%% mod_last
+ get_last/2,
%% mod_private
args = [{host, string}, {group, string}],
result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = get_last, tags = [last],
+ desc = "Get last activity information",
+ longdesc = "Timestamp is the seconds since"
+ "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, for example: date +%s",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = get_last,
+ args = [{user, string}, {host, string}],
+ result = {last_activity, string}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = set_last, tags = [last],
desc = "Set last activity information",
longdesc = "Timestamp is the seconds since"
%%% Last Activity
+get_last(User, Server) ->
+ Mod = get_lastactivity_module(Server),
+ case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server) of
+ [] ->
+ case Mod:get_last_info(User, Server) of
+ not_found ->
+ "Never";
+ {ok, Shift, _Status} ->
+ TimeStamp = {Shift div 1000000,
+ Shift rem 1000000,
+ 0},
+ {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} =
+ calendar:now_to_local_time(TimeStamp),
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format(
+ "~w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w",
+ [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second]))
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ "Online"
+ end.
set_last(User, Server, Timestamp, Status) ->
Mod = get_lastactivity_module(Server),
Mod:store_last_info(User, Server, Timestamp, Status).