******************************************************************** -->
+ <!-- * About the $info param used in this stylesheet -->
+ <!-- * -->
+ <!-- * The $info param is a "master info" node set that contains -->
+ <!-- * the entires contents of the *info child of the current -->
+ <!-- * Refentry, plus the entire contents of the *info children of -->
+ <!-- * all ancestors of the current Refentry, in document order. -->
+ <!-- * -->
+ <!-- * We try to find a "best match" for selecting content from -->
+ <!-- * $infor; we look through it in reverse document order until we -->
+ <!-- * can find something usable. -->
+ <!-- * -->
+ <!-- * Specifically what the basic metadata-gathering XPath expression -->
+ <!-- * in this stylesheet does is: -->
+ <!-- * -->
+ <!-- * 1. Look through the entire "master info" node set.-->
+ <!-- * 2. Get the last node in the set that contains, for -->
+ <!-- * example, an Author element. That amounts to being the -->
+ <!-- * closest *info node to the Refentry - either its *info -->
+ <!-- * child, or the *info node of its closest ancestor that -->
+ <!-- * contains an Author. -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<!-- * Get user "refentry metadata" preferences -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
+ <!-- * The DocBook XSL stylesheets include several user-configurable -->
+ <!-- * global stylesheet parameters for controlling refentry metadata -->
+ <!-- * gathering. Those parameters are not read directly by the other -->
+ <!-- * refentry metadata-gathering templates. Instead, they are read -->
+ <!-- * only by the get.refentry.metadata.prefs template, which -->
+ <!-- * assembles them into a structure that is then passed to the -->
+ <!-- * other refentry metadata-gathering template. -->
<xsl:variable name="get.refentry.metadata.prefs">
+ <!-- * get.refentry.metadata.prefs is in common/refentry.xsl -->
<xsl:call-template name="get.refentry.metadata.prefs"/>
<xsl:template name="make.roff.metadata.author">
<xsl:param name="info"/>
- <!-- * The $info param is a "master info" node set that contains -->
- <!-- * the entires contents of the *info child of the current -->
- <!-- * Refentry, plus the entire contents of the *info children of -->
- <!-- * all ancestors of the current Refentry, in document order. -->
- <!-- * -->
- <!-- * We try to find a "best match" for putting into metadata -->
- <!-- * "Author" field in roff comment; we look in descending order -->
- <!-- * of preference until we can find something usable. -->
- <!-- * -->
- <!-- * Note that what the following XPath expressions do is: -->
- <!-- * -->
- <!-- * 1. Look through the entire "master info" node set.-->
- <!-- * 2. Get the last node in the set that contains, for -->
- <!-- * example, an Author element. That amounts to being the -->
- <!-- * closest *info node to the Refentry - either its *info -->
- <!-- * child, or the *info node of its closest ancestor that -->
- <!-- * contains an Author. -->
- <!-- * 3. Get only the first Author (for example) from that -->
- <!-- * node. (The node may actually contain any arbitrary -->
- <!-- * number of Author instances, but for the purposes of -->
- <!-- * putting the "Author" field into our roff metadata, we -->
- <!-- * want only one name, not four or eleven or whatever.) -->
<xsl:when test="$info//author">
+ <xsl:otherwise/> <!-- * do nothing, no author info found -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="authorsect"/>
+ <xsl:otherwise/> <!-- * do nothing, no author info found -->
<xsl:template name="attribution">
- <!-- * Determine appropriate attribution a particular person's role. -->
+ <!-- * Determine appropriate attribution for a particular person's role. -->
<!-- * if we have a *blurb or contrib, just use that -->
<xsl:when test="contrib|personblurb|authorblurb">
+ <!-- * ============================================================== -->
+ <!-- * Assemble the COPYRIGHT section -->
+ <!-- * ============================================================== -->
+ <!-- * The COPYRIGHT section is output only if a copyright or -->
+ <!-- * legalnotice is found. It contains the copyright contents -->
+ <!-- * followed by the legalnotice contents. -->
+ <xsl:template name="copyright.section">
+ <xsl:param name="info"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$info//copyright|$info//legalnotice">
+ <xsl:text>.SH "</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:call-template name="string.upper">
+ <xsl:with-param name="string">
+ <xsl:call-template name="gentext">
+ <xsl:with-param name="key">Copyright</xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ <xsl:text>" </xsl:text>
+ <!-- * the copyright mode="titlepage.mode" template is -->
+ <!-- * imported from the HTML stylesheets -->
+ <xsl:apply-templates
+ select="(($info[//copyright])[last()]//copyright)[1]"
+ mode="titlepage.mode"/>
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates
+ select="(($info[//legalnotice])[last()]//legalnotice)[1]"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise/> <!-- * do nothing, no copyright or legalnotice found -->
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="legalnotice">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </xsl:template>
<!-- * ============================================================== -->
<!-- * suppress refmeta and all *info (we grab what we need from them -->