--- /dev/null
+llvm-locstats - calculate statistics on DWARF debug location
+.. program:: llvm-locstats
+:program:`llvm-locstats` [*options*] [*filename*]
+:program:`llvm-locstats` works like a wrapper around :program:`llvm-dwarfdump`.
+It parses :program:`llvm-dwarfdump` statistics regarding debug location by
+pretty printing it in a more human readable way.
+The line 0% shows the number and the percentage of DIEs with no location
+information, but the line 100% shows the information for DIEs where there is
+location information in all code section bytes (where the variable or parameter
+is in the scope). The line 50-59% shows the number and the percentage of DIEs
+where the location information is between 50 and 59 percentage of its scope
+.. option:: -only-variables
+ Calculate the location statistics only for local variables.
+.. option:: -only-formal-parameters
+ Calculate the location statistics only for formal parameters.
+.. option:: -ignore-debug-entry-values
+ Ignore the location statistics on locations containing the
+ debug entry values DWARF operation.
+:program:`llvm-locstats` returns 0 if the input file were parsed
+successfully. Otherwise, it returns 1.
+.. code-block:: none
+ =================================================
+ Debug Location Statistics
+ =================================================
+ cov% samples percentage(~)
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ 0% 1 16%
+ 1-9% 0 0%
+ 10-19% 0 0%
+ 20-29% 0 0%
+ 30-39% 0 0%
+ 40-49% 0 0%
+ 50-99% 1 16%
+ 60-69% 0 0%
+ 70-79% 0 0%
+ 80-89% 1 16%
+ 90-99% 0 0%
+ 100% 3 50%
+ =================================================
+ -the number of debug variables processed: 6
+ -PC ranges covered: 81%
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -total availability: 83%
+ =================================================
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This is a tool that works like debug location coverage calculator.
+# It parses the llvm-dwarfdump --statistics output by reporting it
+# in a more human readable way.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+from json import loads
+from math import ceil
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+def coverage_buckets():
+ yield '0%'
+ yield '1-9%'
+ for start in range(10, 91, 10):
+ yield '{0}-{1}%'.format(start, start + 9)
+ yield '100%'
+def locstats_output(
+ variables_total,
+ variables_total_locstats,
+ variables_with_loc,
+ scope_bytes_covered,
+ scope_bytes_from_first_def,
+ variables_coverage_map
+ ):
+ pc_ranges_covered = int(ceil(scope_bytes_covered * 100.0)
+ / scope_bytes_from_first_def)
+ variables_coverage_per_map = {}
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ variables_coverage_per_map[cov_bucket] = \
+ int(ceil(variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] * 100.0) \
+ / variables_total_locstats)
+ print (' =================================================')
+ print (' Debug Location Statistics ')
+ print (' =================================================')
+ print (' cov% samples percentage(~) ')
+ print (' -------------------------------------------------')
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ print (' {0:6} {1:8d} {2:3d}%'. \
+ format(cov_bucket, variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket], \
+ variables_coverage_per_map[cov_bucket]))
+ print (' =================================================')
+ print (' -the number of debug variables processed: ' \
+ + str(variables_total_locstats))
+ print (' -PC ranges covered: ' + str(pc_ranges_covered) + '%')
+ # Only if we are processing all the variables output the total
+ # availability.
+ if variables_total and variables_with_loc:
+ total_availability = int(ceil(variables_with_loc * 100.0) \
+ / variables_total)
+ print (' -------------------------------------------------')
+ print (' -total availability: ' + str(total_availability) + '%')
+ print (' =================================================')
+def parse_program_args(parser):
+ parser.add_argument('-only-variables', action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='calculate the location statistics only for '
+ 'local variables'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument('-only-formal-parameters', action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='calculate the location statistics only for '
+ 'formal parameters'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument('-ignore-debug-entry-values', action='store_true',
+ default=False,
+ help='ignore the location statistics on locations with '
+ 'entry values'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument('file_name', type=str, help='file to process')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def Main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ results = parse_program_args(parser)
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print ('error: Too few arguments.')
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if results.only_variables and results.only_formal_parameters:
+ print ('error: Please use just one only* option.')
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # These will be different due to different options enabled.
+ variables_total = None
+ variables_total_locstats = None
+ variables_with_loc = None
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = None
+ variables_scope_bytes_from_first_def = None
+ variables_scope_bytes_entry_values = None
+ variables_coverage_map = {}
+ binary = results.file_name
+ # Get the directory of the LLVM tools.
+ llvm_dwarfdump_cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \
+ "llvm-dwarfdump")
+ # The statistics llvm-dwarfdump option.
+ llvm_dwarfdump_stats_opt = "--statistics"
+ subproc = Popen([llvm_dwarfdump_cmd, llvm_dwarfdump_stats_opt, binary], \
+ stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, \
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr = subproc.communicate()
+ # Get the JSON and parse it.
+ json_parsed = None
+ try:
+ json_parsed = loads(cmd_stdout)
+ except:
+ print ('error: No valid llvm-dwarfdump statistics found.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if results.only_variables:
+ # Read the JSON only for local variables.
+ variables_total_locstats = \
+ json_parsed['total vars procesed by location statistics']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = \
+ json_parsed['vars scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_from_first_def = \
+ json_parsed['vars scope bytes total']
+ if not results.ignore_debug_entry_values:
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = "vars with {} of its scope covered".format(cov_bucket)
+ variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] = json_parsed[cov_category]
+ else:
+ variables_scope_bytes_entry_values = \
+ json_parsed['vars entry value scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = variables_scope_bytes_covered \
+ - variables_scope_bytes_entry_values
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = \
+ "vars (excluding the debug entry values) " \
+ "with {} of its scope covered".format(cov_bucket)
+ variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] = json_parsed[cov_category]
+ elif results.only_formal_parameters:
+ # Read the JSON only for formal parameters.
+ variables_total_locstats = \
+ json_parsed['total params procesed by location statistics']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = \
+ json_parsed['formal params scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_from_first_def = \
+ json_parsed['formal params scope bytes total']
+ if not results.ignore_debug_entry_values:
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = "params with {} of its scope covered".format(cov_bucket)
+ variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] = json_parsed[cov_category]
+ else:
+ variables_scope_bytes_entry_values = \
+ json_parsed['formal params entry value scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = variables_scope_bytes_covered \
+ - variables_scope_bytes_entry_values
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = \
+ "params (excluding the debug entry values) " \
+ "with {} of its scope covered".format(cov_bucket)
+ else:
+ # Read the JSON for both local variables and formal parameters.
+ variables_total = \
+ json_parsed['source variables']
+ variables_with_loc = json_parsed['variables with location']
+ variables_total_locstats = \
+ json_parsed['total variables procesed by location statistics']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = \
+ json_parsed['scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_from_first_def = \
+ json_parsed['scope bytes total']
+ if not results.ignore_debug_entry_values:
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = "variables with {} of its scope covered". \
+ format(cov_bucket)
+ variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] = json_parsed[cov_category]
+ else:
+ variables_scope_bytes_entry_values = \
+ json_parsed['entry value scope bytes covered']
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered = variables_scope_bytes_covered \
+ - variables_scope_bytes_entry_values
+ for cov_bucket in coverage_buckets():
+ cov_category = "variables (excluding the debug entry values) " \
+ "with {} of its scope covered". format(cov_bucket)
+ variables_coverage_map[cov_bucket] = json_parsed[cov_category]
+ # Pretty print collected info.
+ locstats_output(
+ variables_total,
+ variables_total_locstats,
+ variables_with_loc,
+ variables_scope_bytes_covered,
+ variables_scope_bytes_from_first_def,
+ variables_coverage_map
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Main()
+ sys.exit(0)