return -1;
-void MemRecursorCache::replace(time_t now, const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, const vector<DNSRecord>& content, const vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>& signatures, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>>& authorityRecs, bool auth, boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask, time_t minTTD, vState state)
+void MemRecursorCache::replace(time_t now, const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, const vector<DNSRecord>& content, const vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>& signatures, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>>& authorityRecs, bool auth, boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask, vState state)
d_cachecachevalid = false;
// cerr<<"Replacing "<<qname<<" for "<< (ednsmask ? ednsmask->toString() : "everyone") << endl;
for(const auto i : content) {
/* Yes, we have altered the d_ttl value by adding time(nullptr) to it
prior to calling this function, so the TTL actually holds a TTD. */
- if (minTTD == 0 || static_cast<time_t>(i.d_ttl) >= minTTD) {
- ce.d_ttd = min(maxTTD, static_cast<time_t>(i.d_ttl)); // XXX this does weird things if TTLs differ in the set
- // cerr<<"To store: "<<i.d_content->getZoneRepresentation()<<" with ttl/ttd "<<i.d_ttl<<", capped at: "<<maxTTD<<endl;
- ce.d_records.push_back(i.d_content);
- }
+ ce.d_ttd=min(maxTTD, static_cast<time_t>(i.d_ttl)); // XXX this does weird things if TTLs differ in the set
+ // cerr<<"To store: "<<i.d_content->getZoneRepresentation()<<" with ttl/ttd "<<i.d_ttl<<", capped at: "<<maxTTD<<endl;
+ ce.d_records.push_back(i.d_content);
if (!isNew) {
int32_t get(time_t, const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, bool requireAuth, vector<DNSRecord>* res, const ComboAddress& who, vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>* signatures=nullptr, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>>* authorityRecs=nullptr, bool* variable=nullptr, vState* state=nullptr, bool* wasAuth=nullptr);
- void replace(time_t, const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, const vector<DNSRecord>& content, const vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>& signatures, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>>& authorityRecs, bool auth, boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask=boost::none, time_t minTTD = 0, vState state=Indeterminate);
+ void replace(time_t, const DNSName &qname, const QType& qt, const vector<DNSRecord>& content, const vector<shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>& signatures, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>>& authorityRecs, bool auth, boost::optional<Netmask> ednsmask=boost::none, vState state=Indeterminate);
void doPrune(unsigned int keep);
uint64_t doDump(int fd);
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(cached.size(), 1);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ecs_cache_ttllimit_and_scope_allowed) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
+ initSR(sr);
+ primeHints();
+ const DNSName target("");
+ SyncRes::addEDNSDomain(DNSName(""));
+ EDNSSubnetOpts incomingECS;
+ incomingECS.source = Netmask("");
+ sr->setQuerySource(ComboAddress(), boost::optional<const EDNSSubnetOpts&>(incomingECS));
+ SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl = 100;
+ SyncRes::s_ecsipv4cachelimit = 24;
+ sr->setAsyncCallback([target](const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, LWResult* res, bool* chained) {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(srcmask);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(srcmask->toString(), "");
+ setLWResult(res, 0, true, false, true);
+ addRecordToLW(res, target, QType::A, "");
+ return 1;
+ });
+ const time_t now = sr->getNow().tv_sec;
+ vector<DNSRecord> ret;
+ int res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::A), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret.size(), 1);
+ /* should have been cached */
+ const ComboAddress who("");
+ vector<DNSRecord> cached;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_GT(t_RC->get(now, target, QType(QType::A), true, &cached, who), 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(cached.size(), 1);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ecs_cache_ttllimit_notallowed) {
std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
incomingECS.source = Netmask("");
sr->setQuerySource(ComboAddress(), boost::optional<const EDNSSubnetOpts&>(incomingECS));
SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl = 100;
+ SyncRes::s_ecsipv4cachelimit = 16;
sr->setAsyncCallback([target](const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, LWResult* res, bool* chained) {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret.size(), 1);
- /* should have NOT been cached because TTL of 60 is too small */
+ /* should have NOT been cached because TTL of 60 is too small and /24 is more specific than /16 */
const ComboAddress who("");
vector<DNSRecord> cached;
BOOST_REQUIRE_LT(t_RC->get(now, target, QType(QType::A), true, &cached, who), 0);
unsigned int SyncRes::s_packetcacheservfailttl;
unsigned int SyncRes::s_serverdownmaxfails;
unsigned int SyncRes::s_serverdownthrottletime;
+unsigned int SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl;
std::atomic<uint64_t> SyncRes::s_authzonequeries;
std::atomic<uint64_t> SyncRes::s_queries;
std::atomic<uint64_t> SyncRes::s_outgoingtimeouts;
uint8_t SyncRes::s_ecsipv6limit;
uint8_t SyncRes::s_ecsipv4cachelimit;
uint8_t SyncRes::s_ecsipv6cachelimit;
-unsigned int SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl;
bool SyncRes::s_doIPv6;
bool SyncRes::s_nopacketcache;
- NS, A and AAAA (used for infra queries)
if (i->first.type != QType::NSEC3 && (i->first.type == QType::DS || i->first.type == QType::NS || i->first.type == QType::A || i->first.type == QType::AAAA || isAA || wasForwardRecurse)) {
- if (i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER ||
- !ednsmask ||
- (ednsmask->isIpv4() && ednsmask->getBits() <= SyncRes::s_ecsipv4cachelimit) ||
- (ednsmask->isIpv6() && ednsmask->getBits() <= SyncRes::s_ecsipv6cachelimit)) {
- time_t minTTD = 0;
- if (ednsmask && SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl > 0) {
- minTTD = SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl + d_now.tv_sec;
+ bool doCache = i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER || !ednsmask;
+ // if ednsmask is relevant, we do not want to cache if the scope > ecslimit and TTL < limitttl
+ if (!doCache && ednsmask) {
+ bool manyMaskBits = (ednsmask->isIpv4() && ednsmask->getBits() > SyncRes::s_ecsipv4cachelimit) ||
+ (ednsmask->isIpv6() && ednsmask->getBits() > SyncRes::s_ecsipv6cachelimit);
+ if (SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl > 0) {
+ if (manyMaskBits) {
+ uint32_t minttl = UINT32_MAX;
+ for (const auto &it : i->second.records) {
+ if (it.d_ttl < minttl)
+ minttl = it.d_ttl;
+ }
+ bool ttlIsSmall = minttl < SyncRes::s_ecscachelimitttl + d_now.tv_sec;
+ if (ttlIsSmall) {
+ // Case: many bits and ttlIsSmall
+ doCache = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Case: few mask bits
+ doCache = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // no applicable TTL limit, scope determines cacheability
+ doCache = !manyMaskBits;
- t_RC->replace(d_now.tv_sec, i->, QType(i->first.type), i->second.records, i->second.signatures, authorityRecs, i->first.type == QType::DS ? true : isAA, i-> == DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER ? ednsmask : boost::none, minTTD, recordState);
+ }
+ if (doCache) {
+ t_RC->replace(d_now.tv_sec, i->, QType(i->first.type), i->second.records, i->second.signatures, authorityRecs, i->first.type == QType::DS ? true : isAA, i-> == DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER ? ednsmask : boost::none, recordState);
static unsigned int s_packetcacheservfailttl;
static unsigned int s_serverdownmaxfails;
static unsigned int s_serverdownthrottletime;
+ static unsigned int s_ecscachelimitttl;
static uint8_t s_ecsipv4limit;
static uint8_t s_ecsipv6limit;
static uint8_t s_ecsipv4cachelimit;
static uint8_t s_ecsipv6cachelimit;
- static unsigned int s_ecscachelimitttl;
static bool s_doIPv6;
static bool s_noEDNSPing;
static bool s_noEDNS;