rt_pixtype newpixeltype;
int skipcomputation = 0;
int len = 0;
- int argcount = 0;
- Oid *argtype = NULL;
const int argkwcount = 3;
+ enum KEYWORDS { kVAL=0, kX=1, kY=2 };
char *argkw[] = {"[rast]", "[rast.x]", "[rast.y]"};
+ Oid argkwtypes[] = { FLOAT8OID, INT4OID, INT4OID };
+ int argcount = 0;
+ Oid *argtype = 0;
uint8_t argpos[3] = {0};
char place[5];
int idx = 0;
POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "RASTER_mapAlgebraExpr: Main computing loop (%d x %d)",
width, height);
- /* Convert [rast.val] to [rast] */
if (initexpr != NULL) {
+ /* Convert [rast.val] to [rast] */
newexpr = rtpg_strreplace(initexpr, "[rast.val]", "[rast]", NULL);
pfree(initexpr); initexpr=newexpr;
+ argtype = (Oid*)palloc(sizeof(Oid)*3);
for (i = 0, j = 1; i < argkwcount; i++) {
len = 0;
newexpr = rtpg_strreplace(initexpr, argkw[i], place, &len);
pfree(initexpr); initexpr=newexpr;
if (len > 0) {
+ argtype[argcount] = argkwtypes[i];
argpos[i] = j++;
/* Type of all arguments is FLOAT8OID */
- argtype = (Oid *) palloc(argcount * sizeof(Oid));
- for (i = 0; i < argcount; i++) argtype[i] = FLOAT8OID;
spi_plan = SPI_prepare(initexpr, argcount, argtype);
+ /* pfree(argtype); safe here ? */
if (spi_plan == NULL) {
elog(ERROR, "RASTER_mapAlgebraExpr: Could not prepare expression."
if (idx < 1) continue;
- if (strstr(argkw[i], "[rast.x]") != NULL) {
+ if (i == kX ) {
/* x is 0 based index, but SQL expects 1 based index */
- values[idx] = Float8GetDatum((float)(x+1));
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(x+1);
nulls[idx] = ' ';
- else if (strstr(argkw[i], "[rast.y]") != NULL) {
+ else if (i == kY) {
/* y is 0 based index, but SQL expects 1 based index */
- values[idx] = Float8GetDatum((float)(y+1));
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(y+1);
nulls[idx] = ' ';
- else if (strstr(argkw[i], "[rast]") != NULL) {
+ else if (i == kVAL ) {
values[idx] = Float8GetDatum(r);
nulls[idx] = ' ';