- asm_conversion_cmd="${source_path}/build/make/"
- msvs_arch_dir=arm-msvs
- disable_feature multithread
- disable_feature unit_tests
- vs_version=${tgt_cc##vs}
- if [ $vs_version -ge 12 ]; then
- # MSVC 2013 doesn't allow doing plain .exe projects for ARM,
- # only "AppContainerApplication" which requires an AppxManifest.
- # Therefore disable the examples, just build the library.
- disable_feature examples
- disable_feature tools
+ # A number of ARM-based Windows platforms are constrained by their
+ # respective SDKs' limitations. Fortunately, these are all 32-bit ABIs
+ # and so can be selected as 'win32'.
+ if [ ${tgt_os} = "win32" ]; then
+ asm_conversion_cmd="${source_path}/build/make/"
+ msvs_arch_dir=arm-msvs
+ disable_feature multithread
+ disable_feature unit_tests
+ vs_version=${tgt_cc##vs}
+ if [ $vs_version -ge 12 ]; then
+ # MSVC 2013 doesn't allow doing plain .exe projects for ARM32,
+ # only "AppContainerApplication" which requires an AppxManifest.
+ # Therefore disable the examples, just build the library.
+ disable_feature examples
+ disable_feature tools
+ fi
+ #else
+ # Windows 10 on ARM, on the other hand, has full Windows SDK support
+ # for building Win32 ARM64 applications in addition to ARM64
+ # Windows Store apps. It is the only 64-bit ARM ABI that
+ # Windows supports, so it is the default definition of 'win64'.
+ # ARM64 build support officially shipped in Visual Studio 15.9.0.
all_platforms="${all_platforms} arm64-darwin-gcc"
all_platforms="${all_platforms} arm64-linux-gcc"
all_platforms="${all_platforms} arm64-win64-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} arm64-win64-vs15"
all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-android-gcc" #neon Cortex-A8
all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-darwin-gcc" #neon Cortex-A8
all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-linux-rvct" #neon Cortex-A8