z_error_message->value.str.val = (char *) emalloc(ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
- z_error_message->value.str.len = vsnprintf(z_error_message->value.str.val, ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE, format, args);
- if (z_error_message->value.str.len > ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE-1) {
- z_error_message->value.str.len = ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE-1;
- }
+ vsnprintf(z_error_message->value.str.val, ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE, format, args);
+ /* this MUST be revisited, but for now handle ALL implementation
+ * out there correct. Since this is inside an error handler the
+ * performance loss by strlne is irrelevant. */
+ z_error_message->value.str.val[ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ z_error_message->value.str.len = strlen(z_error_message->value.str.val);
- strncpy(z_error_message->value.str.val, format, ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ strncpy(z_error_message->value.str.val, va_arg(format, char *), ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ z_error_message->value.str.val[ZEND_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ z_error_message->value.str.len = strlen(z_error_message->value.str.val);
/* This is risky... */
/* z_error_message->value.str.len = vsprintf(z_error_message->value.str.val, format, args); */
z_context->value.ht = EG(active_symbol_table);
z_context->type = IS_ARRAY;
- ZVAL_ADDREF(z_context); /* we don't want this one to be freed */
+ z_context->is_ref = 1;
+ z_context->refcount = 2; /* we don't want this one to be freed */
params = (zval ***) emalloc(sizeof(zval **)*5);
params[0] = &z_error_type;