- // Build _objc_method_list for class's instance methods if needed
- if (IDecl->getNumInstanceMethods() > 0) {
- int NumMethods = IDecl->getNumInstanceMethods();
- static bool objc_method = false;
- if (!objc_method) {
+ // Build _objc_method for class's instance or class methods metadata if needed
+ static bool objc_impl_method = false;
+ if (IDecl->getNumInstanceMethods() > 0 || IDecl->getNumClassMethods() > 0) {
+ if (!objc_impl_method) {
/* struct _objc_method {
- SEL _cmd;
- char *method_types;
- void *_imp;
- }
- */
+ SEL _cmd;
+ char *method_types;
+ void *_imp;
+ }
+ */
printf("\nstruct _objc_method {\n");
printf("\tSEL _cmd;\n");
printf("\tchar *method_types;\n");
printf("\tvoid *_imp;\n");
- objc_method = true;
+ objc_impl_method = true;
+ }
+ // Build _objc_method_list for class's instance methods if needed
+ if (IDecl->getNumInstanceMethods() > 0) {
+ int NumMethods = IDecl->getNumInstanceMethods();
/* struct _objc_method_list {
struct objc_method_list *next_method;
int method_count;
+ // Build _objc_method_list for class's class methods if needed
+ if (IDecl->getNumClassMethods() > 0) {
+ int NumMethods = IDecl->getNumClassMethods();
+ /* struct _objc_method_list {
+ struct objc_method_list *next_method;
+ int method_count;
+ struct _objc_method method_list[method_count];
+ }
+ */
+ printf("\nstatic struct {\n");
+ printf("\tstruct objc_method_list *next_method;\n");
+ printf("\tint method_count;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc_method method_list[%d];\n", NumMethods);
+ printf("} _OBJC_CLASS_METHODS_%s "
+ "__attribute__ ((section (\"__OBJC, __cls_meth\")))= "
+ "{\n\t0, %d\n", IDecl->getName(), NumMethods);
+ ObjcMethodDecl **Methods = IDecl->getClassMethods();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumMethods; i++)
+ // TODO: 1) method selector name may hav to go into their own section
+ // 2) encode method types for use here (which may have to go into
+ // __meth_var_types section, 3) Need method address as 3rd initializer.
+ printf("\t,(SEL)\"%s\", \"\", 0\n",
+ Methods[i]->getSelector().getName().c_str());
+ printf("};\n");
+ }
+ // Protocols referenced in class declaration?
+ static bool objc_protocol_methods = false;
+ int NumProtocols = CDecl->getNumIntfRefProtocols();
+ if (NumProtocols > 0) {
+ ObjcProtocolDecl **Protocols = CDecl->getReferencedProtocols();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumProtocols; i++) {
+ ObjcProtocolDecl *PDecl = Protocols[i];
+ // Output struct protocol_methods holder of method selector and type.
+ if (!objc_protocol_methods &&
+ (PDecl->getNumInstanceMethods() > 0
+ || PDecl->getNumClassMethods() > 0)) {
+ /* struct protocol_methods {
+ SEL _cmd;
+ char *method_types;
+ }
+ */
+ printf("\nstruct protocol_methods {\n");
+ printf("\tSEL _cmd;\n");
+ printf("\tchar *method_types;\n");
+ printf("};\n");
+ objc_protocol_methods = true;
+ }
+ // Output instance methods declared in this protocol.
+ /* struct _objc_protocol_method_list {
+ int protocol_method_count;
+ struct protocol_methods protocols[protocol_method_count];
+ }
+ */
+ int NumMethods = PDecl->getNumInstanceMethods();
+ if (NumMethods > 0) {
+ printf("\nstatic struct {\n");
+ printf("\tint protocol_method_count;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct protocol_methods protocols[%d];\n", NumMethods);
+ "__attribute__ ((section (\"__OBJC, __cat_inst_meth\")))= "
+ "{\n\t%d\n",PDecl->getName(), NumMethods);
+ ObjcMethodDecl **Methods = PDecl->getInstanceMethods();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumMethods; i++)
+ // TODO: 1) method selector name may hav to go into their own section
+ // 2) encode method types for use here (which may have to go into
+ // __meth_var_types section.
+ printf("\t,(SEL)\"%s\", \"\"\n",
+ Methods[i]->getSelector().getName().c_str());
+ printf("};\n");
+ }
+ // Output class methods declared in this protocol.
+ NumMethods = PDecl->getNumClassMethods();
+ if (NumMethods > 0) {
+ printf("\nstatic struct {\n");
+ printf("\tint protocol_method_count;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct protocol_methods protocols[%d];\n", NumMethods);
+ "__attribute__ ((section (\"__OBJC, __cat_cls_meth\")))= "
+ "{\n\t%d\n",PDecl->getName(), NumMethods);
+ ObjcMethodDecl **Methods = PDecl->getClassMethods();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumMethods; i++)
+ // TODO: 1) method selector name may hav to go into their own section
+ // 2) encode method types for use here (which may have to go into
+ // __meth_var_types section.
+ printf("\t,(SEL)\"%s\", \"\"\n",
+ Methods[i]->getSelector().getName().c_str());
+ printf("};\n");
+ }
+ // Output:
+ /* struct _objc_protocol {
+ // Objective-C 1.0 extensions
+ struct _objc_protocol_extension *isa;
+ char *protocol_name;
+ struct _objc_protocol **protocol_list;
+ struct _objc__method_prototype_list *instance_methods;
+ struct _objc__method_prototype_list *class_methods;
+ };
+ */
+ static bool objc_protocol = false;
+ if (!objc_protocol) {
+ printf("\nstruct _objc_protocol {\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc_protocol_extension *isa;\n");
+ printf("\tchar *protocol_name;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc_protocol **protocol_list;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc__method_prototype_list *instance_methods;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc__method_prototype_list *class_methods;\n");
+ printf("};\n");
+ objc_protocol = true;
+ }
+ printf("\nstatic struct _objc_protocol _OBJC_PROTOCOL_%s "
+ "__attribute__ ((section (\"__OBJC, __protocol\")))= "
+ "{\n\t0, \"%s\", 0, ", PDecl->getName(), PDecl->getName());
+ if (PDecl->getInstanceMethods() > 0)
+ printf("(struct _objc__method_prototype_list *)"
+ "&_OBJC_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_%s, ", PDecl->getName());
+ else
+ printf("0, ");
+ if (PDecl->getClassMethods() > 0)
+ printf("(struct _objc__method_prototype_list *)"
+ "&_OBJC_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_%s\n", PDecl->getName());
+ else
+ printf("0\n");
+ printf("};\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (NumProtocols > 0) {
+ // Output the top lovel protocol meta-data for the class.
+ /* struct _objc_protocol_list {
+ struct _objc_protocol_list *next;
+ int protocol_count;
+ struct _objc_protocol *class_protocols[protocol_count];
+ }
+ */
+ printf("\nstatic struct {\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc_protocol_list *next;\n");
+ printf("\tint protocol_count;\n");
+ printf("\tstruct _objc_protocol *class_protocols[%d];\n"
+ "__attribute__ ((section (\"__OBJC, __cat_cls_meth\")))= "
+ "{\n\t0, %d\n",NumProtocols, CDecl->getName(), NumProtocols);
+ ObjcProtocolDecl **Protocols = CDecl->getReferencedProtocols();
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumProtocols; i++) {
+ ObjcProtocolDecl *PDecl = Protocols[i];
+ printf("\t,&_OBJC_PROTOCOL_%s \n",
+ PDecl->getName());
+ }
+ printf("};\n");
+ }
+ }
void RewriteTest::WriteObjcMetaData() {
int ClsDefCount = ClassImplementation.size();