2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1801594 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
+1: jfclere, jim, covener
- *) ssl, ab: Compatibility with LibreSSL. PR 61184 and PR 61206.
- trunk patch: http://svn.apache.org/r1803392
- http://svn.apache.org/r1803396
- http://svn.apache.org/r1803398
- 2.4.x patch: http://home.apache.org/~ylavic/patches/httpd-2.4.x-libressl.patch
- +1: ylavic, jim, covener
*) core: Follow up to r1739201.
These APR_TIMEUP special cases are now handled by ap_map_http_request_error().
(r1739201 has been backported in the 2.4 branch in r1768079)