* get_partition_operator
- * Return oid of the operator of given strategy for a given partition key
- * column.
+ * Return oid of the operator of the given strategy for the given partition
+ * key column. It is assumed that the partitioning key is of the same type as
+ * the chosen partitioning opclass, or at least binary-compatible. In the
+ * latter case, *need_relabel is set to true if the opclass is not of a
+ * polymorphic type (indicating a RelabelType node needed on top), otherwise
+ * false.
static Oid
get_partition_operator(PartitionKey key, int col, StrategyNumber strategy,
Oid operoid;
- * First check if there exists an operator of the given strategy, with
- * this column's type as both its lefttype and righttype, in the
- * partitioning operator family specified for the column.
+ * Get the operator in the partitioning opfamily using the opclass'
+ * declared input type as both left- and righttype.
operoid = get_opfamily_member(key->partopfamily[col],
- key->parttypid[col],
- key->parttypid[col],
+ key->partopcintype[col],
+ key->partopcintype[col],
+ if (!OidIsValid(operoid))
+ elog(ERROR, "missing operator %d(%u,%u) in partition opfamily %u",
+ strategy, key->partopcintype[col], key->partopcintype[col],
+ key->partopfamily[col]);
- * If one doesn't exist, we must resort to using an operator in the same
- * operator family but with the operator class declared input type. It is
- * OK to do so, because the column's type is known to be binary-coercible
- * with the operator class input type (otherwise, the operator class in
- * question would not have been accepted as the partitioning operator
- * class). We must however inform the caller to wrap the non-Const
- * expression with a RelabelType node to denote the implicit coercion. It
- * ensures that the resulting expression structurally matches similarly
- * processed expressions within the optimizer.
+ * If the partition key column is not of the same type as the operator
+ * class and not polymorphic, tell caller to wrap the non-Const expression
+ * in a RelabelType. This matches what parse_coerce.c does.
- if (!OidIsValid(operoid))
- {
- operoid = get_opfamily_member(key->partopfamily[col],
- key->partopcintype[col],
- key->partopcintype[col],
- strategy);
- if (!OidIsValid(operoid))
- elog(ERROR, "missing operator %d(%u,%u) in opfamily %u",
- strategy, key->partopcintype[col], key->partopcintype[col],
- key->partopfamily[col]);
- *need_relabel = true;
- }
- else
- *need_relabel = false;
+ *need_relabel = (key->parttypid[col] != key->partopcintype[col] &&
+ key->partopcintype[col] != RECORDOID &&
+ !IsPolymorphicType(key->partopcintype[col]));
return operoid;
Filter: ((a = '{4,5}'::integer[]) OR (a = '{1}'::integer[]))
(5 rows)
+explain (costs off) update pp_arrpart set a = a where a = '{1}';
+ Update on pp_arrpart
+ Update on pp_arrpart1
+ -> Seq Scan on pp_arrpart1
+ Filter: (a = '{1}'::integer[])
+(4 rows)
+explain (costs off) delete from pp_arrpart where a = '{1}';
+ Delete on pp_arrpart
+ Delete on pp_arrpart1
+ -> Seq Scan on pp_arrpart1
+ Filter: (a = '{1}'::integer[])
+(4 rows)
drop table pp_arrpart;
-- array type hash partition key
create table pph_arrpart (a int[]) partition by hash (a);