- which bison
- bison --version
- autoreconf -if
- - ./configure YACC="$(which bison) -y" $COVERAGE
+ - ./configure --with-oniguruma=builtin YACC="$(which bison) -y" $COVERAGE
# When using the bison from Debian we need to tell that bison where
ruby \
wget \
ruby-dev && \
- wget https://github.com/kkos/oniguruma/archive/v5.9.6.tar.gz -O onig-5.9.6.tar.gz && \
- sha512sum onig-5.9.6.tar.gz | grep 6b048d345e148c9da38af7a8df76d4a358eb3d4db91fa7834076e511f526a63544284f212b0d56badbbd33112c8b458a5fff02bfbbda012ecfe478bc436ea679 && \
- tar zxvf onig-5.9.6.tar.gz && \
- (cd oniguruma-5.9.6 && \
- touch NEWS ChangeLog && \
- autoreconf -i && \
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && \
- make && \
- make install ) && \
+ git submodule init && \
+ git submodule update && \
gem install bundler && \
(cd /app/docs && bundle install) && \
(cd /app && \
autoreconf -i && \
- ./configure --disable-valgrind --enable-all-static --prefix=/usr/local && \
+ ./configure --with-oniguruma=builtin --disable-valgrind --enable-all-static --prefix=/usr/local && \
make -j8 && \
make check && \
make install && \
make distclean ) && \
- (cd oniguruma-5.9.6 && \
- make uninstall ) && \
apt-get purge -y \
build-essential \
autoconf \
ruby \
ruby-dev && \
apt-get autoremove -y && \
- rm -rf oniguruma-5.9.6 && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/lib/gems
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/jq"]
- C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --needed --noconfirm -Sy pacman-mirrors"
- C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -Sy"
- C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S autoconf automake bison flex"
- - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S mingw-w64-i686-oniguruma mingw-w64-x86_64-oniguruma"
+ - C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S git"
+ - git submodule update --init --recursive
- bash -lc "exec 0</dev/null && cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER && autoreconf -i"
- - bash -lc "exec 0</dev/null && cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER && ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-all-static"
+ - bash -lc "exec 0</dev/null && cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER && ./configure --with-onigurum=builtin --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-all-static"
- bash -lc "exec 0</dev/null && cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER && make -j8"
- bash -lc "exec 0</dev/null && cd $APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER && cat jq.1 | groff -mandoc -Thtml > jq.html"
- 7z a jq-package.zip jq.1 jq.html jq.exe