ce_org->name, (*ce_ptr)->name);
return 0;
lmname = zend_str_tolower_dup(Z_STRVAL_P(callable) + clen + 2, mlen);
*ce_ptr = ce_org;
} else {
/* We already checked for plain function before. */
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "function '%s' not found or invalid function name", Z_STRVAL_P(callable)[0]);
return 0;
} else if (!*zobj_ptr_ptr && *ce_ptr && (*ce_ptr)->__callstatic) {
retval = 1;
*fptr_ptr = (*ce_ptr)->__callstatic;
+ } else {
+ if (*ce_ptr) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "class '%s' does not have a method '%s'", (*ce_ptr)->name, lmname);
+ } else {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "function '%s' does not exist", lmname);
+ }
} else {
*fptr_ptr = fptr;
if (!*zobj_ptr_ptr && !(fptr->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC)) {
if ((check_flags & IS_CALLABLE_CHECK_IS_STATIC) != 0) {
retval = 0;
- } else {
- if (EG(This) && instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(EG(This)), *ce_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) {
- *zobj_ptr_ptr = &EG(This);
+ }
+ if (EG(This) && instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(EG(This)), *ce_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ *zobj_ptr_ptr = &EG(This);
+ if (error) {
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically, assuming $this from compatible context %s", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name, Z_OBJCE_P(EG(This))->name);
+ } else if (retval) {
zend_error(E_STRICT, "Non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically, assuming $this from compatible context %s", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name, Z_OBJCE_P(EG(This))->name);
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (error) {
+ zend_spprintf(error, 0, "non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name);
+ } else if (retval) {
zend_error(E_STRICT, "Non-static method %s::%s() cannot be called statically", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name);
if (retval && (check_flags & IS_CALLABLE_CHECK_NO_ACCESS) == 0) {
if (fptr->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) {
if (!zend_check_private(fptr, *zobj_ptr_ptr ? Z_OBJCE_PP(*zobj_ptr_ptr) : EG(scope), lmname, mlen TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "cannot access private method %s::%s()", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name);
retval = 0;
} else if ((fptr->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED)) {
if (!zend_check_protected(fptr->common.scope, EG(scope))) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "cannot access protected method %s::%s()", (*ce_ptr)->name, fptr->common.function_name);
retval = 0;
/* }}} */
-ZEND_API zend_bool zend_is_callable_ex(zval *callable, uint check_flags, char **callable_name, int *callable_name_len, zend_class_entry **ce_ptr, zend_function **fptr_ptr, zval ***zobj_ptr_ptr TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ZEND_API zend_bool zend_is_callable_ex(zval *callable, uint check_flags, char **callable_name, int *callable_name_len, zend_class_entry **ce_ptr, zend_function **fptr_ptr, zval ***zobj_ptr_ptr, char **error TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
char *lcname;
int callable_name_len_local;
if (zobj_ptr_ptr == NULL) {
zobj_ptr_ptr = &zobj_ptr_local;
+ if (error) {
+ *error = NULL;
+ }
*ce_ptr = NULL;
*fptr_ptr = NULL;
*zobj_ptr_ptr = NULL;
return 1;
- return zend_is_callable_check_func(check_flags|IS_CALLABLE_CHECK_IS_STATIC, zobj_ptr_ptr, NULL, callable, ce_ptr, fptr_ptr TSRMLS_CC);
+ return zend_is_callable_check_func(check_flags|IS_CALLABLE_CHECK_IS_STATIC, zobj_ptr_ptr, NULL, callable, ce_ptr, fptr_ptr, error TSRMLS_CC);
case IS_ARRAY:
zend_class_entry *ce = NULL;
- zval **method;
- zval **obj;
+ zval **method = NULL;
+ zval **obj = NULL;
- if (zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable)) == 2 &&
- zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable), 0, (void **) &obj) == SUCCESS &&
- zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable), 1, (void **) &method) == SUCCESS &&
+ if (zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable)) == 2) {
+ zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable), 0, (void **) &obj);
+ zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable), 1, (void **) &method);
+ }
+ if (obj && method &&
(Z_TYPE_PP(obj) == IS_OBJECT ||
Z_TYPE_PP(obj) == IS_STRING) &&
Z_TYPE_PP(method) == IS_STRING) {
if (ce) {
- return zend_is_callable_check_func(check_flags, zobj_ptr_ptr, ce, *method, ce_ptr, fptr_ptr TSRMLS_CC);
+ return zend_is_callable_check_func(check_flags, zobj_ptr_ptr, ce, *method, ce_ptr, fptr_ptr, error TSRMLS_CC);
+ } else {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "first array member is not a valid %s", Z_TYPE_PP(obj) == IS_STRING ? "class name" : "object");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(callable)) == 2) {
+ if (!obj) {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "first array member is not a valid class name or object");
+ } else {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "second array member is not a valid method");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "array must have exactly two members");
+ }
+ if (callable_name) {
+ *callable_name = estrndup("Array", sizeof("Array")-1);
+ *callable_name_len = sizeof("Array") - 1;
- } else if (callable_name) {
- *callable_name = estrndup("Array", sizeof("Array")-1);
- *callable_name_len = sizeof("Array") - 1;
*ce_ptr = ce;
*callable_name_len = Z_STRLEN(expr_copy);
+ if (error) zend_spprintf(error, 0, "no array or string given");
return 0;
- return zend_is_callable_ex(callable, check_flags, callable_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return zend_is_callable_ex(callable, check_flags, callable_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
/* }}} */
zend_function *fptr;
zval **zobj_ptr;
- if (zend_is_callable_ex(callable, 0, callable_name, NULL, &ce, &fptr, &zobj_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ if (zend_is_callable_ex(callable, IS_CALLABLE_STRICT, callable_name, NULL, &ce, &fptr, &zobj_ptr, NULL TSRMLS_CC)) {
if (Z_TYPE_P(callable) == IS_STRING && ce) {
/* }}} */
-ZEND_API int zend_fcall_info_init(zval *callable, zend_fcall_info *fci, zend_fcall_info_cache *fcc, char **callable_name TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ZEND_API int zend_fcall_info_init(zval *callable, uint check_flags, zend_fcall_info *fci, zend_fcall_info_cache *fcc, char **callable_name, char **error TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
int lc_len;
char *lcname;
zend_function *func;
zval **obj;
- if (!zend_is_callable_ex(callable, IS_CALLABLE_STRICT, callable_name, NULL, &ce, &func, &obj TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ if (!zend_is_callable_ex(callable, check_flags, callable_name, NULL, &ce, &func, &obj, error TSRMLS_CC)) {
return FAILURE;