Status: In Progress
- Completed:
- addslashes()
- bin2hex()
- chr()
- explode()
- implode()
- levenshtein()
- ord()
- range()
- similar_text()
- str_pad()
- str_repeat()
- strip_tags()
- strcspn()
- stripslashes()
- strpbrk()
- strpos()
- strrchr()
- strrev()
- strrpos()
- strspn()
- strstr()
- strtok()
- substr()
- substr_count()
- substr_replace()
- trim()
- ucfirst()
- ucwords()
+ array.c
+ -------
+ Need to fix string_compare_function() to compare Unicode strings
+ directly in code point order
+ array_change_key_case()
+ Params API, test
+ array_chunk()
+ Test
+ array_combine()
+ Handle IS_UNICODE/IS_STRING keys via add_u_assoc_zval()
+ array_count_values()
+ Params API, minor Unicode updates, test
+ array_diff(), array_udiff()
+ array_diff_assoc(), array_diff_uassoc(), array_udiff_assoc(), array_udiff_uassoc()
+ array_diff_key(), array_diff_ukey()
+ Should work with minor cleanups provided that underlying comparison
+ functions are fixed, FCI cache, test
+ array_fill()
+ Params API, test
+ array_filter()
+ Params API, FCI cache, test
+ array_flip()
+ Params API, test
+ array_intersect(), array_uintersect()
+ array_intersect_assoc(), array_uintersect_assoc(), array_intersect_uassoc(), array_uintersect_uassoc()
+ array_intersect_key(), array_intersect_ukey()
+ Should work with minor cleanups provided that underlying comparison
+ functions are fixed, FCI cache, test
+ array_key_exists()
+ Params API, test
+ array_keys()
+ Params API, test
+ array_map()
+ Params API, FCI cache, test
+ array_merge(), array_merge_recursive()
+ Test
+ array_multisort()
+ array_pad()
+ Params API, test
+ array_product()
+ Params API, test
+ array_push(), array_pop(), array_shift(), array_unshift()
+ Params API, test
+ array_rand()
+ Params API, test
+ array_reduce()
+ Params API, FCI cache, test
+ array_reverse()
+ Params API, test
+ array_search(), in_array()
+ Params API, test
+ array_splice()
+ Params API, test
+ array_slice()
+ Params API, test
+ array_sum()
+ Params API, test
+ array_unique()
+ Params API, test
+ array_values()
+ Params API, test
+ array_walk()
+ Params API, is_callable check, FCI cache, test
+ array_walk_recursive()
+ Params API, is_callable check, FCI cache, test
+ end(), prev(), next(), reset(), current(), key()
+ Params API, test
+ extract()
+ Params API, fix php_valid_var_name(), test
+ compact()
+ Test
+ min(), max()
+ Test
+ natsort(), natcasesort()
+ Params API
+ Either port strnatcmp() to support Unicode or maybe use ICU's numeric collation
+ range()
+ Test
+ shuffle()
+ Test
+ sort(), rsort()
+ asort(), arsort()
+ ksort(), krsort()
+ usort(), uasort(), uksort()
+ Test, make sure SORT_LOCALE_STRING uses default collator
+ Completed
+ =========
+ array.c
+ -------
+ count()
+ string.c
+ --------
+ addslashes()
+ bin2hex()
+ chr()
+ explode()
+ implode()
+ levenshtein()
+ ord()
+ range()
+ similar_text()
+ str_pad()
+ str_repeat()
+ strcspn()
+ strip_tags()
+ stripslashes()
+ strpbrk()
+ strpos()
+ strrchr()
+ strrev()
+ strrpos()
+ strspn()
+ strstr()
+ strtok()
+ substr()
+ substr_count()
+ substr_replace()
+ trim()
+ ucfirst()
+ ucwords()
Zend Engine