Problem: Some code in options.c fits better elsewhere.
Solution: Move functions from options.c to other files. (Yegappan
Lakshmanan, closes #4889)
static char *e_listblobarg = N_("E899: Argument of %s must be a List or Blob");
-static char *e_stringreq = N_("E928: String required");
static void f_abs(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getftype(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getjumplist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getline(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
-static void f_getloclist(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED);
static void f_getpid(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getcurpos(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getpos(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
-static void f_getqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getreg(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_getregtype(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_gettabinfo(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_setenv(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_setfperm(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_setline(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
-static void f_setloclist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_setpos(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
-static void f_setqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_setreg(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
static void f_settagstack(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
get_buffer_lines(curbuf, lnum, end, retlist, rettv);
- static void
-get_qf_loc_list(int is_qf, win_T *wp, typval_T *what_arg, typval_T *rettv)
- if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_UNKNOWN)
- {
- if (rettv_list_alloc(rettv) == OK)
- if (is_qf || wp != NULL)
- (void)get_errorlist(NULL, wp, -1, rettv->vval.v_list);
- }
- else
- {
- if (rettv_dict_alloc(rettv) == OK)
- if (is_qf || (wp != NULL))
- {
- if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_DICT)
- {
- dict_T *d = what_arg->vval.v_dict;
- if (d != NULL)
- qf_get_properties(wp, d, rettv->vval.v_dict);
- }
- else
- emsg(_(e_dictreq));
- }
- }
- * "getloclist()" function
- */
- static void
-f_getloclist(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
- win_T *wp;
- wp = find_win_by_nr_or_id(&argvars[0]);
- get_qf_loc_list(FALSE, wp, &argvars[1], rettv);
* "getpid()" function
getpos_both(argvars, rettv, FALSE);
- * "getqflist()" function
- */
- static void
-f_getqflist(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
- get_qf_loc_list(TRUE, NULL, &argvars[0], rettv);
* "getreg()" function
set_buffer_lines(curbuf, lnum, FALSE, &argvars[1], rettv);
- * Used by "setqflist()" and "setloclist()" functions
- */
- static void
- win_T *wp UNUSED,
- typval_T *list_arg UNUSED,
- typval_T *action_arg UNUSED,
- typval_T *what_arg UNUSED,
- typval_T *rettv)
- static char *e_invact = N_("E927: Invalid action: '%s'");
- char_u *act;
- int action = 0;
- static int recursive = 0;
- rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
- if (list_arg->v_type != VAR_LIST)
- emsg(_(e_listreq));
- else if (recursive != 0)
- emsg(_(e_au_recursive));
- else
- {
- list_T *l = list_arg->vval.v_list;
- dict_T *d = NULL;
- int valid_dict = TRUE;
- if (action_arg->v_type == VAR_STRING)
- {
- act = tv_get_string_chk(action_arg);
- if (act == NULL)
- return; /* type error; errmsg already given */
- if ((*act == 'a' || *act == 'r' || *act == ' ' || *act == 'f') &&
- act[1] == NUL)
- action = *act;
- else
- semsg(_(e_invact), act);
- }
- else if (action_arg->v_type == VAR_UNKNOWN)
- action = ' ';
- else
- emsg(_(e_stringreq));
- if (action_arg->v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN
- && what_arg->v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
- {
- if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_DICT)
- d = what_arg->vval.v_dict;
- else
- {
- emsg(_(e_dictreq));
- valid_dict = FALSE;
- }
- }
- ++recursive;
- if (l != NULL && action && valid_dict && set_errorlist(wp, l, action,
- (char_u *)(wp == NULL ? ":setqflist()" : ":setloclist()"),
- d) == OK)
- rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
- --recursive;
- }
- * "setloclist()" function
- */
- static void
-f_setloclist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
- win_T *win;
- rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
- win = find_win_by_nr_or_id(&argvars[0]);
- if (win != NULL)
- set_qf_ll_list(win, &argvars[1], &argvars[2], &argvars[3], rettv);
* "setpos()" function
- * "setqflist()" function
- */
- static void
-f_setqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
- set_qf_ll_list(NULL, &argvars[0], &argvars[1], &argvars[2], rettv);
* "setreg()" function
EXTERN char e_cannot_mod[] INIT(= N_("E995: Cannot modify existing variable"));
EXTERN char e_readonlyvar[] INIT(= N_("E46: Cannot change read-only variable \"%s\""));
EXTERN char e_readonlysbx[] INIT(= N_("E794: Cannot set variable in the sandbox: \"%s\""));
+EXTERN char e_stringreq[] INIT(= N_("E928: String required"));
EXTERN char e_emptykey[] INIT(= N_("E713: Cannot use empty key for Dictionary"));
EXTERN char e_dictreq[] INIT(= N_("E715: Dictionary required"));
EXTERN char e_listidx[] INIT(= N_("E684: list index out of range: %ld"));
+#if defined(FEAT_VARTABS) || defined(PROTO)
+ * Set the integer values corresponding to the string setting of 'vartabstop'.
+ * "array" will be set, caller must free it if needed.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_set(char_u *var, int **array)
+ int valcount = 1;
+ int t;
+ char_u *cp;
+ if (var[0] == NUL || (var[0] == '0' && var[1] == NUL))
+ {
+ *array = NULL;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ for (cp = var; *cp != NUL; ++cp)
+ {
+ if (cp == var || cp[-1] == ',')
+ {
+ char_u *end;
+ if (strtol((char *)cp, (char **)&end, 10) <= 0)
+ {
+ if (cp != end)
+ emsg(_(e_positive));
+ else
+ emsg(_(e_invarg));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*cp))
+ continue;
+ if (cp[0] == ',' && cp > var && cp[-1] != ',' && cp[1] != NUL)
+ {
+ ++valcount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ emsg(_(e_invarg));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *array = ALLOC_MULT(int, valcount + 1);
+ if (*array == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ (*array)[0] = valcount;
+ t = 1;
+ for (cp = var; *cp != NUL;)
+ {
+ (*array)[t++] = atoi((char *)cp);
+ while (*cp != NUL && *cp != ',')
+ ++cp;
+ if (*cp != NUL)
+ ++cp;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Calculate the number of screen spaces a tab will occupy.
+ * If "vts" is set then the tab widths are taken from that array,
+ * otherwise the value of ts is used.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_padding(colnr_T col, int ts_arg, int *vts)
+ int ts = ts_arg == 0 ? 8 : ts_arg;
+ int tabcount;
+ colnr_T tabcol = 0;
+ int t;
+ int padding = 0;
+ if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
+ return ts - (col % ts);
+ tabcount = vts[0];
+ for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
+ {
+ tabcol += vts[t];
+ if (tabcol > col)
+ {
+ padding = (int)(tabcol - col);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t > tabcount)
+ padding = vts[tabcount] - (int)((col - tabcol) % vts[tabcount]);
+ return padding;
+ * Find the size of the tab that covers a particular column.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_at(colnr_T col, int ts, int *vts)
+ int tabcount;
+ colnr_T tabcol = 0;
+ int t;
+ int tab_size = 0;
+ if (vts == 0 || vts[0] == 0)
+ return ts;
+ tabcount = vts[0];
+ for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
+ {
+ tabcol += vts[t];
+ if (tabcol > col)
+ {
+ tab_size = vts[t];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t > tabcount)
+ tab_size = vts[tabcount];
+ return tab_size;
+ * Find the column on which a tab starts.
+ */
+ colnr_T
+tabstop_start(colnr_T col, int ts, int *vts)
+ int tabcount;
+ colnr_T tabcol = 0;
+ int t;
+ int excess;
+ if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
+ return (col / ts) * ts;
+ tabcount = vts[0];
+ for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
+ {
+ tabcol += vts[t];
+ if (tabcol > col)
+ return tabcol - vts[t];
+ }
+ excess = tabcol % vts[tabcount];
+ return excess + ((col - excess) / vts[tabcount]) * vts[tabcount];
+ * Find the number of tabs and spaces necessary to get from one column
+ * to another.
+ */
+ void
+ colnr_T start_col,
+ colnr_T end_col,
+ int ts_arg,
+ int *vts,
+ int *ntabs,
+ int *nspcs)
+ int spaces = end_col - start_col;
+ colnr_T tabcol = 0;
+ int padding = 0;
+ int tabcount;
+ int t;
+ int ts = ts_arg == 0 ? curbuf->b_p_ts : ts_arg;
+ if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
+ {
+ int tabs = 0;
+ int initspc = 0;
+ initspc = ts - (start_col % ts);
+ if (spaces >= initspc)
+ {
+ spaces -= initspc;
+ tabs++;
+ }
+ tabs += spaces / ts;
+ spaces -= (spaces / ts) * ts;
+ *ntabs = tabs;
+ *nspcs = spaces;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the padding needed to reach the next tabstop.
+ tabcount = vts[0];
+ for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
+ {
+ tabcol += vts[t];
+ if (tabcol > start_col)
+ {
+ padding = (int)(tabcol - start_col);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t > tabcount)
+ padding = vts[tabcount] - (int)((start_col - tabcol) % vts[tabcount]);
+ // If the space needed is less than the padding no tabs can be used.
+ if (spaces < padding)
+ {
+ *ntabs = 0;
+ *nspcs = spaces;
+ return;
+ }
+ *ntabs = 1;
+ spaces -= padding;
+ // At least one tab has been used. See if any more will fit.
+ while (spaces != 0 && ++t <= tabcount)
+ {
+ padding = vts[t];
+ if (spaces < padding)
+ {
+ *nspcs = spaces;
+ return;
+ }
+ ++*ntabs;
+ spaces -= padding;
+ }
+ *ntabs += spaces / vts[tabcount];
+ *nspcs = spaces % vts[tabcount];
+ * See if two tabstop arrays contain the same values.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_eq(int *ts1, int *ts2)
+ int t;
+ if ((ts1 == 0 && ts2) || (ts1 && ts2 == 0))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (ts1 == ts2)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (ts1[0] != ts2[0])
+ return FALSE;
+ for (t = 1; t <= ts1[0]; ++t)
+ if (ts1[t] != ts2[t])
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+#if defined(FEAT_BEVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+ * Copy a tabstop array, allocating space for the new array.
+ */
+ int *
+tabstop_copy(int *oldts)
+ int *newts;
+ int t;
+ if (oldts == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ newts = ALLOC_MULT(int, oldts[0] + 1);
+ if (newts != NULL)
+ for (t = 0; t <= oldts[0]; ++t)
+ newts[t] = oldts[t];
+ return newts;
+ * Return a count of the number of tabstops.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_count(int *ts)
+ return ts != NULL ? ts[0] : 0;
+ * Return the first tabstop, or 8 if there are no tabstops defined.
+ */
+ int
+tabstop_first(int *ts)
+ return ts != NULL ? ts[1] : 8;
+ * Return the effective shiftwidth value for current buffer, using the
+ * 'tabstop' value when 'shiftwidth' is zero.
+ */
+ long
+get_sw_value(buf_T *buf)
+ return get_sw_value_col(buf, 0);
+ * Idem, using "pos".
+ */
+ static long
+get_sw_value_pos(buf_T *buf, pos_T *pos)
+ pos_T save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
+ long sw_value;
+ curwin->w_cursor = *pos;
+ sw_value = get_sw_value_col(buf, get_nolist_virtcol());
+ curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
+ return sw_value;
+ * Idem, using the first non-black in the current line.
+ */
+ long
+get_sw_value_indent(buf_T *buf)
+ pos_T pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+ pos.col = getwhitecols_curline();
+ return get_sw_value_pos(buf, &pos);
+ * Idem, using virtual column "col".
+ */
+ long
+get_sw_value_col(buf_T *buf, colnr_T col UNUSED)
+ return buf->b_p_sw ? buf->b_p_sw :
+ tabstop_at(col, buf->b_p_ts, buf->b_p_vts_array);
+ #else
+ buf->b_p_ts;
+ #endif
+ * Return the effective softtabstop value for the current buffer, using the
+ * 'shiftwidth' value when 'softtabstop' is negative.
+ */
+ long
+ return curbuf->b_p_sts < 0 ? get_sw_value(curbuf) : curbuf->b_p_sts;
p_cpo = cpo_save;
+#if defined(FEAT_LANGMAP) || defined(PROTO)
+ * Any character has an equivalent 'langmap' character. This is used for
+ * keyboards that have a special language mode that sends characters above
+ * 128 (although other characters can be translated too). The "to" field is a
+ * Vim command character. This avoids having to switch the keyboard back to
+ * ASCII mode when leaving Insert mode.
+ *
+ * langmap_mapchar[] maps any of 256 chars to an ASCII char used for Vim
+ * commands.
+ * langmap_mapga.ga_data is a sorted table of langmap_entry_T. This does the
+ * same as langmap_mapchar[] for characters >= 256.
+ *
+ * Use growarray for 'langmap' chars >= 256
+ */
+typedef struct
+ int from;
+ int to;
+} langmap_entry_T;
+static garray_T langmap_mapga;
+ * Search for an entry in "langmap_mapga" for "from". If found set the "to"
+ * field. If not found insert a new entry at the appropriate location.
+ */
+ static void
+langmap_set_entry(int from, int to)
+ langmap_entry_T *entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data);
+ int a = 0;
+ int b = langmap_mapga.ga_len;
+ // Do a binary search for an existing entry.
+ while (a != b)
+ {
+ int i = (a + b) / 2;
+ int d = entries[i].from - from;
+ if (d == 0)
+ {
+ entries[i].to = to;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d < 0)
+ a = i + 1;
+ else
+ b = i;
+ }
+ if (ga_grow(&langmap_mapga, 1) != OK)
+ return; // out of memory
+ // insert new entry at position "a"
+ entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data) + a;
+ mch_memmove(entries + 1, entries,
+ (langmap_mapga.ga_len - a) * sizeof(langmap_entry_T));
+ ++langmap_mapga.ga_len;
+ entries[0].from = from;
+ entries[0].to = to;
+ * Apply 'langmap' to multi-byte character "c" and return the result.
+ */
+ int
+langmap_adjust_mb(int c)
+ langmap_entry_T *entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data);
+ int a = 0;
+ int b = langmap_mapga.ga_len;
+ while (a != b)
+ {
+ int i = (a + b) / 2;
+ int d = entries[i].from - c;
+ if (d == 0)
+ return entries[i].to; // found matching entry
+ if (d < 0)
+ a = i + 1;
+ else
+ b = i;
+ }
+ return c; // no entry found, return "c" unmodified
+ void
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ langmap_mapchar[i] = i; // we init with a one-to-one map
+ ga_init2(&langmap_mapga, sizeof(langmap_entry_T), 8);
+ * Called when langmap option is set; the language map can be
+ * changed at any time!
+ */
+ void
+ char_u *p;
+ char_u *p2;
+ int from, to;
+ ga_clear(&langmap_mapga); // clear the previous map first
+ langmap_init(); // back to one-to-one map
+ for (p = p_langmap; p[0] != NUL; )
+ {
+ for (p2 = p; p2[0] != NUL && p2[0] != ',' && p2[0] != ';';
+ MB_PTR_ADV(p2))
+ {
+ if (p2[0] == '\\' && p2[1] != NUL)
+ ++p2;
+ }
+ if (p2[0] == ';')
+ ++p2; // abcd;ABCD form, p2 points to A
+ else
+ p2 = NULL; // aAbBcCdD form, p2 is NULL
+ while (p[0])
+ {
+ if (p[0] == ',')
+ {
+ ++p;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] != NUL)
+ ++p;
+ from = (*mb_ptr2char)(p);
+ to = NUL;
+ if (p2 == NULL)
+ {
+ MB_PTR_ADV(p);
+ if (p[0] != ',')
+ {
+ if (p[0] == '\\')
+ ++p;
+ to = (*mb_ptr2char)(p);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (p2[0] != ',')
+ {
+ if (p2[0] == '\\')
+ ++p2;
+ to = (*mb_ptr2char)(p2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (to == NUL)
+ {
+ semsg(_("E357: 'langmap': Matching character missing for %s"),
+ transchar(from));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (from >= 256)
+ langmap_set_entry(from, to);
+ else
+ langmap_mapchar[from & 255] = to;
+ // Advance to next pair
+ MB_PTR_ADV(p);
+ if (p2 != NULL)
+ {
+ MB_PTR_ADV(p2);
+ if (*p == ';')
+ {
+ p = p2;
+ if (p[0] != NUL)
+ {
+ if (p[0] != ',')
+ {
+ semsg(_("E358: 'langmap': Extra characters after semicolon: %s"), p);
+ return;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
static void
static void set_string_option_global(int opt_idx, char_u **varp);
static char *did_set_string_option(int opt_idx, char_u **varp, int new_value_alloced, char_u *oldval, char *errbuf, int opt_flags, int *value_checked);
-static char *set_chars_option(char_u **varp);
static char *check_stl_option(char_u *s);
static char *check_clipboard_option(void);
-#ifdef FEAT_SPELL
-static char *did_set_spell_option(int is_spellfile);
-static char *compile_cap_prog(synblock_T *synblock);
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
static void set_option_sctx_idx(int opt_idx, int opt_flags, sctx_T script_ctx);
static void option_value2string(struct vimoption *, int opt_flags);
static void check_winopt(winopt_T *wop);
static int wc_use_keyname(char_u *varp, long *wcp);
-static void langmap_init(void);
-static void langmap_set(void);
static void paste_option_changed(void);
static void compatible_set(void);
* Return TRUE if "val" is a valid name: only consists of alphanumeric ASCII
* characters or characters in "allowed".
- static int
+ int
valid_name(char_u *val, char *allowed)
char_u *s;
return valid_name(val, ".-_");
-#if defined(FEAT_SPELL) || defined(PROTO)
- * Return TRUE if "val" is a valid 'spellang' value.
- */
- int
-valid_spellang(char_u *val)
- return valid_name(val, ".-_,@");
- * Return TRUE if "val" is a valid 'spellfile' value.
- */
- static int
-valid_spellfile(char_u *val)
- char_u *s;
- for (s = val; *s != NUL; ++s)
- if (!vim_isfilec(*s) && *s != ',')
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
* Handle string options that need some action to perform when changed.
* Returns NULL for success, or an error message for an error.
return errmsg;
-#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(PROTO)
- * Simple int comparison function for use with qsort()
- */
- static int
-int_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
- return *(const int *)a - *(const int *)b;
- * Handle setting 'colorcolumn' or 'textwidth' in window "wp".
- * Returns error message, NULL if it's OK.
- */
- char *
-check_colorcolumn(win_T *wp)
- char_u *s;
- int col;
- int count = 0;
- int color_cols[256];
- int i;
- int j = 0;
- if (wp->w_buffer == NULL)
- return NULL; /* buffer was closed */
- for (s = wp->w_p_cc; *s != NUL && count < 255;)
- {
- if (*s == '-' || *s == '+')
- {
- /* -N and +N: add to 'textwidth' */
- col = (*s == '-') ? -1 : 1;
- ++s;
- if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
- return e_invarg;
- col = col * getdigits(&s);
- if (wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw == 0)
- goto skip; /* 'textwidth' not set, skip this item */
- col += wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw;
- if (col < 0)
- goto skip;
- }
- else if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
- col = getdigits(&s);
- else
- return e_invarg;
- color_cols[count++] = col - 1; /* 1-based to 0-based */
- if (*s == NUL)
- break;
- if (*s != ',')
- return e_invarg;
- if (*++s == NUL)
- return e_invarg; /* illegal trailing comma as in "set cc=80," */
- }
- vim_free(wp->w_p_cc_cols);
- if (count == 0)
- wp->w_p_cc_cols = NULL;
- else
- {
- wp->w_p_cc_cols = ALLOC_MULT(int, count + 1);
- if (wp->w_p_cc_cols != NULL)
- {
- /* sort the columns for faster usage on screen redraw inside
- * win_line() */
- qsort(color_cols, count, sizeof(int), int_cmp);
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- /* skip duplicates */
- if (j == 0 || wp->w_p_cc_cols[j - 1] != color_cols[i])
- wp->w_p_cc_cols[j++] = color_cols[i];
- wp->w_p_cc_cols[j] = -1; /* end marker */
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* no error */
- * Handle setting 'listchars' or 'fillchars'.
- * Returns error message, NULL if it's OK.
- */
- static char *
-set_chars_option(char_u **varp)
- int round, i, len, entries;
- char_u *p, *s;
- int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
- struct charstab
- {
- int *cp;
- char *name;
- };
- static struct charstab filltab[] =
- {
- {&fill_stl, "stl"},
- {&fill_stlnc, "stlnc"},
- {&fill_vert, "vert"},
- {&fill_fold, "fold"},
- {&fill_diff, "diff"},
- };
- static struct charstab lcstab[] =
- {
- {&lcs_eol, "eol"},
- {&lcs_ext, "extends"},
- {&lcs_nbsp, "nbsp"},
- {&lcs_prec, "precedes"},
- {&lcs_space, "space"},
- {&lcs_tab2, "tab"},
- {&lcs_trail, "trail"},
- {&lcs_conceal, "conceal"},
- {NULL, "conceal"},
- };
- struct charstab *tab;
- if (varp == &p_lcs)
- {
- tab = lcstab;
- entries = sizeof(lcstab) / sizeof(struct charstab);
- }
- else
- {
- tab = filltab;
- entries = sizeof(filltab) / sizeof(struct charstab);
- }
- /* first round: check for valid value, second round: assign values */
- for (round = 0; round <= 1; ++round)
- {
- if (round > 0)
- {
- /* After checking that the value is valid: set defaults: space for
- * 'fillchars', NUL for 'listchars' */
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
- if (tab[i].cp != NULL)
- *(tab[i].cp) = (varp == &p_lcs ? NUL : ' ');
- if (varp == &p_lcs)
- {
- lcs_tab1 = NUL;
- lcs_tab3 = NUL;
- }
- else
- fill_diff = '-';
- }
- p = *varp;
- while (*p)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
- {
- len = (int)STRLEN(tab[i].name);
- if (STRNCMP(p, tab[i].name, len) == 0
- && p[len] == ':'
- && p[len + 1] != NUL)
- {
- c2 = c3 = 0;
- s = p + len + 1;
- c1 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
- if (mb_char2cells(c1) > 1)
- continue;
- if (tab[i].cp == &lcs_tab2)
- {
- if (*s == NUL)
- continue;
- c2 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
- if (mb_char2cells(c2) > 1)
- continue;
- if (!(*s == ',' || *s == NUL))
- {
- c3 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
- if (mb_char2cells(c3) > 1)
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (*s == ',' || *s == NUL)
- {
- if (round)
- {
- if (tab[i].cp == &lcs_tab2)
- {
- lcs_tab1 = c1;
- lcs_tab2 = c2;
- lcs_tab3 = c3;
- }
- else if (tab[i].cp != NULL)
- *(tab[i].cp) = c1;
- }
- p = s;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i == entries)
- return e_invarg;
- if (*p == ',')
- ++p;
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* no error */
* Check validity of options with the 'statusline' format.
-#ifdef FEAT_SPELL
- * Handle side effects of setting 'spell'.
- * Return an error message or NULL for success.
- */
- static char *
-did_set_spell_option(int is_spellfile)
- char *errmsg = NULL;
- win_T *wp;
- int l;
- if (is_spellfile)
- {
- l = (int)STRLEN(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf);
- if (l > 0 && (l < 4
- || STRCMP(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf + l - 4, ".add") != 0))
- errmsg = e_invarg;
- }
- if (errmsg == NULL)
- {
- if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf && wp->w_p_spell)
- {
- errmsg = did_set_spelllang(wp);
- break;
- }
- }
- return errmsg;
- * Set curbuf->b_cap_prog to the regexp program for 'spellcapcheck'.
- * Return error message when failed, NULL when OK.
- */
- static char *
-compile_cap_prog(synblock_T *synblock)
- regprog_T *rp = synblock->b_cap_prog;
- char_u *re;
- if (*synblock->b_p_spc == NUL)
- synblock->b_cap_prog = NULL;
- else
- {
- /* Prepend a ^ so that we only match at one column */
- re = concat_str((char_u *)"^", synblock->b_p_spc);
- if (re != NULL)
- {
- synblock->b_cap_prog = vim_regcomp(re, RE_MAGIC);
- vim_free(re);
- if (synblock->b_cap_prog == NULL)
- {
- synblock->b_cap_prog = rp; /* restore the previous program */
- return e_invarg;
- }
- }
- }
- vim_regfree(rp);
- return NULL;
#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
* Set the script_ctx for an option, taking care of setting the buffer- or
return (p->fullname[0] == 't' && p->fullname[1] == '_');
- * Compute columns for ruler and shown command. 'sc_col' is also used to
- * decide what the maximum length of a message on the status line can be.
- * If there is a status line for the last window, 'sc_col' is independent
- * of 'ru_col'.
- */
-#define COL_RULER 17 /* columns needed by standard ruler */
- void
-#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_INFO)
- int last_has_status = (p_ls == 2 || (p_ls == 1 && !ONE_WINDOW));
- sc_col = 0;
- ru_col = 0;
- if (p_ru)
- {
-# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
- ru_col = (ru_wid ? ru_wid : COL_RULER) + 1;
-# else
- ru_col = COL_RULER + 1;
-# endif
- /* no last status line, adjust sc_col */
- if (!last_has_status)
- sc_col = ru_col;
- }
- if (p_sc)
- {
- sc_col += SHOWCMD_COLS;
- if (!p_ru || last_has_status) /* no need for separating space */
- ++sc_col;
- }
- sc_col = Columns - sc_col;
- ru_col = Columns - ru_col;
- if (sc_col <= 0) /* screen too narrow, will become a mess */
- sc_col = 1;
- if (ru_col <= 0)
- ru_col = 1;
- sc_col = Columns;
- ru_col = Columns;
-#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- set_vim_var_nr(VV_ECHOSPACE, sc_col - 1);
#if defined(FEAT_PYTHON) || defined(FEAT_PYTHON3) || defined(PROTO)
* Unset local option value, similar to ":set opt<".
return FALSE;
-#if defined(FEAT_LANGMAP) || defined(PROTO)
- * Any character has an equivalent 'langmap' character. This is used for
- * keyboards that have a special language mode that sends characters above
- * 128 (although other characters can be translated too). The "to" field is a
- * Vim command character. This avoids having to switch the keyboard back to
- * ASCII mode when leaving Insert mode.
- *
- * langmap_mapchar[] maps any of 256 chars to an ASCII char used for Vim
- * commands.
- * langmap_mapga.ga_data is a sorted table of langmap_entry_T. This does the
- * same as langmap_mapchar[] for characters >= 256.
- *
- * Use growarray for 'langmap' chars >= 256
- */
-typedef struct
- int from;
- int to;
-} langmap_entry_T;
-static garray_T langmap_mapga;
- * Search for an entry in "langmap_mapga" for "from". If found set the "to"
- * field. If not found insert a new entry at the appropriate location.
- */
- static void
-langmap_set_entry(int from, int to)
- langmap_entry_T *entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data);
- int a = 0;
- int b = langmap_mapga.ga_len;
- /* Do a binary search for an existing entry. */
- while (a != b)
- {
- int i = (a + b) / 2;
- int d = entries[i].from - from;
- if (d == 0)
- {
- entries[i].to = to;
- return;
- }
- if (d < 0)
- a = i + 1;
- else
- b = i;
- }
- if (ga_grow(&langmap_mapga, 1) != OK)
- return; /* out of memory */
- /* insert new entry at position "a" */
- entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data) + a;
- mch_memmove(entries + 1, entries,
- (langmap_mapga.ga_len - a) * sizeof(langmap_entry_T));
- ++langmap_mapga.ga_len;
- entries[0].from = from;
- entries[0].to = to;
- * Apply 'langmap' to multi-byte character "c" and return the result.
- */
- int
-langmap_adjust_mb(int c)
- langmap_entry_T *entries = (langmap_entry_T *)(langmap_mapga.ga_data);
- int a = 0;
- int b = langmap_mapga.ga_len;
- while (a != b)
- {
- int i = (a + b) / 2;
- int d = entries[i].from - c;
- if (d == 0)
- return entries[i].to; /* found matching entry */
- if (d < 0)
- a = i + 1;
- else
- b = i;
- }
- return c; /* no entry found, return "c" unmodified */
- static void
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- langmap_mapchar[i] = i; /* we init with a one-to-one map */
- ga_init2(&langmap_mapga, sizeof(langmap_entry_T), 8);
- * Called when langmap option is set; the language map can be
- * changed at any time!
- */
- static void
- char_u *p;
- char_u *p2;
- int from, to;
- ga_clear(&langmap_mapga); /* clear the previous map first */
- langmap_init(); /* back to one-to-one map */
- for (p = p_langmap; p[0] != NUL; )
- {
- for (p2 = p; p2[0] != NUL && p2[0] != ',' && p2[0] != ';';
- MB_PTR_ADV(p2))
- {
- if (p2[0] == '\\' && p2[1] != NUL)
- ++p2;
- }
- if (p2[0] == ';')
- ++p2; /* abcd;ABCD form, p2 points to A */
- else
- p2 = NULL; /* aAbBcCdD form, p2 is NULL */
- while (p[0])
- {
- if (p[0] == ',')
- {
- ++p;
- break;
- }
- if (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] != NUL)
- ++p;
- from = (*mb_ptr2char)(p);
- to = NUL;
- if (p2 == NULL)
- {
- MB_PTR_ADV(p);
- if (p[0] != ',')
- {
- if (p[0] == '\\')
- ++p;
- to = (*mb_ptr2char)(p);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (p2[0] != ',')
- {
- if (p2[0] == '\\')
- ++p2;
- to = (*mb_ptr2char)(p2);
- }
- }
- if (to == NUL)
- {
- semsg(_("E357: 'langmap': Matching character missing for %s"),
- transchar(from));
- return;
- }
- if (from >= 256)
- langmap_set_entry(from, to);
- else
- langmap_mapchar[from & 255] = to;
- /* Advance to next pair */
- MB_PTR_ADV(p);
- if (p2 != NULL)
- {
- MB_PTR_ADV(p2);
- if (*p == ';')
- {
- p = p2;
- if (p[0] != NUL)
- {
- if (p[0] != ',')
- {
- semsg(_("E358: 'langmap': Extra characters after semicolon: %s"), p);
- return;
- }
- ++p;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
* Return TRUE if format option 'x' is in effect.
* Take care of no formatting when 'paste' is set.
return check_opt_strings(p, p_ff_values, FALSE);
-#if defined(FEAT_VARTABS) || defined(PROTO)
- * Set the integer values corresponding to the string setting of 'vartabstop'.
- * "array" will be set, caller must free it if needed.
- */
- int
-tabstop_set(char_u *var, int **array)
- int valcount = 1;
- int t;
- char_u *cp;
- if (var[0] == NUL || (var[0] == '0' && var[1] == NUL))
- {
- *array = NULL;
- return TRUE;
- }
- for (cp = var; *cp != NUL; ++cp)
- {
- if (cp == var || cp[-1] == ',')
- {
- char_u *end;
- if (strtol((char *)cp, (char **)&end, 10) <= 0)
- {
- if (cp != end)
- emsg(_(e_positive));
- else
- emsg(_(e_invarg));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*cp))
- continue;
- if (cp[0] == ',' && cp > var && cp[-1] != ',' && cp[1] != NUL)
- {
- ++valcount;
- continue;
- }
- emsg(_(e_invarg));
- return FALSE;
- }
- *array = ALLOC_MULT(int, valcount + 1);
- if (*array == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- (*array)[0] = valcount;
- t = 1;
- for (cp = var; *cp != NUL;)
- {
- (*array)[t++] = atoi((char *)cp);
- while (*cp != NUL && *cp != ',')
- ++cp;
- if (*cp != NUL)
- ++cp;
- }
- return TRUE;
- * Calculate the number of screen spaces a tab will occupy.
- * If "vts" is set then the tab widths are taken from that array,
- * otherwise the value of ts is used.
- */
- int
-tabstop_padding(colnr_T col, int ts_arg, int *vts)
- int ts = ts_arg == 0 ? 8 : ts_arg;
- int tabcount;
- colnr_T tabcol = 0;
- int t;
- int padding = 0;
- if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
- return ts - (col % ts);
- tabcount = vts[0];
- for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
- {
- tabcol += vts[t];
- if (tabcol > col)
- {
- padding = (int)(tabcol - col);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (t > tabcount)
- padding = vts[tabcount] - (int)((col - tabcol) % vts[tabcount]);
- return padding;
- * Find the size of the tab that covers a particular column.
- */
- int
-tabstop_at(colnr_T col, int ts, int *vts)
- int tabcount;
- colnr_T tabcol = 0;
- int t;
- int tab_size = 0;
- if (vts == 0 || vts[0] == 0)
- return ts;
- tabcount = vts[0];
- for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
- {
- tabcol += vts[t];
- if (tabcol > col)
- {
- tab_size = vts[t];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (t > tabcount)
- tab_size = vts[tabcount];
- return tab_size;
- * Find the column on which a tab starts.
- */
- colnr_T
-tabstop_start(colnr_T col, int ts, int *vts)
- int tabcount;
- colnr_T tabcol = 0;
- int t;
- int excess;
- if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
- return (col / ts) * ts;
- tabcount = vts[0];
- for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
- {
- tabcol += vts[t];
- if (tabcol > col)
- return tabcol - vts[t];
- }
- excess = tabcol % vts[tabcount];
- return excess + ((col - excess) / vts[tabcount]) * vts[tabcount];
- * Find the number of tabs and spaces necessary to get from one column
- * to another.
- */
- void
- colnr_T start_col,
- colnr_T end_col,
- int ts_arg,
- int *vts,
- int *ntabs,
- int *nspcs)
- int spaces = end_col - start_col;
- colnr_T tabcol = 0;
- int padding = 0;
- int tabcount;
- int t;
- int ts = ts_arg == 0 ? curbuf->b_p_ts : ts_arg;
- if (vts == NULL || vts[0] == 0)
- {
- int tabs = 0;
- int initspc = 0;
- initspc = ts - (start_col % ts);
- if (spaces >= initspc)
- {
- spaces -= initspc;
- tabs++;
- }
- tabs += spaces / ts;
- spaces -= (spaces / ts) * ts;
- *ntabs = tabs;
- *nspcs = spaces;
- return;
- }
- /* Find the padding needed to reach the next tabstop. */
- tabcount = vts[0];
- for (t = 1; t <= tabcount; ++t)
- {
- tabcol += vts[t];
- if (tabcol > start_col)
- {
- padding = (int)(tabcol - start_col);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (t > tabcount)
- padding = vts[tabcount] - (int)((start_col - tabcol) % vts[tabcount]);
- /* If the space needed is less than the padding no tabs can be used. */
- if (spaces < padding)
- {
- *ntabs = 0;
- *nspcs = spaces;
- return;
- }
- *ntabs = 1;
- spaces -= padding;
- /* At least one tab has been used. See if any more will fit. */
- while (spaces != 0 && ++t <= tabcount)
- {
- padding = vts[t];
- if (spaces < padding)
- {
- *nspcs = spaces;
- return;
- }
- ++*ntabs;
- spaces -= padding;
- }
- *ntabs += spaces / vts[tabcount];
- *nspcs = spaces % vts[tabcount];
- * See if two tabstop arrays contain the same values.
- */
- int
-tabstop_eq(int *ts1, int *ts2)
- int t;
- if ((ts1 == 0 && ts2) || (ts1 && ts2 == 0))
- return FALSE;
- if (ts1 == ts2)
- return TRUE;
- if (ts1[0] != ts2[0])
- return FALSE;
- for (t = 1; t <= ts1[0]; ++t)
- if (ts1[t] != ts2[t])
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-#if defined(FEAT_BEVAL) || defined(PROTO)
- * Copy a tabstop array, allocating space for the new array.
- */
- int *
-tabstop_copy(int *oldts)
- int *newts;
- int t;
- if (oldts == NULL)
- return NULL;
- newts = ALLOC_MULT(int, oldts[0] + 1);
- if (newts != NULL)
- for (t = 0; t <= oldts[0]; ++t)
- newts[t] = oldts[t];
- return newts;
- * Return a count of the number of tabstops.
- */
- int
-tabstop_count(int *ts)
- return ts != NULL ? ts[0] : 0;
- * Return the first tabstop, or 8 if there are no tabstops defined.
- */
- int
-tabstop_first(int *ts)
- return ts != NULL ? ts[1] : 8;
- * Return the effective shiftwidth value for current buffer, using the
- * 'tabstop' value when 'shiftwidth' is zero.
- */
- long
-get_sw_value(buf_T *buf)
- return get_sw_value_col(buf, 0);
- * Idem, using "pos".
- */
- static long
-get_sw_value_pos(buf_T *buf, pos_T *pos)
- pos_T save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
- long sw_value;
- curwin->w_cursor = *pos;
- sw_value = get_sw_value_col(buf, get_nolist_virtcol());
- curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
- return sw_value;
- * Idem, using the first non-black in the current line.
- */
- long
-get_sw_value_indent(buf_T *buf)
- pos_T pos = curwin->w_cursor;
- pos.col = getwhitecols_curline();
- return get_sw_value_pos(buf, &pos);
- * Idem, using virtual column "col".
- */
- long
-get_sw_value_col(buf_T *buf, colnr_T col UNUSED)
- return buf->b_p_sw ? buf->b_p_sw :
- tabstop_at(col, buf->b_p_ts, buf->b_p_vts_array);
- #else
- buf->b_p_ts;
- #endif
- * Return the effective softtabstop value for the current buffer, using the
- * 'shiftwidth' value when 'softtabstop' is negative.
- */
- long
- return curbuf->b_p_sts < 0 ? get_sw_value(curbuf) : curbuf->b_p_sts;
* Return the effective 'scrolloff' value for the current window, using the
* global value when appropriate.
void get_maparg(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv, int exact);
void init_mappings(void);
void add_map(char_u *map, int mode);
+int langmap_adjust_mb(int c);
+void langmap_init(void);
+void langmap_set(void);
void ex_abbreviate(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_map(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_unmap(exarg_T *eap);
void set_string_option_direct(char_u *name, int opt_idx, char_u *val, int opt_flags, int set_sid);
void set_string_option_direct_in_win(win_T *wp, char_u *name, int opt_idx, char_u *val, int opt_flags, int set_sid);
void set_string_option_direct_in_buf(buf_T *buf, char_u *name, int opt_idx, char_u *val, int opt_flags, int set_sid);
-int valid_spellang(char_u *val);
-char *check_colorcolumn(win_T *wp);
+int valid_name(char_u *val, char *allowed);
void set_term_option_sctx_idx(char *name, int opt_idx);
int get_option_value(char_u *name, long *numval, char_u **stringval, int opt_flags);
int get_option_value_strict(char_u *name, long *numval, char_u **stringval, int opt_type, void *from);
void free_termoptions(void);
void free_one_termoption(char_u *var);
void set_term_defaults(void);
-void comp_col(void);
void unset_global_local_option(char_u *name, void *from);
char_u *get_equalprg(void);
void win_copy_options(win_T *wp_from, win_T *wp_to);
void set_context_in_set_cmd(expand_T *xp, char_u *arg, int opt_flags);
int ExpandSettings(expand_T *xp, regmatch_T *regmatch, int *num_file, char_u ***file);
int ExpandOldSetting(int *num_file, char_u ***file);
-int langmap_adjust_mb(int c);
int has_format_option(int x);
int shortmess(int x);
void vimrc_found(char_u *fname, char_u *envname);
void ex_cbelow(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_cfile(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_vimgrep(exarg_T *eap);
-int get_errorlist(qf_info_T *qi_arg, win_T *wp, int qf_idx, list_T *list);
-int qf_get_properties(win_T *wp, dict_T *what, dict_T *retdict);
int set_errorlist(win_T *wp, list_T *list, int action, char_u *title, dict_T *what);
int set_ref_in_quickfix(int copyID);
void ex_cbuffer(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_cexpr(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_helpgrep(exarg_T *eap);
+void f_getloclist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+void f_getqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+void f_setloclist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+void f_setqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
int redrawing(void);
int messaging(void);
void showruler(int always);
+void comp_col(void);
int number_width(win_T *wp);
int screen_screencol(void);
int screen_screenrow(void);
+char *set_chars_option(char_u **varp);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
int spell_word_start(int startcol);
void spell_expand_check_cap(colnr_T col);
int expand_spelling(linenr_T lnum, char_u *pat, char_u ***matchp);
+int valid_spellang(char_u *val);
+int valid_spellfile(char_u *val);
+char *did_set_spell_option(int is_spellfile);
+char *compile_cap_prog(synblock_T *synblock);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
int win_hasvertsplit(void);
int get_win_number(win_T *wp, win_T *first_win);
int get_tab_number(tabpage_T *tp);
+char *check_colorcolumn(win_T *wp);
int win_getid(typval_T *argvars);
int win_gotoid(typval_T *argvars);
void win_id2tabwin(typval_T *argvars, list_T *list);
* Add each quickfix error to list "list" as a dictionary.
* If qf_idx is -1, use the current list. Otherwise, use the specified list.
- int
+ static int
get_errorlist(qf_info_T *qi_arg, win_T *wp, int qf_idx, list_T *list)
qf_info_T *qi = qi_arg;
* dictionary. 'what' contains the details to return. If 'list_idx' is -1,
* then current list is used. Otherwise the specified list is used.
- int
+ static int
qf_get_properties(win_T *wp, dict_T *what, dict_T *retdict)
qf_info_T *qi = &ql_info;
curwin->w_llist = qi;
#endif /* FEAT_QUICKFIX */
+#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+ static void
+get_qf_loc_list(int is_qf, win_T *wp, typval_T *what_arg, typval_T *rettv)
+ if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if (rettv_list_alloc(rettv) == OK)
+ if (is_qf || wp != NULL)
+ (void)get_errorlist(NULL, wp, -1, rettv->vval.v_list);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rettv_dict_alloc(rettv) == OK)
+ if (is_qf || (wp != NULL))
+ {
+ if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_DICT)
+ {
+ dict_T *d = what_arg->vval.v_dict;
+ if (d != NULL)
+ qf_get_properties(wp, d, rettv->vval.v_dict);
+ }
+ else
+ emsg(_(e_dictreq));
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ * "getloclist()" function
+ */
+ void
+f_getloclist(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
+ win_T *wp;
+ wp = find_win_by_nr_or_id(&argvars[0]);
+ get_qf_loc_list(FALSE, wp, &argvars[1], rettv);
+# endif
+ * "getqflist()" function
+ */
+ void
+f_getqflist(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
+ get_qf_loc_list(TRUE, NULL, &argvars[0], rettv);
+# endif
+ * Used by "setqflist()" and "setloclist()" functions
+ */
+ static void
+ win_T *wp UNUSED,
+ typval_T *list_arg UNUSED,
+ typval_T *action_arg UNUSED,
+ typval_T *what_arg UNUSED,
+ typval_T *rettv)
+ static char *e_invact = N_("E927: Invalid action: '%s'");
+ char_u *act;
+ int action = 0;
+ static int recursive = 0;
+# endif
+ rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
+ if (list_arg->v_type != VAR_LIST)
+ emsg(_(e_listreq));
+ else if (recursive != 0)
+ emsg(_(e_au_recursive));
+ else
+ {
+ list_T *l = list_arg->vval.v_list;
+ dict_T *d = NULL;
+ int valid_dict = TRUE;
+ if (action_arg->v_type == VAR_STRING)
+ {
+ act = tv_get_string_chk(action_arg);
+ if (act == NULL)
+ return; // type error; errmsg already given
+ if ((*act == 'a' || *act == 'r' || *act == ' ' || *act == 'f') &&
+ act[1] == NUL)
+ action = *act;
+ else
+ semsg(_(e_invact), act);
+ }
+ else if (action_arg->v_type == VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ action = ' ';
+ else
+ emsg(_(e_stringreq));
+ if (action_arg->v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN
+ && what_arg->v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if (what_arg->v_type == VAR_DICT)
+ d = what_arg->vval.v_dict;
+ else
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_dictreq));
+ valid_dict = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ ++recursive;
+ if (l != NULL && action && valid_dict && set_errorlist(wp, l, action,
+ (char_u *)(wp == NULL ? ":setqflist()" : ":setloclist()"),
+ d) == OK)
+ rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
+ --recursive;
+ }
+# endif
+ * "setloclist()" function
+ */
+ void
+f_setloclist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
+ win_T *win;
+ rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
+ win = find_win_by_nr_or_id(&argvars[0]);
+ if (win != NULL)
+ set_qf_ll_list(win, &argvars[1], &argvars[2], &argvars[3], rettv);
+ * "setqflist()" function
+ */
+ void
+f_setqflist(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
+ set_qf_ll_list(NULL, &argvars[0], &argvars[1], &argvars[2], rettv);
+ * Compute columns for ruler and shown command. 'sc_col' is also used to
+ * decide what the maximum length of a message on the status line can be.
+ * If there is a status line for the last window, 'sc_col' is independent
+ * of 'ru_col'.
+ */
+#define COL_RULER 17 // columns needed by standard ruler
+ void
+#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_INFO)
+ int last_has_status = (p_ls == 2 || (p_ls == 1 && !ONE_WINDOW));
+ sc_col = 0;
+ ru_col = 0;
+ if (p_ru)
+ {
+# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
+ ru_col = (ru_wid ? ru_wid : COL_RULER) + 1;
+# else
+ ru_col = COL_RULER + 1;
+# endif
+ // no last status line, adjust sc_col
+ if (!last_has_status)
+ sc_col = ru_col;
+ }
+ if (p_sc)
+ {
+ sc_col += SHOWCMD_COLS;
+ if (!p_ru || last_has_status) // no need for separating space
+ ++sc_col;
+ }
+ sc_col = Columns - sc_col;
+ ru_col = Columns - ru_col;
+ if (sc_col <= 0) // screen too narrow, will become a mess
+ sc_col = 1;
+ if (ru_col <= 0)
+ ru_col = 1;
+ sc_col = Columns;
+ ru_col = Columns;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ set_vim_var_nr(VV_ECHOSPACE, sc_col - 1);
#if defined(FEAT_LINEBREAK) || defined(PROTO)
* Return the width of the 'number' and 'relativenumber' column.
return screen_cur_row;
+ * Handle setting 'listchars' or 'fillchars'.
+ * Returns error message, NULL if it's OK.
+ */
+ char *
+set_chars_option(char_u **varp)
+ int round, i, len, entries;
+ char_u *p, *s;
+ int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
+ struct charstab
+ {
+ int *cp;
+ char *name;
+ };
+ static struct charstab filltab[] =
+ {
+ {&fill_stl, "stl"},
+ {&fill_stlnc, "stlnc"},
+ {&fill_vert, "vert"},
+ {&fill_fold, "fold"},
+ {&fill_diff, "diff"},
+ };
+ static struct charstab lcstab[] =
+ {
+ {&lcs_eol, "eol"},
+ {&lcs_ext, "extends"},
+ {&lcs_nbsp, "nbsp"},
+ {&lcs_prec, "precedes"},
+ {&lcs_space, "space"},
+ {&lcs_tab2, "tab"},
+ {&lcs_trail, "trail"},
+ {&lcs_conceal, "conceal"},
+ {NULL, "conceal"},
+ };
+ struct charstab *tab;
+ if (varp == &p_lcs)
+ {
+ tab = lcstab;
+ entries = sizeof(lcstab) / sizeof(struct charstab);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tab = filltab;
+ entries = sizeof(filltab) / sizeof(struct charstab);
+ }
+ // first round: check for valid value, second round: assign values
+ for (round = 0; round <= 1; ++round)
+ {
+ if (round > 0)
+ {
+ // After checking that the value is valid: set defaults: space for
+ // 'fillchars', NUL for 'listchars'
+ for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
+ if (tab[i].cp != NULL)
+ *(tab[i].cp) = (varp == &p_lcs ? NUL : ' ');
+ if (varp == &p_lcs)
+ {
+ lcs_tab1 = NUL;
+ lcs_tab3 = NUL;
+ }
+ else
+ fill_diff = '-';
+ }
+ p = *varp;
+ while (*p)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
+ {
+ len = (int)STRLEN(tab[i].name);
+ if (STRNCMP(p, tab[i].name, len) == 0
+ && p[len] == ':'
+ && p[len + 1] != NUL)
+ {
+ c2 = c3 = 0;
+ s = p + len + 1;
+ c1 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
+ if (mb_char2cells(c1) > 1)
+ continue;
+ if (tab[i].cp == &lcs_tab2)
+ {
+ if (*s == NUL)
+ continue;
+ c2 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
+ if (mb_char2cells(c2) > 1)
+ continue;
+ if (!(*s == ',' || *s == NUL))
+ {
+ c3 = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
+ if (mb_char2cells(c3) > 1)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*s == ',' || *s == NUL)
+ {
+ if (round)
+ {
+ if (tab[i].cp == &lcs_tab2)
+ {
+ lcs_tab1 = c1;
+ lcs_tab2 = c2;
+ lcs_tab3 = c3;
+ }
+ else if (tab[i].cp != NULL)
+ *(tab[i].cp) = c1;
+ }
+ p = s;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == entries)
+ return e_invarg;
+ if (*p == ',')
+ ++p;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL; // no error
return ga.ga_len;
-#endif /* FEAT_SPELL */
+ * Return TRUE if "val" is a valid 'spellang' value.
+ */
+ int
+valid_spellang(char_u *val)
+ return valid_name(val, ".-_,@");
+ * Return TRUE if "val" is a valid 'spellfile' value.
+ */
+ int
+valid_spellfile(char_u *val)
+ char_u *s;
+ for (s = val; *s != NUL; ++s)
+ if (!vim_isfilec(*s) && *s != ',')
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ * Handle side effects of setting 'spell'.
+ * Return an error message or NULL for success.
+ */
+ char *
+did_set_spell_option(int is_spellfile)
+ char *errmsg = NULL;
+ win_T *wp;
+ int l;
+ if (is_spellfile)
+ {
+ l = (int)STRLEN(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf);
+ if (l > 0 && (l < 4
+ || STRCMP(curwin->w_s->b_p_spf + l - 4, ".add") != 0))
+ errmsg = e_invarg;
+ }
+ if (errmsg == NULL)
+ {
+ if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf && wp->w_p_spell)
+ {
+ errmsg = did_set_spelllang(wp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return errmsg;
+ * Set curbuf->b_cap_prog to the regexp program for 'spellcapcheck'.
+ * Return error message when failed, NULL when OK.
+ */
+ char *
+compile_cap_prog(synblock_T *synblock)
+ regprog_T *rp = synblock->b_cap_prog;
+ char_u *re;
+ if (*synblock->b_p_spc == NUL)
+ synblock->b_cap_prog = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ // Prepend a ^ so that we only match at one column
+ re = concat_str((char_u *)"^", synblock->b_p_spc);
+ if (re != NULL)
+ {
+ synblock->b_cap_prog = vim_regcomp(re, RE_MAGIC);
+ vim_free(re);
+ if (synblock->b_cap_prog == NULL)
+ {
+ synblock->b_cap_prog = rp; // restore the previous program
+ return e_invarg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vim_regfree(rp);
+ return NULL;
+#endif // FEAT_SPELL
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1966,
return TRUE;
+#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(PROTO)
+ * Simple int comparison function for use with qsort()
+ */
+ static int
+int_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
+ return *(const int *)a - *(const int *)b;
+ * Handle setting 'colorcolumn' or 'textwidth' in window "wp".
+ * Returns error message, NULL if it's OK.
+ */
+ char *
+check_colorcolumn(win_T *wp)
+ char_u *s;
+ int col;
+ int count = 0;
+ int color_cols[256];
+ int i;
+ int j = 0;
+ if (wp->w_buffer == NULL)
+ return NULL; // buffer was closed
+ for (s = wp->w_p_cc; *s != NUL && count < 255;)
+ {
+ if (*s == '-' || *s == '+')
+ {
+ // -N and +N: add to 'textwidth'
+ col = (*s == '-') ? -1 : 1;
+ ++s;
+ if (!VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
+ return e_invarg;
+ col = col * getdigits(&s);
+ if (wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw == 0)
+ goto skip; // 'textwidth' not set, skip this item
+ col += wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw;
+ if (col < 0)
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ else if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*s))
+ col = getdigits(&s);
+ else
+ return e_invarg;
+ color_cols[count++] = col - 1; // 1-based to 0-based
+ if (*s == NUL)
+ break;
+ if (*s != ',')
+ return e_invarg;
+ if (*++s == NUL)
+ return e_invarg; // illegal trailing comma as in "set cc=80,"
+ }
+ vim_free(wp->w_p_cc_cols);
+ if (count == 0)
+ wp->w_p_cc_cols = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ wp->w_p_cc_cols = ALLOC_MULT(int, count + 1);
+ if (wp->w_p_cc_cols != NULL)
+ {
+ // sort the columns for faster usage on screen redraw inside
+ // win_line()
+ qsort(color_cols, count, sizeof(int), int_cmp);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ // skip duplicates
+ if (j == 0 || wp->w_p_cc_cols[j - 1] != color_cols[i])
+ wp->w_p_cc_cols[j++] = color_cols[i];
+ wp->w_p_cc_cols[j] = -1; // end marker
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL; // no error
#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
win_getid(typval_T *argvars)