@rem XXX: If you need to force the buildbots to start from a fresh environment, uncomment\r
@rem the following, check it in, then check it out, comment it out, then check it back in.\r
@rem if exist bzip2-1.0.3 rd /s/q bzip2-1.0.3\r
-@rem if exist tcltk rd /s/q tcltk\r
-@rem if exist tcltk64 rd /s/q tcltk64\r
+if exist tcltk rd /s/q tcltk\r
+if exist tcltk64 rd /s/q tcltk64\r
@rem if exist tcl8.4.12 rd /s/q tcl8.4.12\r
@rem if exist tcl8.4.16 rd /s/q tcl8.4.16\r
@rem if exist tcl- rd /s/q tcl-\r