Reported to the list back in November: scaring a mimicing mimic will
produce a "turns to flee" message, but the mimic does not unmimic nor
does it flee. The latter behavior made sense to me as a defense mechanism,
so I changed monflee to avoid printing the message in this case.
grammar of messages regarding eating artifacts
avoid a message about an invisible monster looking much better
player polymorphed as a xorn could not pick up items in pits
+don't display "turns to flee" message for a mimicing mimic
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (fleetime == 1) fleetime++;
mtmp->mfleetim = min(fleetime, 127);
- if (!mtmp->mflee && fleemsg && canseemon(mtmp) && !mtmp->mfrozen)
+ if (!mtmp->mflee && fleemsg && canseemon(mtmp) && !mtmp->mfrozen &&
+ mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_FURNITURE &&
+ mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_OBJECT)
pline("%s turns to flee!", (Monnam(mtmp)));
mtmp->mflee = 1;