if (open(IN, "$last_parsed")) {
my $line = <IN>;
- ($saved_last_line{datetime}, $saved_last_line{orig}) = split(/\t/, $line, 2);
+ ($saved_last_line{datetime}, $saved_last_line{current_pos}, $saved_last_line{orig}) = split(/\t/, $line, 3);
+ # Preserve backward compatibility with version < 5
+ if ($saved_last_line{current_pos} =~ /\D/) {
+ $saved_last_line{orig} = $saved_last_line{current_pos} . "\t" . $saved_last_line{orig};
+ $saved_last_line{current_pos} = 0;
+ }
+ if ( ($format eq 'binary') || ($format eq 'csv') ) {
+ $saved_last_line{current_pos} = 0;
+ }
} else {
die "FATAL: can't read last parsed line from $last_parsed, $!\n";
my $global_totalsize = 0;
my @given_log_files = ( @log_files );
+# Verify that the file have not changed for incremental move
+if ( ($saved_last_line{current_pos} > 0) && ($#given_log_files == 0)) {
+ $saved_last_line{current_pos} = 0 if (&check_file_changed($given_log_files[0], $saved_last_line{datetime}));
+ $saved_last_line{current_pos}++ if ($saved_last_line{current_pos} > 0);
# log files must be erase when loading stats from binary format
if ($format eq 'binary') {
$queue_size = 1;
my $pipe;
+# Seeking to an old log position is not possible when multiple file are provided
+$saved_last_line{current_pos} = 0 if (!$last_parsed && ($#given_log_files > 0));
# Start parsing all given files using multiprocess
if ( ($queue_size > 1) || ($job_per_file > 1) ) {
# Multiprocessing disabled, parse log files one by one
foreach my $logfile ( @given_log_files ) {
- last if (&process_file($logfile));
+ last if (&process_file($logfile, '', $saved_last_line{current_pos}));
if (open(IN, "$tmp_last_parsed") ) {
while (my $line = <IN>) {
- my ($d, $l) = split(/\t/, $line, 2);
+ my ($d, $p, $l) = split(/\t/, $line, 3);
if (!$last_line{datetime} || ($d gt $last_line{datetime})) {
$last_line{datetime} = $d;
- $last_line{orig} = $l;
+ if ($p =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $last_line{orig} = $l;
+ $last_line{current_pos} = $p;
+ } else {
+ $last_line{orig} = $p . "\t" . $l;
+ }
# Save last line parsed
if ($last_parsed && scalar keys %last_line) {
if (open(OUT, ">$last_parsed")) {
- print OUT "$last_line{datetime}\t$last_line{orig}\n";
+ $last_line{current_pos} ||= 0;
+ print OUT "$last_line{datetime}\t$last_line{current_pos}\t$last_line{orig}\n";
} else {
&logmsg('ERROR', "can't save last parsed line into $last_parsed, $!");
my $cur_pid = '';
my @matches = ();
my $goon = 0;
+ &logmsg('DEBUG', "Start parsing at offset $start_offset of file $logfile");
if ($start_offset) {
$lfile->seek($start_offset, 0);
last if (($stop_offset > 0) && ($current_offset > $stop_offset));
+ $last_line{current_pos} = $current_offset if ($last_parsed && ($#given_log_files == 0));
close $lfile;
if ($last_parsed && scalar keys %last_line) {
if (open(OUT, ">>$tmp_last_parsed")) {
flock(OUT, 2) || return $getout;
- print OUT "$last_line{datetime}\t$last_line{orig}\n";
+ $last_line{current_pos} ||= 0;
+ print OUT "$last_line{datetime}\t$last_line{current_pos}\t$last_line{orig}\n";
} else {
&logmsg('ERROR', "can't save last parsed line into $tmp_last_parsed, $!");
+# Method used to check if the file stores logs after the last incremental position or not
+# This position should have been saved in the incremental file and read in the $last_parsed at
+# start up. Here we just verify that the first date in file is before the last incremental date.
+sub check_file_changed
+ my ($file, $saved_date) = @_;
+ my ($lfile, $totalsize, $iscompressed) = &get_log_file($file);
+ # Compressed files do not allow seeking
+ if ($iscompressed) {
+ close($lfile);
+ return 1;
+ # do not seek if filesize is smaller than the seek position
+ } elsif ($saved_last_line{current_pos} > $totalsize) {
+ close($lfile);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my ($gsec, $gmin, $ghour, $gmday, $gmon, $gyear, $gwday, $gyday, $gisdst) = localtime(time);
+ $gyear += 1900;
+ my $CURRENT_DATE = $gyear . sprintf("%02d", $gmon + 1) . sprintf("%02d", $gmday);
+ %prefix_vars = ();
+ while (my $line = <$lfile>) {
+ if ($format =~ /syslog/) {
+ my @matches = ($line =~ $compiled_prefix);
+ if ($#matches >= 0) {
+ for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#prefix_params ; $i++) {
+ $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
+ }
+ # Standard syslog format does not have year information, months are
+ # three letters and day are not always with 2 digit.
+ if ($prefix_vars{'t_month'} !~ /\d/) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_year'} = $gyear;
+ $prefix_vars{'t_day'} = sprintf("%02d", $prefix_vars{'t_day'});
+ $prefix_vars{'t_month'} = $month_abbr{$prefix_vars{'t_month'}};
+ # Take care of year overlapping
+ if ("$prefix_vars{'t_year'}$prefix_vars{'t_month'}$prefix_vars{'t_day'}" > $CURRENT_DATE) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_year'} = substr($CURRENT_DATE, 0, 4) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} =
+"$prefix_vars{'t_year'}-$prefix_vars{'t_month'}-$prefix_vars{'t_day'} $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}:$prefix_vars{'t_min'}:$prefix_vars{'t_sec'}";
+ if ($saved_date gt $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'}) {
+ close($lfile);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
+ my @matches = ($line =~ $compiled_prefix);
+ if ($#matches >= 0) {
+ for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#prefix_params ; $i++) {
+ $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
+ }
+ if (!$prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} && $prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'}) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = $prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'};
+ } elsif (!$prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} && $prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'}) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = $prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($saved_date gt $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'}) {
+ close($lfile);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($lfile);
+ return 1;
# Method used to check if we have already reach the last parsing position in incremental mode
# This position should have been saved in the incremental file and read in the $last_parsed at
# start up.
# get file size
my $totalsize = (stat("$logf"))[7] || 0;
+ my $iscompressed = 1;
# Open a file handle
if ($logf !~ /\.(gz|bz2|zip)/i) {
open($lfile, $logf) || die "FATAL: cannot read log file $logf. $!\n";
$totalsize = 0 if ($lfile eq '-');
+ $iscompressed = 0;
} else {
my $uncompress = $zcat;
if (($logf =~ /\.bz2/i) && ($zcat =~ /^$zcat_cmd$/)) {
# In list context returns the filehandle and the size of the file
if (wantarray()) {
- return ($lfile, $totalsize);
+ return ($lfile, $totalsize, $iscompressed);
# In scalar context return size only
my @chunks = (0);
my $i = 1;
+ if ($last_parsed && $saved_last_line{current_pos} && ($#given_log_files == 0)) {
+ $chunks[0] = $saved_last_line{current_pos};
+ $i = $saved_last_line{current_pos};
+ }
while ($i < $queue_size) {
push(@chunks, int(($totalsize/$queue_size) * $i));