struct Url *url = url_parse(m->path);
struct ImapMboxData *mdata = imap_mdata_new(adata, url->path);
+ /* fixup path and realpath, mainly to replace / by /INBOX */
+ char buf[LONG_STRING];
+ imap_qualify_path(buf, sizeof(buf), &adata->conn_account, mdata->name);
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(m->path, buf, sizeof(m->path));
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(m->realpath, m->path, sizeof(m->realpath));
m->mdata = mdata;
m->free_mdata = imap_mdata_free;
static int imap_mbox_open(struct Mailbox *m, struct Context *ctx)
- if (!m || !m->account)
+ if (!m || !m->account || !m->mdata)
return -1;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
struct ImapAccountData *adata = imap_adata_get(m);
struct ImapMboxData *mdata = imap_mdata_get(m);
- imap_qualify_path(buf, sizeof(buf), &adata->conn_account, mdata->name);
- mutt_str_strfcpy(m->path, buf, sizeof(m->path));
- mutt_str_strfcpy(m->realpath, m->path, sizeof(m->realpath));
// NOTE(sileht): looks like we have two not obvious loop here
// ctx->mailbox->account->adata->ctx
// mailbox->account->adata->mailbox