- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ static inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
return((CLQuantum) value);
- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ static inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
return((CLQuantum) (257.0f*value));
- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ static inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
return((CLQuantum) (16843009.0*value));
- inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
+ static inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
return (CLQuantum) clamp(value, 0.0f, QuantumRange);
- inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
+ static inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
return (CLQuantum) (clamp(value, 0.0f, QuantumRange) + 0.5f);
- inline int ClampToCanvas(const int offset,const int range)
+ static inline int ClampToCanvas(const int offset,const int range)
return clamp(offset, (int)0, range-1);
- inline uint ScaleQuantumToMap(CLQuantum value)
+ static inline uint ScaleQuantumToMap(CLQuantum value)
if (value >= (CLQuantum) MaxMap)
return ((uint)MaxMap);
- inline float PerceptibleReciprocal(const float x)
+ static inline float PerceptibleReciprocal(const float x)
float sign = x < (float) 0.0 ? (float) -1.0 : (float) 1.0;
return((sign*x) >= MagickEpsilon ? (float) 1.0/x : sign*((float) 1.0/MagickEpsilon));
- inline float RoundToUnity(const float value)
+ static inline float RoundToUnity(const float value)
return clamp(value,0.0f,1.0f);
- inline unsigned int getPixelIndex(const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline unsigned int getPixelIndex(const unsigned int number_channels,
const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y)
return (x * number_channels) + (y * columns * number_channels);
- inline float getPixelRed(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*p; }
- inline float getPixelGreen(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+1); }
- inline float getPixelBlue(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+2); }
- inline float getPixelAlpha(const __global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels) { return (float)*(p+number_channels-1); }
- inline void setPixelRed(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *p=value; }
- inline void setPixelGreen(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+1)=value; }
- inline void setPixelBlue(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+2)=value; }
- inline void setPixelAlpha(__global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+number_channels-1)=value; }
- inline CLQuantum getBlue(CLPixelType p) { return p.x; }
- inline void setBlue(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).x = value; }
- inline float getBlueF4(float4 p) { return p.x; }
- inline void setBlueF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).x = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getGreen(CLPixelType p) { return p.y; }
- inline void setGreen(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).y = value; }
- inline float getGreenF4(float4 p) { return p.y; }
- inline void setGreenF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).y = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getRed(CLPixelType p) { return p.z; }
- inline void setRed(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).z = value; }
- inline float getRedF4(float4 p) { return p.z; }
- inline void setRedF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).z = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getAlpha(CLPixelType p) { return p.w; }
- inline void setAlpha(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).w = value; }
- inline float getAlphaF4(float4 p) { return p.w; }
- inline void setAlphaF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).w = value; }
- inline void ReadChannels(const __global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline float getPixelRed(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*p; }
+ static inline float getPixelGreen(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+1); }
+ static inline float getPixelBlue(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+2); }
+ static inline float getPixelAlpha(const __global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels) { return (float)*(p+number_channels-1); }
+ static inline void setPixelRed(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *p=value; }
+ static inline void setPixelGreen(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+1)=value; }
+ static inline void setPixelBlue(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+2)=value; }
+ static inline void setPixelAlpha(__global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+number_channels-1)=value; }
+ static inline CLQuantum getBlue(CLPixelType p) { return p.x; }
+ static inline void setBlue(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).x = value; }
+ static inline float getBlueF4(float4 p) { return p.x; }
+ static inline void setBlueF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).x = value; }
+ static inline CLQuantum getGreen(CLPixelType p) { return p.y; }
+ static inline void setGreen(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).y = value; }
+ static inline float getGreenF4(float4 p) { return p.y; }
+ static inline void setGreenF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).y = value; }
+ static inline CLQuantum getRed(CLPixelType p) { return p.z; }
+ static inline void setRed(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).z = value; }
+ static inline float getRedF4(float4 p) { return p.z; }
+ static inline void setRedF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).z = value; }
+ static inline CLQuantum getAlpha(CLPixelType p) { return p.w; }
+ static inline void setAlpha(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).w = value; }
+ static inline float getAlphaF4(float4 p) { return p.w; }
+ static inline void setAlphaF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).w = value; }
+ static inline void ReadChannels(const __global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
const ChannelType channel, float *red, float *green, float *blue, float *alpha)
if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- inline float4 ReadAllChannels(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline float4 ReadAllChannels(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y)
const __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- inline float4 ReadFloat4(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline float4 ReadFloat4(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel)
const __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
return (float4)(red, green, blue, alpha);
- inline void WriteChannels(__global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline void WriteChannels(__global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
const ChannelType channel, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- inline void WriteAllChannels(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline void WriteAllChannels(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, float4 pixel)
__global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- inline void WriteFloat4(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ static inline void WriteFloat4(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel,
float4 pixel)
WriteChannels(p, number_channels, channel, pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.z, pixel.w);
- inline float GetPixelIntensity(const unsigned int colorspace,
+ static inline float GetPixelIntensity(const unsigned int colorspace,
const unsigned int method,float red,float green,float blue)
float intensity;
return intensity;
- inline int mirrorBottom(int value)
+ static inline int mirrorBottom(int value)
return (value < 0) ? - (value) : value;
- inline int mirrorTop(int value, int width)
+ static inline int mirrorTop(int value, int width)
return (value >= width) ? (2 * width - value - 1) : value;
- inline float4 ConvertRGBToHSB(const float4 pixel)
+ static inline float4 ConvertRGBToHSB(const float4 pixel)
float4 result=0.0f;
- inline float4 ConvertHSBToRGB(const float4 pixel)
+ static inline float4 ConvertHSBToRGB(const float4 pixel)
float hue=pixel.x;
float saturation=pixel.y;
- inline void ConvertRGBToHSL(const CLQuantum red,const CLQuantum green, const CLQuantum blue,
+ static inline void ConvertRGBToHSL(const CLQuantum red,const CLQuantum green, const CLQuantum blue,
float *hue, float *saturation, float *lightness)
- inline void ConvertHSLToRGB(const float hue,const float saturation, const float lightness,
+ static inline void ConvertHSLToRGB(const float hue,const float saturation, const float lightness,
CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
- inline void ModulateHSL(const float percent_hue, const float percent_saturation,const float percent_lightness,
+ static inline void ModulateHSL(const float percent_hue, const float percent_saturation,const float percent_lightness,
CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
- inline float applyResizeFilter(const float x, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType filterType, const __global float* filterCoefficients)
+ static inline float applyResizeFilter(const float x, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType filterType, const __global float* filterCoefficients)
switch (filterType)
- inline float getResizeFilterWeight(const __global float* resizeFilterCubicCoefficients, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeFilterType
+ static inline float getResizeFilterWeight(const __global float* resizeFilterCubicCoefficients, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeFilterType
, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeWindowType
, const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeWindowSupport, const float resizeFilterBlur, const float x)
- inline unsigned int getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
+ static inline unsigned int getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
return (numWorkItems/pixelPerWorkgroup);
// returns the index of the pixel for the current workitem to compute.
// returns -1 if this workitem doesn't need to participate in any computation
- inline int pixelToCompute(const unsigned itemID, const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
+ static inline int pixelToCompute(const unsigned itemID, const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
const unsigned int numWorkItemsPerPixel = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(pixelPerWorkgroup, numWorkItems);
int pixelIndex = itemID/numWorkItemsPerPixel;
pixelIndex = (pixelIndex<pixelPerWorkgroup)?pixelIndex:-1;