assert(getKind() == Alias);
return Data >> 2;
static RetEffect MakeAlias(unsigned Idx) { return RetEffect(Alias, Idx); }
static RetEffect MakeOwned() { return RetEffect(OwnedSymbol, 0); }
static bool isError(Kind k) { return k >= ErrorUseAfterRelease; }
+ bool isOwned() const {
+ return getKind() == Owned;
+ }
static RefVal makeOwned(unsigned Count = 0) {
return RefVal(Owned, Count);
CallExpr* CE, LVal L,
ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred);
+ // End-of-path.
+ virtual void EvalEndPath(GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GREndPathNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder);
// Error iterators.
typedef UseAfterReleasesTy::iterator use_after_iterator;
Builder.MakeNode(Dst, CE, Pred, St);
+// End-of-path.
+void CFRefCount::EvalEndPath(GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GREndPathNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder) {
+ RefBindings B = GetRefBindings(*Builder.getState());
+ // Scan the set of bindings for symbols that are in the Owned state.
+ for (RefBindings::iterator I = B.begin(), E = B.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if ((*I).second.isOwned()) {
+ // FIXME: Register an error with the diagnostic engine. Since we
+ // don't have a Stmt* here, we need some extra machinery to get
+ // a sourcelocation.
+ }
CFRefCount::RefBindings CFRefCount::Update(RefBindings B, SymbolID sym,
RefVal V, ArgEffect E,