David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>
Contributions by:
-Andrew Rodland <andrew@cleverdomain.org> - bug fixes
-Ankur <ankz.kothari@gmail.com> - bug fixes
-Anthony Shortland <anthony.shortland@me.com> - rpmbuild target
-Brendan Macmillan <melbourne.research@gmail.com> - bug fixes, load library from ~/.jq
-David R. MacIver <david@drmaciver.com> - bug fixes
-David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com> - destructuring, build improvements
-Filippo Giunchedi <fgiunchedi@gmail.com> - bug fixes
-Filippo Valsorda <filippo.valsorda@gmail.com> - recursive object merge (`*`)
-Jack Pearkes <jackpearkes@gmail.com> - update tutorial
-Jingwen Owen Ou <jingweno@gmail.com> - jqplay.org and link to it
-Joe Littlejohn <joe.littlejohn@nokia.com> - bug fixes
-Juan Guerrero <juan.guerrero.lozano@gmail.com> - bug fixes
-Kenny Shen <kenny.shen@zalora.com> - doc fixes
-Lee Thompson <stagr.lee@gmail.com> - autoconf stuff
-Markus Lanthaler <mark_lanthaler@gmx.net> - doc fixes
-Michael Daines <michael@mdaines.com> - add sqrt; doc fixes
-Mike McCabe <mccabe@archive.org> - math (libm) functions
-Nicolas Pouillard <nicolas.pouillard@gmail.com> - add tests
-Nicolas Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> - library-fication, autoconf stuff, exception handling, various
-Peter van Dijk <peter@7bits.nl> - doc fixes
-Philipp Hagemeister <phihag@phihag.de> - doc fixes
-polyester <paul@cleanclothes.org> - automake version update
-Rémy Léone <remy.leone@gmail.com> - add .travis.yml
-Ryoichi KATO <ryo1kato@gmail.com> - doc fixes
-Santiago Lapresta <santiago.lapresta@gmail.com> - join, arrays, all, any, other filters
-pkoppstein <pkoppstein@gmail.com> - various builtins, improvements
-13ren <melbourne.research@gmail.com>
Aaron Peschel <apeschel@zendesk.com>
Adam Lindberg <hello@alind.io>
Alex Chamberlain <alex@alexchamberlain.co.uk>
Andrew O'Brien <obrien.andrew@gmail.com> - docs build
+Andrew Rodland <andrew@cleverdomain.org> - bug fixes
+Ankur <ankz.kothari@gmail.com> - bug fixes
+Anthony Shortland <anthony.shortland@me.com> - rpmbuild target
Assaf Gordon <assafgordon@gmail.com> - error handling
+Brendan Macmillan <melbourne.research@gmail.com> - bug fixes, load library from ~/.jq
cdnbacon <mike@busbud.com>
Charles Merriam <charles.merriam@gmail.com>
Colin von Heuring <colin@janrain.com>
Damian Gryski <damian@gryski.com>
David Haguenauer <ml@kurokatta.org>
+David R. MacIver <david@drmaciver.com> - bug fixes
+David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com> - destructuring, build improvements
Doug Luce <doug@github.con.com> - build
Eiichi Sato <sato.eiichi@gmail.com>
+Filippo Giunchedi <fgiunchedi@gmail.com> - bug fixes
+Filippo Valsorda <filippo.valsorda@gmail.com> - recursive object merge (`*`)
Hanfei Shen <qqshfox@gmail.com>
-Ian Miell <ian.miell@gmail.com>
i <isomorphisms@sdf.org>
+Ian Miell <ian.miell@gmail.com>
+Jack Pearkes <jackpearkes@gmail.com> - update tutorial
James Andariese <james.andariese@locationlabs.com> - Dockerfile
+Jingwen Owen Ou <jingweno@gmail.com> - jqplay.org and link to it
jkleint <jkleint@gmail.com>
+Joe Littlejohn <joe.littlejohn@nokia.com> - bug fixes
Joel Purra <code+github@joelpurra.com>
+Juan Guerrero <juan.guerrero.lozano@gmail.com> - bug fixes
+Kenny Shen <kenny.shen@zalora.com> - doc fixes
Kim De Mey <kim.demey@gmail.com> - build
Kim Toms <kim.toms@bplglobal.net>
LCD 47 <lcd047@gmail.com>
+Lee Thompson <stagr.lee@gmail.com> - autoconf stuff
Lee Thompson <thompson@dtosolutions.com> - rpm
Marc Abramowitz <marc@marc-abramowitz.com>
Marc Bruggmann <marcbr@spotify.com>
+Markus Lanthaler <mark_lanthaler@gmx.net> - doc fixes
Maxime Biais <maxime.biais@gmail.com> - build
+Michael Daines <michael@mdaines.com> - add sqrt; doc fixes
Mike Fletcher <john.m.fletcher@bankofamerica.com>
+Mike McCabe <mccabe@archive.org> - math (libm) functions
+Nicolas Pouillard <nicolas.pouillard@gmail.com> - add tests
+Nicolas Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> - library-fication, autoconf stuff, exception handling, various
+Peter van Dijk <peter@7bits.nl> - doc fixes
+Philipp Hagemeister <phihag@phihag.de> - doc fixes
+pkoppstein <pkoppstein@gmail.com> - various builtins, improvements
+polyester <paul@cleanclothes.org> - automake version update
+Ryoichi KATO <ryo1kato@gmail.com> - doc fixes
+Rémy Léone <remy.leone@gmail.com> - add .travis.yml
+Santiago Lapresta <santiago.lapresta@gmail.com> - join, arrays, all, any, other filters
Sebastian Freundt <freundt@ga-group.nl> - build
Shay Elkin <shay@everything.me>
Simon Elsbrock <simon@iodev.org> - Debian
tal@whatexit.org <tal@whatexit.org>
Travis Gockel <travis@gockelhut.com>
Zhiming Wang <zmwangx@gmail.com>
+13ren <melbourne.research@gmail.com>